Middle Of The Flood Here And....

Couldn't get to meetings......so I called some numbers and talked with guys from the group I like. This was a big thing for me because it shows a new level of involvement in a recovery program. It felt good just to touch base with other addicts while I'm trapped here, bailing out the Titanic that is my house. I actually live in the town that The Weather Channel is broadcasting from. It just won't stop raining. This morning, I saw grown men and women fighting over sump pumps. I am watching a small river crest and it is approaching my yard. In the past, storms were great "reasons" to party! Even though work was cancelled, I called some meeting folks and didn't feel like getting high. I'm sure you all know what I'm taking about.......addicts are clever about coming up with "special" events to get high.

Anyway......I'm going to continue fighting back flood waters. We have a baby due in June.........Noah, maybe? If you are warm and dry, take a moment to give thanks!
Congrats on the impending new life jer...babies are a blessing =)
Hope the weather gets better for you soon mrjer. I didnt realize there was flooding happening. I miss so much not being in the states. My mother gives me some information whenever I call here which is usually every other day. She hasnt mentioned a flood but she did make some remarks on how unhappy she is with Obama lol. I dont really know much about that either. Anyway good luck mrjer and be safe.

God Bless...
The Northeast is getting battered by rain. We've had the highest one-month rain total in recorded history. We are not used to flooding here in New England. Nobody here has experienced anything like this.
Well that makes things worse when your not used to dealing with certain things. Are they expecting the rain to come to a stop anytime soon?
Im from New Mexico originally and we are not used to rain there either although we do get quite a bit of flash flooding situations.

Where I live now we get alot of rain in the winter. Sometimes it rains for days and days none stop and amazingly enough it doesnt flood. If it rained like that in New Mexico it would surely flood
Noah is an amazing name. Here I was going to complain because my dishwasher did something funky today and came home to a flooded kitchen. I shall not complain. I hope all is ok there Jer.

Good for you for making those phone calls. I don't make calls but I do chat with some of my new friends on facebook, it helps. Easier for me to type then it is to talk at times. I know I can hide more this way but it works for me. ( i don't mean keeping things from them, i mean emotion in the voice etc)

Are you by chance seeing animals walking around in pairs?

Later my mohawk wearing friend
So sorry about the flooding mjer! That must be awful worrying about the water getting in your house and all. I sure hope the rain lets up soon. I know exactly what you mean bout addicts looking for any special reason to get high. Heck, I used to even use renting a good movie to watch as a great reason. LOL
Glad you hanging in there!!
Hey--renting a bad movie was a good reason for me!
Tuesday was a good reason for me.
.....or 9:00 am
Yeah, this NE rain is nutty. Our school basement flooded and our boiler went down...got to work and it was 52 degrees in my classroom, and the manhole in the street was sandbagged and still erupting like Old Faithful. Our sump pump here at home is doing yeoman's work and we've still taken a little water because the ground is so thoroughly saturated there is nowhere for it to go. I drove through two mini lakes on the way home.

Maybe it'll be a dry summer...
LMAO! Awest and Mjer!!
They are an amusing pair all right =)

Rhonda, your guy Rob was a panelist on RealTime with Bill Mahr last week. He's a smart one, and looking pretty fine in his old age *wink*
Glad you're safe.I don't think anyone prepares for these tragedies even if you know they're coming.
Hey MOM! I watched it!! Yes, I agree he is still looking good! lol