Methadone Treatment (and Drug Abuse)

How do you know when your loved one is using while on the Methadone Treatment Plan. My partner is on the Treatment plan and is also recently hanging around part time junkie's. His Meth dose is high and I know from research it is impossible to get high unless you use very very large amounts.
Taking the prescribed daily dose of methadone is only a small part of his total treatment, the methadone stabilizes the patient and takes away the cravings and puts the patient in a place where they are able to start listening and learn what tools are needed and how to use them. Methadone is a wonderful drug and it has saved a many life but unfortunately the method of dispensing it in this country is archaic and not all clinics are there for the patient's best interest. I am pretty certain that if your husband is still using heroin that most likely he needs to be on a higher dose. Your said he is on a high dose already but you didn't specify the amount and as long as I have been involved in this modality I have learned that everyone has a different perception as to what defines a high dose. The average stable dose is approx. 120mgs, but there are people on doses from 40mg to 1000mg and even higher. !000mg is not your regular dose but there are people with a very fast metabolism or other medical problems that burn up the methadone at a fast rate.
Your husband could be a fast metabolizer or if he is abusing cocaine that would burn up the methadone thus leaving him in early w/d. I'm just giving you different possibilities.
My name is claude and I am a certified methadone advocate and if you would like to contact me directly

You can also go toNama's website
and there is allot of information and links that you should find to be very helpful.

Hey NAMA Friend, I am NAMA from Florida, funny seeing you here. Are you going to the AATOD Convention in Orlando, in October???
I've been on 75mg of meth and been completely clean for a whole month. It literally saved my life, however I do think my dose needs to be higher. I still crave, and can't sleep at all at night. I had to give up all my friends who are still using though,including my two brothers. It's only until I'm stronger, I know this,I have just been focusing on getting myself better. If there my real friends they will understand I need this time to heal. And what's the point of using if your on meth, I've come so far I don't ever want to go backwards. I'm giving myself no time frame. I'm going slow and if it takes me years to get myself better then that's what I will do. I took me almost three years to get myself into this horrible mess with the demon herion, so I imagine one year of TLC for me can't hurt. I just never imagined this drug would grab hold of me like this. It totally took over me, it drove me to things I couldn't control. I'd be driving to get it thinking this is so wrong, but I would just keep driving, I couldn't wait to hold it in my hand, I'd shake until I did it. It was crazy!!!!
Hey Tootie,

Good for you. I mean that too. I had to go through almost the exact same thing; and it is not an easy thing to do (especially if you have brother's in the same boat that you need to diconnect from).

I disconnected from all users etc about 5 years ago. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. As you said it is going to be a long road but things will slowly get better if you stick to your guns. I was really lonely for quite a while because after using for years the only 'so called friends' I had were users. It's later when you look back that you realise that you were not friends with these people at all. The only thing that I had in common with them was H. You are in a harder position though because of your brothers. i believe family is really important. In fact if it wasn't for my family sticking by me god knows where I could have ended up. Keep in touch with your brothers but be firm about the fact that you are done with using. They will respect you for it (I believe).

Life will get better, but as you said it is not going to happen overnight. Slowly you will learn to trust people again, and you will find some 'real' friends to embrace your life.

Good Luck with it all.

Yes, the people I thought were my friends haven't even called to see if I'm alive. So I guess I really never had friends when I was in herion hell. I sure thought they were though. I would have defended them to the end. Not now. As for my brothers, this is a very painful thing for me, but I've talked to my coulselors and my family and they are helping me through it. One day we will all be together when were clean and sober, It might take them longer but hopefully they will see the light. And yes, my family has saved my life, once I confessed to the abuse they all came together and really pulled for my recovery. I am very lucky I have them, I'm starting to believe that maybe there is a god after all.