I have been take pain meds for almost a year due to one of my wrist bones rotting away. My pain doctor wants me to start taking methadone as opposed to the vicodin I was taking for longer term pain relief. I have heard too many nasty things about this drug, but would like to have longer term relief, anyone have any ideas I go back to see him this afternoon?
I never have tried methadone but from what I gather, it is pretty hard to get off of, probably one of the hardest. I'm not sure that would be the best route to take. Did he give you any other options? I wonder if sub would work in this situation.
Let me start by saying I am Rachel and whenever I see a methadone post I just have to say something.. NO NO NO NO NO, don't get started on that. Percocet is strong than vicodin and not as hard to get off of. I know a lot of doctors that are quick to write methadone and for some it is a great drug if you plan to stay on it forever or take sub to help you get off. The withdrawl is very very very bad and nasty. I am not your doctor and I don't know what is best for your wrist but I can say I would rather have my wrist taken off then withdrawl from methadone again. I was taking it for 2 years and only 10 mg a day for 2 years and I weaned down to 5 mg and then 2.5 mg's before stopping and the withdrawl was horrible. I am talking the leg pains were unbearable, I couldn't leave my house for weeks, taking bathes were a challenge. So please consider another drug to control your pain. I am not saying percocet is a easy withdrawl because I have been there to but there is no comparison between the two. Hopefully someone else can give you more suggestions and advice but I would advise against it unless you are dying with chronic pain.Rach
i have to agree with rae!!!!! if there is another alternative than methadone take it. meth is really a b**** to come off of. i am on it now for pain issues. i came off it in oct. for 13 days and it was horrible. if you are planning to stop taking anything in the future the don't take methadone. however it is easier on your liver than the vic's or perc's because it has no acetaminophen in it so it is rather clean, but it stays in your body a lot longer than most. are you taking vic's as prescribed? can you be trusted to take methadone as prescribed. my rx is for 8 10mgs pills per day, but i only take 2 1/2 per day and it seems to control my pain somewhat, but like i say it is hard to get out of your system. so I say no if there is another alternative
hope this helps
i have to agree with rae!!!!! if there is another alternative than methadone take it. meth is really a b**** to come off of. i am on it now for pain issues. i came off it in oct. for 13 days and it was horrible. if you are planning to stop taking anything in the future the don't take methadone. however it is easier on your liver than the vic's or perc's because it has no acetaminophen in it so it is rather clean, but it stays in your body a lot longer than most. are you taking vic's as prescribed? can you be trusted to take methadone as prescribed. my rx is for 8 10mgs pills per day, but i only take 2 1/2 per day and it seems to control my pain somewhat, but like i say it is hard to get out of your system. so I say no if there is another alternative
hope this helps
Hey Johnny,
You and I have never spoke for some reason so I just wanted to say hi. I feel for you. I have been there and it is hard. I think sometimes of my experience with methadone and I just cry. It was very difficult to get off of. I really don't know how I survived it. Many nights I thought I would die from all the OTC drugs I was taking to help me cope with the pain. The stomach cramps, insomnia, restless legs,headaches,body aches and overall hell my body went through is devistating to even think of. I always say if I had it to do over I would beg borrow and steal to get my hands on some suboxone... Really that is what you need... That is the miracle drug I paryed for but never knew about 2 years ago. So maybe somehow or someday you will beable to get that for yourself. I wish you all the best. Sounds like you are doing good with the 25 mgs you are on. Like I said I was only on 10 mg a day and weaned down to 2.5 and still went through hell. I counted to like 65 days and still didn't feel much better. So it is a long and hard process. I am living proof it can be done but I wouldn't suggest to anyone trying to do it alone. If you ever need to talk just let me know, Rae
You and I have never spoke for some reason so I just wanted to say hi. I feel for you. I have been there and it is hard. I think sometimes of my experience with methadone and I just cry. It was very difficult to get off of. I really don't know how I survived it. Many nights I thought I would die from all the OTC drugs I was taking to help me cope with the pain. The stomach cramps, insomnia, restless legs,headaches,body aches and overall hell my body went through is devistating to even think of. I always say if I had it to do over I would beg borrow and steal to get my hands on some suboxone... Really that is what you need... That is the miracle drug I paryed for but never knew about 2 years ago. So maybe somehow or someday you will beable to get that for yourself. I wish you all the best. Sounds like you are doing good with the 25 mgs you are on. Like I said I was only on 10 mg a day and weaned down to 2.5 and still went through hell. I counted to like 65 days and still didn't feel much better. So it is a long and hard process. I am living proof it can be done but I wouldn't suggest to anyone trying to do it alone. If you ever need to talk just let me know, Rae
I went on meth 6o mgs pills to get of of 200 morphine about 10 weeks ago I regret ever starting the meth. I have to taper to 20 mgs before I can go on bup . I havent felt reasonably good since I started meth. Then I find out its the HARDEST NARCOTIC to get off of. I can barley get out of bed by noon, freezing cold in Am and all around feel like crap since I started. My shrink said it would have been better and easier to stay on the morphine then switch to bup . I do not recomend going on it . The clinics dont do detox they just want to keep upping your dose for the money and your then your maried to them . Luckily My Dr. wrote me and I didnt have to go through the clinic but If I had it to do again I wouldnt go near the stuff Ray
Hey Ramon,
Sorry to hear what your going through. I feel your pain. Methadone is a nasty withdrawl. It is a wicked and evil withdrawl. It took me months and months to feel better after going through it. The word metahdone makes my stomach turn after 2 years of being clean from it. I didn't know what the hell I was getting myself into until it was to late.. I never researched it at the time and had only heard of it where herion was concerned and helping those with herion addiction. Who would ever think they would give you a strong narcotic to get off a strong narcotic. That is crazy and just goes to show that SOME doctors have noclue with they are doing to people's lives. Then try and ask for help from SOME doctor's and they look at you cut off your supply and leave you to suffer through that kind of pain. Not all doctor's but I know my fair share that that willing to help you get off like they are to write you the script in the first place.
Saying that I am sorry you are feeling so horrible. Bup is your best bet. If I had to do it over I would lie cheat and steal to get my hands on suboxone because methadone is some wicked sh*t. I think it may be a life saver for some in dealing with CHRONIC PAIN ISSUES.especially in cancer and aids patients or the termanally-sp? ill. It is something that you should plan on before taking to be on it forever... If ya know what I mean. Keep us posted and if you need to talk let me know. Rae
Sorry to hear what your going through. I feel your pain. Methadone is a nasty withdrawl. It is a wicked and evil withdrawl. It took me months and months to feel better after going through it. The word metahdone makes my stomach turn after 2 years of being clean from it. I didn't know what the hell I was getting myself into until it was to late.. I never researched it at the time and had only heard of it where herion was concerned and helping those with herion addiction. Who would ever think they would give you a strong narcotic to get off a strong narcotic. That is crazy and just goes to show that SOME doctors have noclue with they are doing to people's lives. Then try and ask for help from SOME doctor's and they look at you cut off your supply and leave you to suffer through that kind of pain. Not all doctor's but I know my fair share that that willing to help you get off like they are to write you the script in the first place.
Saying that I am sorry you are feeling so horrible. Bup is your best bet. If I had to do it over I would lie cheat and steal to get my hands on suboxone because methadone is some wicked sh*t. I think it may be a life saver for some in dealing with CHRONIC PAIN ISSUES.especially in cancer and aids patients or the termanally-sp? ill. It is something that you should plan on before taking to be on it forever... If ya know what I mean. Keep us posted and if you need to talk let me know. Rae
Don't mean to bud in, but methedone really hits home, i've lost to family members on it in the past year, lost my highschool sweetheart, too! i would rather sit and suffer it out then even think about methodone! My sister is on it, has been for 3 years, she never come off of it, she has no desire too. She also is not the sister i grew up with, it has made her become someone i don't even know, but i still love her, just wish methedone would have never came into our family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about all the tragedies that have been cause by metadone? If you don't mind me asking why is your sister on it?I know what you mean about personality changes I was a whole different person for the 2 1/2 years I was taking it.I would go from real hyper and then on the other hand I could fall asleep sitting up eating ice cream,lol.It did control my back pain but then when it was time to stop the real hell began. Methadone is a wicked drug, I don't care what anyone says. It is a nasty and very painful withdrawl process. I survived it but I will never know how. Like I said before and I will say again I think it may be a wonderful drug for some. Especially those in severve CHRONIC pain and or is dieing from cancer, aids etc. It should NOT be given for anything else and if it is then that person should either plan on staying it for the rest of their life or getting serious medical attention while detoxing. It can be tappered and you can survive- I am living proof but I wouldn't suggest doing it at home alone.. because the pain is unbearable.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Just my thoughts for the day.
Glad to see you posting... Have have you been? E-mail me if you want, you have it right? Rae
Sorry to hear about all the tragedies that have been cause by metadone? If you don't mind me asking why is your sister on it?I know what you mean about personality changes I was a whole different person for the 2 1/2 years I was taking it.I would go from real hyper and then on the other hand I could fall asleep sitting up eating ice cream,lol.It did control my back pain but then when it was time to stop the real hell began. Methadone is a wicked drug, I don't care what anyone says. It is a nasty and very painful withdrawl process. I survived it but I will never know how. Like I said before and I will say again I think it may be a wonderful drug for some. Especially those in severve CHRONIC pain and or is dieing from cancer, aids etc. It should NOT be given for anything else and if it is then that person should either plan on staying it for the rest of their life or getting serious medical attention while detoxing. It can be tappered and you can survive- I am living proof but I wouldn't suggest doing it at home alone.. because the pain is unbearable.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Just my thoughts for the day.
Glad to see you posting... Have have you been? E-mail me if you want, you have it right? Rae
Rae, she was an addict,too. So, she went to get help, i guess that is what they call help!!!!! She, also, can be haper one min, then next her eyes our notting off.She has 2 little girls, their the ones that have to suffer from methdone, that the person giving it out, they don't know sh** about what the kids have to go through, they just want their $12.00 a day and off you go, to be high! Sorry, methodone, just really hits home, and i wish to god they would take it off the market!!!!!
Abby that is horrible. Why in the hell doctors are allowed to write it for people trying to get clean from drugs is beyond me. Maybe if it was used short term for that purpose like 1-2 weeks then that is one thing but to keep someone on it for any longer than that is just ridiculous. Anyway, sorry to hear about the kids and what they have to go through.. I will say for the MOST part when I was on it I did everything for my kids above and beyond because I was so hyper from it and I had so much extra energy but in reality I see now what it did to me all those years and my kids that is one of the reasons I suffered through the painful withdrawls is because I wanted a normal life with my children and they deserved that!! So did I... Anyway,I will talk to you later!!! Have a great day!! Rae