
I wanted to start a thread to have for Michelle.

I am still not sure what is going on with her. Is she in the hospital?, etc.

I would really like to know, but do not want to pry. Most importantly, I want her to know that we are thinking of her, and hoping for her to be well.

Much love to you Michelle,

Yes..me too, much love Michelle. You are one hell of a fighter and I hope you kick the shat out of this.

Take good care...we are all sending light and love!

I hope you get to feeling better soon Michelle!! Please take care of yourself.

I am sending lots of love & prayers your way!

Get Well Soon!

You are sorely missed and loved much.
I am continuing to pray for you and to send healing thoughts your way.



you are loved and missed. God be with you!
whatcha gonna do with that uncooked turkey in the fridge? lol!
cant wait to see your new advatar appear! that means your back!! love jewels
Thank you so much girls.

I got discharged yesterday afternoon. I have pericarditis along with the pleurisy. The doctors flipped out on Monday evening when they saw fluid built up around my heart so they sent me to the hospital. They wanted to transport me by ambulance and I refused. I had my kids with me, and there was no way I was going to let them see that. They monitored me, did an echocardigram, more xrays and said that my heart wasn't in any distress, but there is a tiny amount of fluid there. The pain is mostly gone, little bit on my right side, but nothing like it was. I now have a sore throat. The hospital is great for giving you illnesses that you didn't have before you went. LOL

I'm on a ibuprofen theapy for the inflammation and have to go see the cardiologist in two weeks. I have to see my regular doctor within a day or two, and beings I now have a sore throat, it will most likely be today.

The cardiologist thinks this is a viral infection that will run its course, but he is also concerned that my RA may be the culprit. People with RA and Lupus run a higher risk of pleurisy and pericaditis because our immune systems attack things they shouldn't. I have to find a new rheumatologist now. I haven't been to one since I quit the pills. Thought I could manage my disease without one. I was wrong. I'm such a control freak. Just goes to show that sometimes it really is better to let someone else drive the bus (God I hate that saying). LOL

I got one shot of morphine in the hospital. As they injected it into my IV, I thought "here it comes baby", but it never came. LOL They gave such a small dose, that I felt nothing. No freebies for me. I got lots of Toradol, and I'm amazed at how well that med actually works.

Well thats my update. Thank you for all the prayers and support. I appreciate and I'm sorry that I worried anyone. Love you all.

Gina, DeNae, thank you for calling while I was there. You really helped get me through the morning. I hate being confined and you guys really kept me distracted. Thank you.

i have to say i was in complete amazement and utter joy to see your post this morning, i really was worried about you, but so glad you are home, take advantage of this down time, the opportunity comes so little,
i can remember turning my nose up to toradol, because it never gave me a buzz, but it does work, and so does prescription motrin!

user posted image
love jewels
Good News this morning!

Well, not exactly "good" news, but better news...you are home! I am so glad you went on to the Dr. and it seems you know where you are with your RA, so you have a plan and Lord knows, we love a plan, don't we???

Michelle, isn't it funny how pain works. In a way, pain is a good thing...for instance in this case, you wouldn't have gone back to the Dr. if you hadn't been hurting so badly. Just think, if you had been using, you may have really masked that pain and let that stuff go too far.

I'm glad they think it is viral and will spin out when it is done. Sorry about the sore throat...yep, well all know, hospitals are the worst as far as "germs". My friends who are Drs. and have little children have the sickest children in town. Bless their hearts!

Feel better girl....you gotta Christmas shop!



It was great to hear you sounding so well yesterday (despite the fact that you were stir crazy). I was so relieved that it no longer became necessary to BEAT YOUR a** FOR LETTING THIS GO FOR SO LONG. But I promise I will if I hear of you doing laundry this week.

Get some rest.

Love you.
Yup Michelle you definately worried me, girl.....what's up with that? Seriously, I'm glad you are a bit better & back home. I left you a post on the cafe thread so I'll not go into it again here.
Welcome back home & take it easy. Get Well!
thanks girls! I promise to lay around and be lazy. Gina your welcome to come kick my a** anytime. Lord knows I'm overdue for a good a** kickin'. LOL

Michelle, I'm so glad you're back home and R E S T I N G. I've been so worried about you. Please thank Matt for calling and updating me while you were in the hospital. Also, for giving me your room number. It's always great talking to you. You had me howling on the phone yesterday morning. LOL

Take good care of yourself and pay close attention to what your body tells you.

Love you,

LMAO! Here's your smoking pill! I wish you could have seen this nurse. God bless her, she was awesome, but she just had this "I'm crazy as a lark, so don't f*** with me look". LOL

I'm so glad you called and got to hear that exchange. Matt was present for the one with the dude who wanted to exangunate me. He went in the corner and buried his head and tried not to laugh, but damn, if you don't speak up they will just keep taking blood until you need a freakin transfusion or your dead.

Michelle, glad to hear that you are home and resting. I hope you feel better really soon!

Thank you Janet!

Congrats on your sons engagement! I just read that, I bet your so excited.

Oh Michelle,

What a scare!
Glad you are home----I am thinking you now to get yourself a bell, one to ring when you need a drink, or need another blanket, or to pop in another DVD. You get the picture.

Take Care!

It was so good to talk to you today Michelle and hear in your voice that you're feeling better. Now, do as you're told and really do the bed rest thing like your dr says. Love you...
I hope you feel better soon Michelle.