Mental Cravings Help

hi havent been on for awhile have been going thru w/d's on day 7 today and feel ok physcially any way but the mental cravings are baddddd. Its all i can do not to think of one or two. If I am busy then of course its not so bad, but there are moments where it is strong. Dont have a whole lot of energy yet, but no sickness either. Need ideas.
i have heard that certain amino acid help with cravings, exersize for fatigue and also b-12 and other b vitamins i know what you are going through but hang in there it does get better. i pray you have a good day just stay busy to keep your mind off of things. isn't it funny how coming to the board and just posting and reading helps. you stay strong you can do it
Hi Tracey,
Have you ever thought of giving NA or AA a try? I know for me they help. When I am craving or obsessing I say the serenity prayer...sometimes I say it 100 times till it passes. Try to keep busy, read a book, or take a walk. Or give someone a call. I also sometimes write things down about how I am feeling. I have a journal that I write it down in. Maybe a bubble bath? Just a couple suggestions...hope this helps some..take care and hang in there....

God bless
Tracey Day 7 what a wonderful #... It won't be too much longer, I am sure of it. Gina and Johnny gave some good suggestions. Hang in there. Your natural energy will come when you least expect it.Rae
just my thoughts... when i was in day 7 ( the last time)I was in a rehab and i had decided to make recovery my passion... I read books about addictions, I went to meetings, I journaled about the days feelings and about how I remembered yesterdays (well years ago's feelings.) I wanted to be able to look back and see that using was not the romantic thing the fun thing that is had brought me heart ache and pain and all ... i knew that when i got cravings my mind would be saying ..'all it wasnt that bad...'... 'you can do it just once and not anymore'... so i needed reinforcements to look to for those times....

anyway.... as far as what to do now ... can you see what your cravings are about... is it from the energy boast you miss... is it from the sense of 'everything is alright in the world' feeling drugs sometimes give us.... is it is physical thing still...?... what is the craving related to.. now mine are mostly related to new uncertain situations... I need the artificial self confident feeling.... anyway if you can figure out what is creating that craving ..if it is a simple thing like that ... then maybe you can find a way to deal better... avoid the situation if you can ( should that be the case.. ) or pray about it.. or if it is energy thing... i dont know maybe just know yourself better will help all by itself...

just my thoughts.. just dont use no matter what... and cant not post without saying it... do you do meetings?....

God bless