
My name is Frank and I have been off of heroin since February 2nd of 2004. I am 30 years of age. I have made a big mistake in believing in the whole Methadone Maintenance program. I have now come to relize that instead of me being addicted to heroin which is not leagal, I am now addicted to 80mg of Methadone per day which is. My question is this. Since I am starting become amongs the living dead, I no longer feel or have any type of ambition to do anything that takes will power. I am mad and angry at what I have become or becomming. I want to know that since I have been doing this for this long period will my biochemistry change for good to where I will have to where these liquid hand cuffs for life? I had started at 100mg per day and now am down to 80 and refused from the first day to ever go any higher than what they have put me on. Unlike many addicts who are on the program I am not adding Benzo's to my diet so I can get high nor do I ever ask to have my dose be raised. The only part of me that still has any type of determination is the part of me that states I need to get off of this leagalized narcodic. The only reason why I do have this sole determination is because in my heart I believe that if I can just get off of this drug that all of my old feeling of pleasure, confidence amongst many others that are dead will all come back the way I used to be 6 years ago. If I continue on detoxing my self by lowering my self 1 mg per week will I be ok when I get down to 0 or will the detox be just as hard as always is. I don't want to be on this drug no longer than I have to. Has anyone at all done this or have seen someone that has. I just want to know that if I remain persistant and continue on my slow but for sure detox that my body in these next couple of years will not become 100% dependant on the drug it self to were by biochemistry will change on me and I will become a person who needs Methadone for life, which I know for a fact that this is what the Government wants because instead giving these people the correct doeses, something like they could afford they are giving them 300mg a day, before entereing the clinic they would never been able to afford that on the streets so why are they giveing it to them now. I see what that does to a person and I do not want to go there. Can a person kick Methadone even though all the horror stories are leading me not believe it. Please anyone tell me the best way I should go to get clean becuae I do not know. When I was still popping pills and trying to kill the monkey that was on my back called heroin I had put my self into a 3 day detox at a Hospital I was fine the 3 days I was there all medicated up but on the day they sent me home and the medication they were giving me had ran out I started flipping out because I started getting dope sick again, I ran to the bar and got a six pack, I refused to get dope. When I returned my girl would not let me in the house. I broke every bottle in the six pack up against the railing of my front step and the next day I woke or I should say I rolled out of bed because I never slept and went to the clinic that morning and got medicated and have been going ever since. Please someone show me the way to get off this crap! It is killing me slowley. Soon I will be just going through the motions of life w/ no emotion. Some one save me or show me the way and I will prevail. I have not been high in such a long time and I dont miss it for a second except for the feeling it self. I know I can beat this game I just need some advice on where to start. I really dont want to take years gettin off of this drug so please if there is anyone who knows of a way to get clean I will take care of the rest by staying that way. Please help.
Hi Frank... welcome to the board! I am a recovering pain med addict. Although i dabbled in methadone, it was never my drug of choice. However, there are others on this board who have or who are going thru what you are. I would suggest posting on the pain pills board, other prescription med board, or the heroin board. That's where most of us are.... you will find a lot of love and support! I am here for you, friend! See you on one of the other boards!

love and God Bless,
Briana :)
Frank, you wont be on the meths forever if you dont want to be! Im down to 34ml a day now even though i get 50ml day, I started 2 years ago on 100ml per day, and recentley been reducing 5ml per week. i can hardley feel the drops!
Once your low enough you can either get of the meths with a subutex detox or by reducing the meths down to nil! and no you wont go through withdrawals other than very very mild!
I dont have any problems on my methadone! I feel all emotions, high and low! and seem to be more motivated once i have taken it,
Its all down to you how long you are on it for, Dont know if i was much help but i let u know it doesnt have to be for life!!!!
Love Claire
Frank get yourself down to 30 ml of Methadone and Switch over to Buprenorphine. This si the way to go , good luck.
Hey Frank!
You know that you wont be on this drug foreva, if you dont want to be. The only thing i can suggest, if you are really struggling, or really scared, why not try rehab??? I know it sounds silly, but methadone is just as addictive as heroin on the body. I know that right now, thats what i am contimplating. Im only into my 3 day now on a methadone and subutex detox after using heroin for some time and all i can say is that i am not enjoying my detox very much and would gladly be prepared to go into rehab where i can have someone there.
Rohipnol is supposed to be good for pain and benzose to help you sleep at night, maybe you could look at that to.
But hang in there you are doing well and congrats!!
Sorry if i could be much help, i suppose im just really struggling through my detox, that im boarder linning wanting to use to take the cold sweats away and the body aching.

PS - Dont worry, heroin detox is the worst thing one could go through, but you wont die from it - it will just feel that way!!

Hugs and Kisses
WHAT DO U MEAN A SUB + METH DETOX? you cant take both togather? or did you mean the meths to sub detox? sorry i just confused!
If not then thats why u r feelin so rough, thats what happens when u take them togather! Claire
I want to say thank you to Clair, Bri, Silent partner, and Cindi. Im sure Cindi is not taking both and the suggestion to go to rehab would be great if could stop the world from turning. I really makes me feel good to see all of you showing me support, just want you to know that I will alway be there for you guys as well. I just heard of Program call Methadonia, it is an American Undercover special being televised on Thursday night at 9pm on October 6th. It seems to be very sad or at least gut wreching. I have gone to the doctor at my clinic and he has agreed to detox me buy reducing my milagrams by 2 every 2 weeks, it seems as if I will be detoxing for ever. What doctor would be able to give all these other medications you are all talking about or is it something that you will get through some type of detox. Just curiouse. Also this doctore has aggreed to go along w/ my detox but once I reach 60mg he will discontinue my detox unless he sees that I am no longer using pot. Because he considers me dirty if I use pot but in his eyes I am clean if I am using Methadone. I understand that they are both controled substances but how can anyone w/ half a brain even compare the to. Methadone keeps me nautious and sick to my stomack and pot settles my stomach and alows me to enjoy at least one meal a day. Just dont get it. Again you are all thaughtfull and please try me on for size you will see I am very intelegint and will be of a great help, I alway have been for other, just never my self. I have been throuigh alot so I know alot, Divorced, Dui, the list goes on and on. Any way let me know if any of you catch the show on Thursday and let me know what you all think, its seems to blow the cover on the government because why are they keeping these people so high to the point to where they cant keep there eyes open. Even at the windo of my clinic if someone goes to it and their eyes are closed and wobbleing they still disrtibut the meds. Why would they do this cant they see that they are high enough and really dont need any more, 90% of the time they overdose and I find these same people throwing thier guts up and they tell them once you throw up then come back and here is the kicker they want to see them throw thier medicine up before they give them any more. there is not telling how much of it was digest or not and we all know that everyone can make it through at least a couple of days so why dont they just tell the ones who come in heeving thier spline up to either wait or come back tomorrow. It is all baffleing to me. I pray for the day I no lontger have drink this liquid zombie potion.Everyone please take care and hope to hear from all of you soon. So you all can get a better vision of who you are talking to: my hair is black, Italian, Singer/guitarist/songwriter/, Excellent HOckey player, Hopeless Romantic, 5-10, 190lbs, Won Championship after championship single handed w/ my hockey as well as my baseball carreer, Security Forces member of the United States Airforce, I could go on and on w/ all the accomplishments I have achieved in in my life, Jack of all trades Master of none, All of this including my emotion has all come to a screatching halt the day I popped my first Percicet, from that to Vic's to 3- 80mg Oxi's a day then to what ever I could get my hands on to keep me from getting dope sick and then finaly the heroin all the way up to February 2nd of 04, that is when I got into this Methadone crap that I feel is slowley killing every bit of life I got. I will stay strong and I will beet it and I appriciate all of your support. Talk to you soon.


Why cant you go to Rehab?

At this time in life being a mortgage specialist who makes no money. I just dont have the money for the most part and no insurance, nor do I believe that I would be able to take a couple months of work off form work to do it that is why to me the only option I do have is to keep weining my self down and hopefull I will get my self down to nil and call it day so I can have my self a coke and smile. If you by chance know of any type of state aid that my work let me know because I am willing to do what I can so I can have my life back. I have tried the detox thing before and I was fine through my three days there but as soon as their meds had worn off on the third night I got dope sick and started pucking and new at that point what I had to do to get better and like a dope, now I know where they get that word from I went back. So I am trying another way at this time and that is to wien my self down because I have heard success stories that way and like I had siad before it seems to be the only option at this time because no matter what the world keeps turning, I cant loose my job, I cant tell my kid that I cant take him to school because I got to go detox, trust if I lived a life where all I had to worry about is me and now one would be affected I would love to go put my self away for thirty days some where and hope for the best but I just cant. If you can help any way let me know. I appreciate anything at all especially your concern, thank you and hope to hear from you again.

Hi Frank, I know where you are coming from. If you can get your meth down to 30/40 mg you should be able to move over to a subutex detox , I started one just about a week a go and once you have the correct dose you cantake it from there. I a heroin addict but i have tookmeth and i had the chance to go on to a methadon program but your story has confirmed why i didn`t want to go down that road. If you can manage to reduce your meth you will find subutex to be a god send. Its going to take time but i know you`ll get there in the end. There are many people on this board with good advice so keep posting and tell us how your getting on .take care best wishes graham
thanks graham for you consern and I wil surely keep you updated on this as I will w/ everyone who has shown me support in the past couple of days. Tell me more about the subutox. Is it a narcotic and will i have aproblem getting off of that as I will the Meth and I am glad my story will help people not to go down the maintenance road because some people stay on it so long because of the fear that keeps the comming back for more, the fear of what it would be like to detox off of these liquid hand cuffs, that what happens is they acually change their own biochemistry to where they actually do need to be on mehtadone for life and that is a horrible thing to relize that even if you want to get off of this crap the government created back in World War 2. Take care and dont forget to watch the American Undercover on the 6th of this month on Thursday night it is a special they are airing on Methadone maintenance, its is called Methadonia and I feel that everyone should view this program whether they are an addict or not because hopefully the sober people of the world will be able to gain empathy for some of the addicts of the world because they all believe that its as easy as mind over matter and the reallity of kicking a heroin addiction or a methadone which is worse is like climbing Mt Everast w/ no oxigen tank and on crutches. That is something every one fails to realize and for some its worse depending on the addiction it self. But an non addict will tell you it all mind over matter. B.S. I used to have mind that I felt could move mountians but the fist time I got dope sick from Methadone and started throwing up so hard that I ruptured my spleen, I knew then that for the first time in my life I was wipped. Not to mention the skin that feels like fire, not being able to hold conversation nor able to think a thought. its like you are born again taking baby steps learning how to be in public and no one know how that feel except a peron has laid on couch for 3 weeks straight trying to detox yourself. I have tried that 3 time and I had went backe all 3 times and then I tried the hOspital out patient and that was alot easier but still the day you get home and the meds are out of you system the dope sickness begins and you are going to do something to ease your pain. Again thanks for concern and I will be in touch Graham.

I really woiuld have liked to see that programme but im sure it isn't on in th uk, So could you please let me know what went on ect after you have watched it?
Thank's Claire
Hi Frank,
My name is Darin and I am a recovering addict of five years. Methadone was apart of my struggle with addiction. I got on thinking that it would do the trick, but it was like putting plaster over a severed head! Frank, you have every power in the world to be among the land of the living! I was as high up as 100mgs and started at detox at 90mgs. As the dose got lower every fear you can imagine kicked in, so did the cramps, aches, and everything that goes along with withdrawl. As bad as it was it was one of my saving graces because keeping that pain close by reminds me whats waiting for me should I go back. That thinking, and a will to live is just what got me pass the 5yr mark. Methadone was suppose to be designed to help the addict, which it does. What was not considered was the addicts well being. Dont get me wrong, its ALL up to the addict, but MOST methadone programs offer a easy out for a hard problem they REALLY dont want to deal with. The figure, Lets just numb them, all the while letting the addict waste away. Its like being dead, but you just havent layed down. In the begining, it seemed like there was no relief in sight, but as time rolled on, the fog began to lift. When it did, I looked back and saw 15yrs of wasted time, time I will never get back. It was at that point that I took my freedom and RAN! You can and will do the same if you give yourself a chance!
Best of luck to you,

P.S. I will give any help I can every step of the way!
Hi Frank:

Don't beat yourself up over the Methadone Maintenance. My husband went down that road also. He also detoxed in a facility close to our home (insurance) and a facility far away from our home - opposite coast- (private pay - very expensive). Where there is a will there is a way. Neither detox facilities "worked". I think that you have to reach within yourself and find the inner strength to free yourself. I think that suboxone in an excellent option. My husband has been on suboxone for about six months now. He is doing significantly better than ever before. Who ever knows what the real answer will be??? I think you also have to focus on a higher power. I don't think that anyone can do this alone.

I find it fascinating that you describe yourself and your accomplishments. This H thing reaches across all socio-economic boundaries. My husband is an incredible man with many, many accomplishments, etc. H is not discriminatory.....

Please stay strong and focus on yourself.

Peace be with you.


H has no race, nor does it care. I have a question because I am kind of scared now that I have heard you say that you husband has been on the Subuxdone for 6 months. Are you telling me that he will be off soon or are you telling me it is just another dependacy to another drug that is out there to fill our opiate traps. I thought that you would not need to be on that for that long or is it a case by case situation. I am curiouse because when I finaly get off these Liquid hand cuffs, I want to be free, free from my self and as long as I am still taking something then I am not free, whether it makes me high or not. At this time Methadone does not get me high. I have not felt high since February 2nd of 04 and I refuse to ever feel it again. Please tell me what the cycle of events are once you get off the Meth and join up w/ the Sub. I want to know so I know what route I should take becuase I hear so many different ways to handle the detox time but I have yet to make a 100% choice on what way to go. Did you by chance catch the Methadonia last night on HBO American Undercover. Please reply I like the conect! Take care. If you eveer need to talk let me know I am here. Thank you for you concern and your vote of confidence.

Much Love!

I just want you to know I have been using methadone for a year and a half now.....for chronic pain in my back..........I have become the person your talking about..........LIFELESS...NO EMOTIONS..don't give a sh** aboutpretty much everything.I have thought kept up on myself.LOL funny...
I have now been off methadone for 7 days.....went from 20, 15, 10, nil.I know it doesn't sound like much...but to me it was.and the withdrawel was and is a b****......I am taking herbs to help...and yes they are.I can't sleep worth crap, but will soon.......looking very forward to taking back my life from methadone.and you can too...........
Trin2bstrong, just curiouse to see how you are w/ the the w/ds hope you are still remaining as your name states. Its is hard I know it is because I went through w/ the big H and I know for a fact that the Methadone is 2x as hard. I heard you say that you were taking earbs. What earbs and what are they doing for you. Just curiouse. I know 20 mgs is a little easier than 100mgs but in no way by the imigination of anyone can anyone say that it is easy what you are probably going through, I give you all the credit and encouragement in the world and I can only pray that I can get my self down to 20 and how that I can hang in there half as long as you already have, I am cuiouse to know how you are please write back and let me knwo what stage you are out. I'm sure you wont be able to sleep for a couple months if you have been on this drug for a year and a half. Let me know and please stay strong I would love to know that you kicked it.

Darrin, have not heard from you in a while I am also curiouse about how you are doing, send a post to inform me on what has been going on in your life and how you have been dealing w/ your pain. send me a thread. Take care of you self and hope to hear from you soon.

I am only able to get to this site once every so ofted so please know that when I do get hte chance to read everyones threads that I will reply it just I rarely get a chance anymore for anytime to my self but am trying to do just that a little more everyday. Take care everyone!

Much love,
Well here it is at the end of my 7th day.doing ok.very tired now...took my 17 yo shopping with me to help out and back hurts now, but to be expected..I took a hot bath today.which a new friend recomended so doing so daily if not twice a day.....I had some good energy today, so I know I am getting better, and it is becuz of mypositive attidude.of NEVER calling the doc for those darn things again...
The herbs my hun picked up for me are as follows.and this came from the Health can go into one and tell them you are coming off methadone.they will give you as follows which is working great for me.that is why I know I feel so good....and they help with the cravings: GOOD LUCK.and I feel for ya, but be strong.I have to say this site has also given me strength..

Vit. C.1000 mg. a day
GABA..500 mg. 2 @ 4 times a day.anxity, and depression
DLPA..500 mg. 4 @ 3 times a day....for pain..and hum..oh my brain went dead.LOL

These are working for me.
Not gonna say they will work for all but health wise go for it....

The cycle of events are changeable for everyone. Don't categorize yourself. You really have to visit a doctor that is qualified in your State to prescribe suboxene/subutex. The doctors in our area are only allowed to have 30 patients at a time. It is very important that you trust your doctor and are completely honest with the doctor as well.

Do some research on suboxene v. methadone. Methadone is a synthetic opiate - albiet a replacement for the other. Suboxene (to my understanding) is a blocker. You cannot get high with suboxene. It blocks all effects of H and Methadone. You really should research it yourself, though.

For me, it doesn't bother me that my husband is still on sub - it means he has given up H (the devil)!! If he weren't on sub - I would really be worried. It has been an incredibly long road with H (7 years). My husband and I both look at sub just like a vitamin.

Keep the faith and stay strong.

Peace be with you.

Nice to hear from you and thank you for your advice, though I have been told that there are some opiates in the Suboxone you on the other hand state that there is not. Now my next question is: is there or is there not? because if there is not an opiate in it than I am totally for the blocking thing, in a way. Either way you look at it the point of it all is that the receptors in the brain are still being filled w/ a outside entity. Whether it makes you high or not it is not the problem, the problem is that the brain is being fooled because it knows that the receptors are full, which it keeps us from detoxing.. And by this happening the recepter, which need to close before anyone can start to feel normal again, are just being pried open w/ another source. One that is lesser of the 2 evils. Obviousley this drug is 100xs better than Meth will ever be because I have never heard of anyone saying Suboxone is killing me as I hear every day in the clinic like the meth does. I will do more research on this but if possible I am going to try not to go on any other pill after I get down to nill if I can even do that. I am trying to keep the faith but I have heard to many war stories about once you get down to around 30 mgs. they say even though you are recieving your dose you still getting that dope sick feeling. Time will tell I am down to 76 which will be starting up this week. I hope and pray that I can find the will power, being that Meth strips that away from you, to get this kicked. I then and only then will be the happiest man alive. Take care and if you can look into what the Suboxone actually does inside the brain as far as where they stay and what function it has once it is in the brain, that would be great. If I am not mistaking, it deos block any other opiate from getting you high but that is because as I siad in the beginning, the receptors are bieng filled w/ the new drug. To me that means that time, which is the only real cure in feelling normal agian, is just being prolonged. I could be wrong. If anyone out there knows what exactly happens when suboxone actually enters our system, please reply. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

Much love,