Meditation for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday on the Passion and Death of Jesus the Christ. Events that undeniably changed the world forever.
Unite your sufferring, humiliations and deprivations to His.
In the hope that we will all take the time to reflect, appreciate , and know that our voices are heard when we talk to him , take the time and speak to him what you only think,..... a few minutes can give enormous comfort, to those that celebrate, this holiday have a wonderful Easter Sunday, and to everyone else , take the time to take care of you on this day, your worth it, and I will light a candle for us all in the hope that life will only get better, you just have to choose to live it. good thought to everyone, and as usual MR.B, you are right on , Laura
Thank you for sharing this link. What comfort we can find in reflecting on these Stations of the Cross. I have passed this on to others, but just wanted to thank you. Have a blessed Easter!
Thank you for sharing this link. What comfort we can find in reflecting on these Stations of the Cross. I have passed this on to others, but just wanted to thank you. Have a blessed Easter!
sue, thank you for responding and affirming me.
i'm glad that you found meaning in the stations, a traditional Lenten and Good Friday meditation in my religious tradition for several centuries.
and, if i may pray and meditate with you for just a moment, let us never forget that we can better understand the joys of Easter by better understanding the Cross. maybe we can only understand Easter by understanding, as best we can, the Cross.
and we can better understand and endure our suffering and our cross or crosses, if we join our suffering and cross with His (and hers, his mother, Mary, who stood at the foot of that cross, powerless over the events of the day and the events of her day).
a happy and holy Good Friday to you and your family.
peace be with you (even in the midst of your suffering).
Thanks for your insightful words. I share your same religious beliefs. Just got back from Confession (after waiting 2 hours in line w/my kids!) and will be attending Stations of the Cross this evening. I haven't done the whole "Holy Week thing" since I was a kid. We went to Mass last night and it was beautiful. I take great strength in the age old traditions of our Church and it feels good to be back. I never did leave the faith, just shed some of the tradition I was "too busy" for. Thanks again to you and I hope your Easter will be blessed!
Thanks for your insightful words. I share your same religious beliefs. Just got back from Confession (after waiting 2 hours in line w/my kids!) and will be attending Stations of the Cross this evening. I haven't done the whole "Holy Week thing" since I was a kid. We went to Mass last night and it was beautiful. I take great strength in the age old traditions of our Church and it feels good to be back. I never did leave the faith, just shed some of the tradition I was "too busy" for. Thanks again to you and I hope your Easter will be blessed!
laura and sue, thanks for writing to me. yes, laura, at least i have found that those quiet moments of thoughtful reflection, marked with prayer and a lighted candle, are very worthwhile. consoling, and not without their effects.
sue, there are few things in this world more beautiful (at least to me) than the sight of a parent and children waiting for sacramental confession. wow.
and few things more healing and freeing than a cleaned and clear conscience.
thanks for the blessing, sue.
yes, i am truly blessed. i know it. and i am filled with gratitude.
Dear Bob,
When I attended Stations of the Cross today, they touched me like they NEVER have because I feel I have been helping to bear Christ's cross through my son's addiction problems. One prayer that stood out particularly for my son and fellow addicts is this....
Lord, never let me feel that any sin of mine is greater than your love for me.
No matter what my past has been, I can begin anew!
If that doesn't give hope, I don't know what does! God will forgive you and help you. All you have to do is ASK and be willing to follow his direction!
When I attended Stations of the Cross today, they touched me like they NEVER have because I feel I have been helping to bear Christ's cross through my son's addiction problems. One prayer that stood out particularly for my son and fellow addicts is this....
Lord, never let me feel that any sin of mine is greater than your love for me.
No matter what my past has been, I can begin anew!
If that doesn't give hope, I don't know what does! God will forgive you and help you. All you have to do is ASK and be willing to follow his direction!