
anyone else on this stuff? I guess I've forgotten about the side effects, or maybe I'm having some opiate withdrawl still. Wow, hot flashes are so bad today I coun't even go back to bed, now my eyes are rolling in the back of my head (well not literally,) and it's time to start moving soon.
Anyone got any good links or something? I can basically only find the general stuff on the web...
Hi Trooper, I'm an MMT patient too. I've learned to love winter, cos it means I won't be sweaty! The 'hotness' has got better for me, but hasn't gone away entirely.

I don't know if you have found any of the good MMT boards on the net; check these out, if not...
The first link is a community that tends to be a little hostile to AA/NA and the recovery industry, but it's the best place I've found for information about side effects, withdrawals, and what to do/expect as an MMT patient. The second one is a friendly place, great for community, and they'll answer/discuss questions too.

In my experience, there aren't too many here who do MMT. There are a few on suboxone, but that's considered totally different. If you're having trouble sleeping, that can be one sign of w/d; it can take some time to find the right dose and get long have you been on MMT? Do you have any other withdrawal symptoms? If you're female, the hot flashes could be a hormonal thing...methadone may produce hot flashes and menstrual irregularities, especially in the first months of treatment. The same thing happened to me, but it did stop. At first I thought I was starting menopause in my mid-30s!

Constipation and sweating are the two main side effects that are known to persist for some people as long as they stay on MMT. Anything else should subside with time; if not, you might consider changing to suboxone (which can produce side effects, too, but it can be an individual thing), talking to a doctor, or tapering off of methadone and trying abstinence. I still have a little bit of sweatiness at times, but other than that, I don't have any side effects anymore, and nothing that interferes with my sleep.

i don't have any personal experience with methadone. i know it scares the crap out of me...that is just me, though. it is really important that you not use any other substance with methadone and don't do anything about adjusting your dose without the participation of your physician. you and your doctor are partnering in this plan to get clean...never forget that!

i am glad that the other poster mentioned suboxone, because it is a viable option for you. there are many here who have and are using it. it has its issues too, but somehow, with everything i have read, it scares me less!

there was a poster here a while back, jr19?? , can't remember the last two numbers, but he switched from methadone to suboxone. it wasn't easy as i recall, but he had been on mmt for a long time and felt it had robbed him of a lot. i wish he would come on to tell his story. it is a very powerful one!

keep on doing the next right thing!

Here is a site.
Please educate yourself. Methadone is a very complex drug that takes a long long time to taper from. I do know that to change from Meth to sub, it is recommended to get below taking 30 mgs before switching. But please educate yourself.

thanks for the kins guys
Hi Trooper

Ive seen you over on a different board lately. Ive also been on mdone for quite a long time. For me it balances out the chemicals in my brain that have been damaged by a long time heroin addiction. As someone said ,it is a complex drug. It has many pros & cons.
It has been recently been in the news more because there are many doctors (IMO) who are dispensing this drug out to pain patients without truly being educated about effects. There also has been a controversy about diversion. Clinic people say its being diverted by pain patients who get a prescription at a pharmacy from their doctor.- and- the pain patients say its been diverted by people who get take home bottles from their clinic (so they can use the money to buy dope)-

It is illegal for a doctor to prescribe methadone from his office for addiction , but it can be prescribed by a doctor for pain.
Of course there are "funny doctors" all over. To ease this problem the FEDS/DEA is looking to pass a law that prohibits pharmacies from filling scripts for the 40mg diskettes- they will only be able to prescribe the 10mg pills.
The discs would only come from aclinic , which I guess will make it easier to track where diverted diskettes are coming from -

Anyway, all this information & much more can be had from the Watchdog website that was mentioned earlier- -

hey jack

yeah, im a clinic goer, using it to get off of heroin, but i know of some folks whom have used it to get off of oxy's and such, and there seems to be a little more action over on the pp side of the board sometimes. Those links look like good stuff though, so I'll be checking those out

I'm on mmt too, started this myself and it's the only thing I haven't been able to get off of, I keep it to a minimum though. I'm burning up all the time and never thought it could be from this. I thought maybe it's early onset of menopause, but when I read up on menopause it stated hot flashes last for around a minute and then subsides but not mine, I didn't understand why I was getting this constantly, guess now I know. Yeah, I have been liking the winters too.
MMT...person here as well Trooper 70mls for over 7yrs......get most of the above mentioned side affects.....sweats,sweet tooth...etc....from what ive read i gather that in the U.S they really overprescribe the stuff over here....i.e Ireland anything over 100ml is on the heavy side....but ive heard folks being given crazy amounts like in the states.....i think yer on 90ml??but a lot depends on metabolism and weight if yer slight you might feel the 90ml....more.Anyway take care has its pros&cons but has gone a long way in keeping me off the cycle of heroin addiction...........Davey