Misty ~

How is everything on the home front?
Are you done with your Christmas decorating?

Sending Hugs :-)
Everything on the homefront is good. So tired can't wait to hit the bed. My oldest daughter is out with her friends and won't be home till 11:30 so I am sitting here trying to stay awake. The hubby and I were on looking up some stuff on how he screwed up his brain taking all the drugs he has over the years.
Tomorrow is going to be so busy. Kids are going shopping with my mom at 7am......so I have to get up early to get them ready....then we have a party to go to. Some where in between got to get to food shopping, the butcher and cleaning thank god I got most of that done. I hate to clean on the weekends.....try to save those days for the family since we are all together. I can't wait for the party. I love seeing all the kids. Hope it is nice so I can round them all up and take them out to play. They are all little like 5 and under so it will be great.....I love them at that age they are so funny.
Decorations no not done but I hope to be by Sunday night. Really have no choice....so many things coming up in the next few weeks......parties every weekend and then I have to get ready for Christmas Eve dinner & then Christmas day. I cook that meal. My mom does Christmas eve but I have things I have to make for it. Bake cookies oh I hate doing that.
Well I will be on for alittle longer if you are still up.......
BTW you done decorating........