
hi im a 16 yearold n i jus started doing meth this past week and i cant stop...ive been trying and trying but i cant i want it more and more...ive been threatend if i do it again ill lose most of my friends...i need help this might not seem serous but it is to me and everyone that knows that i do it..if anyone can help me out plz e-mail me-------- apreashate it thanks
Hello I need help! You are right the more you do the more you want but you have to be strong and stay away from the source. It is not easy but you are so young and have your whole life ahead of you why ruin it with drugs. I too have been there but what has helped me the most is that I turn my life over to God. Do your parents know about your addiction? If not you need to tell them. If you can't turn to your parents you need to tell an adult and get help. You could go to your school counselor or to a church they will not turn you away.
Hang in there and been strong and remember no matter what is going on in your life you are better than the drugs.
I just wanted to let you know that there is help for see my sister lost her two babies over this terrible drug.....she has faught very hard to get them back but it is a battle..she is aslo fighting for her life...she is trying to gain weight she is in a size 1 and can were my little girl's close she is scared to death that she will die if she don't stop...she wouldn't come to us for help for so long but she finally did and she is getting can to you got to pick your self up and find someone you really trust and get them to help you with this....i am here to help you all i can.......Tell someone don't wait till it is to late........and remmber God is there he heres you and he will help you...
YOUR friend ,,,,
I wish you would go to a hospital a trusted adult - GET HELP NOW!! My son is 29 years old. Getting ready to serve his 3rd prison time because of meth. He was ADHD as a child and then diagnosed recently as Bi-Polar. I realize now that he is self medicating. GO GET HELP - Please don't destroy your life. Prayers do help - but you need more. Go now
Hi, 16 year old. Obviously, you havent even tried to quit. You can't get help if you don't want it and it sounds like you enjoy the positive effects of meth better than the negative. When you see what pain it truly causes, maybe then will you actually seek help.