Me Or The Needles

hey, me again, thanks so much for all your posts. i did confront him about banging up his subutex, and he denied the whole thing and then walked out. so then i started doubting myself, maybe i was just imagining things. but no. we're in the process of moving, and he had this old jacket which i didnt think he wanted to keep, so i went through all the pockets and guess what i found? pins, pins, and yet more pins, every single pocket was fullof them, and there were 2 spoons in there too, on which the filter looks a bit too browny to be Subutex. i havent said anything since that night, and he doesnt know i know about the jacket, but i just dont know what to say or do. money keeps going missing from my account aswell cuz sometimes he gets paid into my account, so i took the card off him, and he said "what is your problem? don't you trust me?" what the hell was i supposed to say? any advice would be insanely appreciated. but i dont want to leave him, i love him too much to let him mess up again, plus we've got a little one on the way, i really want to help him through it, not punish him by leaving him just cuz he's unable to move on. thankyou, confused.
I totally understand that you love him and feels guilty for leaving him. I felt the same with my husband. Try and talk to him about this and tell him to get help and that you'll support him. If he denies, show him your evidence. I just hope that you are not emotionally, verbally or physically abused. If you are, please leave him. You have to love yourself and your little one on the way. If he really loves the both of you, he will try his best to get out of this mess. Good luck!
If there's a little one on the way, I would have to say this - tell him you know about the jacket, tell him that your little one WILL NOT be raised around an addict, that you WILL NOT risk having your little one taken away by the authorities because you live with an addict, and issue him the ultimatem - tough love works. You say "Me or the Needles" and I know that's a hard thing to say but, don't think of it as punishment. There's going to be a child to think about and that has to come first. You can be real open with him, tell him you'll be there for him any time he is ready to get serious about getting help, but until then the little one has to be your main priority and you can't let his addictions get in the way.
cheers you two, great help. it all came to a head the other night, and he admitted numerous things, one being about the injecting subutex, he has promised me he'll stop, and i half believe him, but you know what its like, after theyve lied afew times you cant quite tell if theyre ever being honest. he came crying to me yesterday saying that hes never gonna do it again as his veins are so crap he has to keep going in his feet, and he doesnt want his feet to fall off, he wants to really get over it bla bla bla, but i really dont know if this is just more manipu
lation, ie that he's making a big show of regret but actually he's just trying to make me think that hes gonna stop when really hell carry on doing it and carry on laughing at me. but i will have to say something cuz i cant deal with all these rollercoaster emotions. its we
ird though, cuz if I was the one with the problem and if he was as upset as ive been, i know that i would make a real effort to stop, out of respect for him, and id be able to see sense in that its majorly dangerous and stupid, and i would appreciate the support that my loved one was giving me. why is it always so hard? oh well, guess thats just life. ill keep you posted. never underestimate the power of your souls. confused xx