Merry Xmas... Something Diff..

Hey Merry Xmas everyone...I know people don't generally do this on these boards because people like to keep their privacy.. Its perfectly understandable, but i'd like to get to know a lil bit about people here.. Not much.. Can everyone that "WANTS" to post their Ages, Gender, and Location.. I think it will be a good way to get to know where everyone is from, and show the difference in years between people.. Well post back if you want.. I think it will be cool. Thank you.. Merry Xmas again.
Merry Christmas UCMJ, Hope you and your wife are enjoying your Christmas. In response to your post I am 43. I have 4 children and 3 grandbabies with another due in Feb. My husband is in the military also and we have been stationed in Ct. for almost 20 years. With your tour starting in April will you be able to make it back to the states for the birth of your baby? Shantel
Hey whats up? To answer the baby question..No probably not. The baby will be due in July and we'll step foot back in the desert in April. Its usually at least a 6 month wait until we can take any sort of leave.. This sucks.. I had orders to FT Drum.Thats in Watertown NY.. Not far from CT at all.. They got canceled, now i'm deploying with these idiots again..Oh well.. Well Merry Xmas to everyone.
UCMJ, I take it from your post you don't exactly like being in the military. Do you mind me asking why you are getting out? Shantel
Whats up Shantel? Umm to be honest with you I hate it yes.. 3 tours in the desert in 4 1/2 years made me that way..I know thats my job, but in the same respect its becoming very tiring on me physically and mentally..Its making be financially stable and thats about it. My wife and kid will live very very well off of my blood money lol..I like what the military represents.. And I dont regret any of it, but right now allz its doing is making me Stressed and lethargic.. The first two tours wasn't soo bad.. This next one I have soo much more to lose..And i'm honestly and legitimately afraid.. Afraid of Iraq.. NO!!! NOT one bit.. Afraid of losing what I built.. i LOVE the women i'm with, and that scares me more then anything..She supports me 120%..Im a naturally pessimistic thinker though..Im hoping for the worst and praying 4 the best... Its weird.. Well if I would have been able to go to Drum, I wouldn't be as upset..Well hit me back.. Thankz
War is a business. I have huge respect for those that choose that line of work, however...I think like any business...."burnout" is huge.

Merry Christmas, Happy chanuka & happy new year.

My name it means nothing, my age it means less, the country I come from, they call the US


CAN anyone guess the song & the writer......mid to late 60's, written by a guy who is now about 60 something & was helped out big time getting started by "Queen Mary" who i think he then dumped big time and told her in song '


I was hungry & it was your world

Talk about a guy who appreciates the help he got, what a selfish mut, but we loved him- thought he was a profphet almost, and amazingly he sang worse then me, I CANT, & HE PRODUCED A LOT OF GARBAGE & SOME REAL DECENT STUFF----BUT

how on earth he got that beautiful babe and was & is i guess, so big a deal, well----

Anyway- u gotta name him, name that song, write out the lyrics & explain why he is so great & u get 25 points to be used as currency to buy anything they will accept these points here, or anywhere elsee..

in answer to original ?, I am an old f-ck, mid 50s,

Jewish (but i think we the people should be able to display Christmas symbols, etc.)

and u can probably pick up on some of my jaundiced attitudes from my posts.

But seriously, I believe we have to learn how to live and enjoy a good life & there are many, many paths to recovery.

If people are in real need of help and words of wisdom, they can often be found here.

Unfortunately I have had many many years of drug experience. I AM NOT A SHOWOFF OR ANYTHING, BUT IF PEOPLE SEEK MY HELP, I KNOW A LOT ABOUT ALL ASPECTS OF narcotics abuse & see things differently then a lot of other people.

I can sincerely say, that I have never, due to pride, arrogance, etc, mislead or misdirected or gave inappropriate advice when asked.

AGAIN, PLEASE---DO NOT TAKE what i said as bragging in any way.
Im trying to let people that dont know me know that if they want to ask me something I can probably point them solidly in the right direction.

Boy i do sound like an arrogant schmuck but honest im not.