Meth Addicted Mom

I'm planning an intervention and I was hoping someone could help. My brother just got out of 4 years of prison last week due to meth use and is now clean and sober and wants no contact with his co-addicts, that includes our mother. She's moved in with another drug addict in the middle of nowhere and I'm weighing my options. The most favorable option would be to go get her, put her with her mother who would gladly accept her, then enroll her in a 90 day county subsidized rehab program. This would require the full support of both my brothers, and that might not be easy. The other option would be to have her arrested then go before a drug court judge where she would have to choose between prison or rehab. Does anyone know how the drug courts work? I certainly don't want her to spend any time in jail beyond the overnight arrest.
Dear desrerate son, I am sorry about your problem you are having with your family. I don't know much about the drug, meth, but I do know people that have been and still are on it.I have even done it a few times. Even though I can't help you with your question, I just want you to know that I am thinking about you and your family. I personally have a problem with pain meds and THC. The pills were brought on because of medical problems. Now, it's just a pain in the butt. I am doing much better than I use to. I am not writing you because I want to tell you about my problems though. I am posting this reply because I saw how unresponsive people have been to your question. You have had this posted for a very long time and I would like to apoligize. Apoligize for society and for anybody else that has read your plea for help that could not take the time just to say I am sorry to you or to offer their prayers. Well, I would just like to let you know that I will pray for you and your family, exspecially your mother. Tell your brother that I am proud of him! You don't know me, but you don't have to know somebody to care about what happens to them. I care! GOD CARES! Keep your head up and pray. Pray everytime you get a chance. Take the time to pray. You might not see immediate results, but God is listening to you. He is! He is there for you, your brother and your mother. Even if things don't change before your eyes and things go too far. (Which is possible.Death is possible) Don't blame God! DON'T EVER LOSE YOUR FAITH! If you don't have faith right now, find it. I WAS a user of crack. Trust me, the power of prayer does wonders. I don't go to church, but I know what has worked for me.Stay strong!!!! Oh yeah! I am 36 yrs old. It's never too late.
I meant to leave you my email address in case you need to talk. It is Again, good luck with your mother.