How did the sleepover go? Tommy had one friend over last night, (six they are) and they stayed up till around 11 so I'm up at 5 to get some peace and quiet and coffee before they wake up.
BUT, you had what, 8? You angel you, let me know how it went and how your house looks!
Mornin Roe...let's see, they stayed up till 1 and then got up at I feel like a zombie, house is clean, because we put up tents out in the back it was peaceful for the 5 hours they were sleeping, we only are waiting on 1 girls mommy to come, she is late. then my 4 kids and I are taking a nap!!!! Thanks for asking...Kim
for my then 9 yrold turning ten, we had a sleep over.i had 9 boys ! age ranging from 9-14...(what the hell was i thinking
0 thats not including the baby who wasn't quiet 2 at the time..
and my husband who happens to think he's still a kid..
but he says he's got it better he's a kid w/ credit cards and
anyway, we live in a two bedroom apartment. it's not real small,but its still an apartment..
thought i was gonna have to ducktape all of them and hide them in the
we had boys everywhere sleeping.when i finally got them to sleep...
only for bout 3 hrs. needless to say we kicked eveyone out the next day and took a nap!!!dj
0 thats not including the baby who wasn't quiet 2 at the time..
and my husband who happens to think he's still a kid..
but he says he's got it better he's a kid w/ credit cards and
anyway, we live in a two bedroom apartment. it's not real small,but its still an apartment..
thought i was gonna have to ducktape all of them and hide them in the
we had boys everywhere sleeping.when i finally got them to sleep...
only for bout 3 hrs. needless to say we kicked eveyone out the next day and took a nap!!!dj
I know you guys,
Sleepovers are fun (NOT) When my daughter who's now fourteen was seven, I decided to have a sleepover and let her invite whoever she wanted. It turned out to be 8 little girls. I called three of their moms because they were crying to go home, and ended up bed-hopping because they were all scared and wanted to sleep with me. I think I zoned out for two days after that! Does that mean there is a fine line between good moms and nutcases?
Sleepovers are fun (NOT) When my daughter who's now fourteen was seven, I decided to have a sleepover and let her invite whoever she wanted. It turned out to be 8 little girls. I called three of their moms because they were crying to go home, and ended up bed-hopping because they were all scared and wanted to sleep with me. I think I zoned out for two days after that! Does that mean there is a fine line between good moms and nutcases?
LMAO..."a fine line between mom's and nutcases"....that's good. As mom's we want to make our kids happy, even though we can definetly do without sleepovers, we have good intentions. We can't predict how other kids will act, so if they are bad, it's not our fault...they were just raised that way (just kidding). But think about it, aren't mom's and nutcases one in the same, I mean look at what we put ourselves through during Kim
You hit that nail on the head Kim. Childbirth. Makes me want to cross my legs. My first and third were Csections, the first was easy, her heartbeat would drop with every small contraction that I couldn't even feel and they hurried me in the surgery room, next thing I knew I was holding the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. My daughter. she was all wrapped up and cleaned up.
Alex, the eleven year old, was the old fashioned way and oueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Tommy was the worst tho. I wouldn't dialate past I can't remember the number and they put pitocin in and I had bad contractions all day long. Then they turned it off and sent me home for three days. could have shot 'em all.
Then I came back, they started the pitocin, let me go all day again, then at four in the afternoon decided to do the c-section.(Probably close to tee time)
It was funny tho, because when I first saw Nick, like I said, she was all cleaned up with her little pink hat on and all pinky and just beautiful. When I first saw Alex, after having him naturally, he scared me. All bloody and stuff.
Anyhoo, rambling on I guess. My father in law has a saying, he has nine kids, he says "I wouldn't trade a one of 'em for a million bucks, but I wouldn't pay a penny for another one".
Alex, the eleven year old, was the old fashioned way and oueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Tommy was the worst tho. I wouldn't dialate past I can't remember the number and they put pitocin in and I had bad contractions all day long. Then they turned it off and sent me home for three days. could have shot 'em all.
Then I came back, they started the pitocin, let me go all day again, then at four in the afternoon decided to do the c-section.(Probably close to tee time)
It was funny tho, because when I first saw Nick, like I said, she was all cleaned up with her little pink hat on and all pinky and just beautiful. When I first saw Alex, after having him naturally, he scared me. All bloody and stuff.
Anyhoo, rambling on I guess. My father in law has a saying, he has nine kids, he says "I wouldn't trade a one of 'em for a million bucks, but I wouldn't pay a penny for another one".
An afterthought. After they took the iv's out with Nick and Alex, they started giving me vicodin for pain, the first dose was 2 5mgs pills. The second dose, I said "only give me one" these things are too strong. Come a long way, in a bad way.