Maybe 2007 Will Be A Good Year For Us All

I really thought 2006 would be a great year for me. I guess you can't plan these things because it was probably the scariest year of my life. I came off methadone in Sept. 2005, had a much needed surgery on Dec. 26, 2005 from which I nearly died and spent most of 2006 suffering from physical ailments and a deep depression. I'm just a little ray of sunshine, aren't I? LOL! I am determined to have a more positive attitude, quit feeling sorry for myself, and most importantly work on my relationship with God and having more faith and trust in Him. I guess these are my New Years resolutions even though I don't really do resolutions. More like things I need to work on. Thank you all who have been supportive and comforting to me over the past year. I look forward to being able to post with you all in 2007! Happy New Year!

I can't imagine being in that kind of pain for an entire year! I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles. Reading about the pain of others really puts my own pain into perspective.

I don't know how you're surviving like that, but I wish you much strength for the new year. Your positivity is obviously very strong, I really admire that. If you can be strong then I can too. It's so nice to read about other people going through real stuff, it makes me feel less alone.

Praying for you, stay strong!
Thanks Westwind,

It has been a hard year for me but I know there are people in so much more pain then me. Some people have chronic pain and I feel so bad for them. I have a good family. I have a faithful husband, a gorgeous daughter, and 2 older sisters that are my rocks. So I realize that although I have struggled I have also been very blessed. I am going to try to focus more on those positive things. I have spent to much time in the past year feeling sorry for myself.
