Miss Sarah

When are we quitting again? I didn't think you'd see this on the nic board.
Oh no, Miss Katbird....not again...Nope, you need to keep smoking for awhile, pleasssssssseeeeeeeee.....
I am setting the date for starting the dad gum chantix on Monday. This time, I am going to do it like my friend from home did, and not stop smoking on the 7 day mark...just keep taking the medication, and wean down slowly. I know this may sound crazy, but Kat...I did manage to wean down on pain pills and then pull the plug AND I made it.

So, I am committed to starting the medication again on Monday, and just not smoking so much until I don't smoke anymore.

Whatcha think????

p. s. There is a really nice group of people going on a ten mile hike on Sunday. My husband and I are invited, and I want to meet new people...but 10 miles???? The guy that invited us said, "yeah, but the last 5 are all downhill". LOL I don't think they will cotton very well to stopping so I can have a smoke break, do you??? LMAO...so, you see...the freakin' ciggies just do not match with my new lifestyle. hahahahaha. Gotta keep trying, right?
I think it's so great that you guys keep trying..I gave up. Although now since I don't go to the casino anymore, I'm down to one pack every 3-4 days.

10 miles Sarah? Yikes..you're a better woman than me!

Hell, I don't know if I can do ten miles! hahahahaha. Andy says I can, and this is a hike he has already done...so, maybe I just let myself be led there and do what I can. I carry a camera...so, if I must stop and let them go ahead, I know how to keep myself occupied! Honey, I can lay down and count things that fly over my head for fun! hahahaha. Wanna go???

Love you.

No I don't wanna go...LOL 10 miles would kill me. But I'll come and hang out by the pool with you...<eg>
You'll have to bring the pool! hahahahaha, but hey, it's a date!

I did find a sweet little spa next to my new yoga studio that has a heated pool! We can go there, then for a massage and a facial, okay????

Sarah I used the same logic like with the siboxone in finally kicking a nasty caffeine addict.

I had a plan and very slowly weaned my coffee--it took me a solid year but it worked. I cannot remember my last cup. At the end again it was a mental thing about not having my one lousy cup. It took like 2 weeks for me to prepare and well that Monday in my office was hell but after 3-4 days it got easier and easier.

I still get cravings daily as my office coffe machine is very close to me. I smell the coffee and well ???

I tried a million times to quit. I quit smoking a long time ago it was hard but hey if you want something bad enough you will do it. I think besides barbituates for me coffee and cigs rank the hardest drugs I have quit.

Good luck--Jeff
Now you're talking Sarah...see, that's my kind of fun, pool, massage, facials...lol

Sounds wonderful..make the appts.
I've got some lozenges and I'm going to pick up some nic gum and give it a go on Monday. I'm done with the chantix. I don't like the way they make me feel or think. Someone told me they caused depression and I poohpoohed her at the time but I think she was right. I have a quit buddy going to quit with me (same one I had the last time. I was thinking of the patch though cuz I love the crazy dreams. Maybe I'll get patches instead of gum.
Stacey I am ignoring you and your pessimism. You know how sweet I am when I quit.

So you are actually setting your quit date for Monday???

I will be here, cheering you on!

Well, Monday or Tuesday. It depends on when I run out of cigs.
Hey there!

I was just about to check and see if you had posted again!

Okay! We will move this discussion to the nic board! I am with you. I won't be "not smoking" but tapering with the Chantix. I am ready to try 100%, I think I can do it. I know you can!


Excuse my ignorance...what is chantix?

My god, I am smoking like a 5 alarm house fire! I keep trying to be gentle with myself since I just recently got sober (Monday will be 60 days) but my hell...a full pack a day and I don't smoke while I am at work and I sleep at least 8 hours. So I am smoking 20 cigs in 8 hours...crazy!

I've always said I am such a dichotomy! I work in the medical profession, exercise tons, worked in cancer research for 5 years, have witnessed the ill-effects of this habit and yet I STILL SMOKE. Guess I can correlate this with all the signs, deterrents, and obvious signs of unmanageability that I still didn't see in regards to drinking.

K, I know this is the pp thread....but I sure can relate to nic addiction.
Chantix is a drug they came out with a year or two ago that helps with the nic cravings. You take it for 7 days, then you quit smoking. You're supposed to take it for 3 months.
Good luck you two. I admire your willingness. I'm holding out for the scientific breakthough of a "healthy cigarette". LOL

Anyone tried the inhalers? I figure as long as I'm sucking something into my lungs, it might not be so bad. I don't know how I would drive without smoking, and talking on the phone, forget it. I'll have to retrain myself.

Lisa, a pack every 3-4 days, thats great. I smoke over a pack a day, and I think its starting to catch up with me. Hack!

It got easier once I started doing things that weren't condusive to smoking. I never smoke in the house or car, hubby hates it, so that's helpful and like I said, no more casino so I can't just sit and light up continously. So, the only time I smoke is when I let the dogs out. I feel so much better. I intend to NOT smoke this weekend around the grandkids so I'm hoping that maybe I can come back a non-smoker or at the very least, a closet smoker! It's all about habit..start doing things that aren't part of your regular routine and it gets easier. You can do it Michelle..you'll feel so much better for it. xxoo PS..You owe me an email girly.
I'd be letting my dogs out an awful lot if that's the only time I smoked, lol.
Lisa, you're just practically a non smoker. One pack every three or four days...good grief.
FK, if you can hang with the nicotine gum you certainly have my admiration. I think it's gross. The patches never seemed to do anything for me.
I know one thing for sure, if I ever try to quit again I'll have to isolate from everyone. My kids were encouraging me to smoke hoping I'd go back to normal.
Why can't they come out with a vice that isn't harmful to your health or addictive?
Good luck on Monday or Tuesday.