Ladies - did one of you post that after you stopped Ultram you had a terrible neck ache? I am in HELL. My neck hurts so bad I can barely function. When does this go away. Even vicoprofen barely touches it.
I have 3 more fioricet to taper off of.
NOTE: I e-mailed my OP and they actually listened to my request NOT to bombard me with e-mail refill reminders! When I open my e-mail I do not need the daily temptation. I also answered the phone when the OP lady called, and told her to PLEASE take me off their call list. So far no more calls. I didn't shop around alot, so maybe the one OP I used has the decency to respect my wishes.
Over the weekend, I also had a talk with my hubby who WARNED me not to get into the financial mess I put us in a few years ago with the online ordering.
These are small steps for me, but very important. Getting done with the fioricet and ultram were steps 1 and 2. I still have vicoprofen. Ditching that will be step #4.
Going back to NA will be the final victory. I know I'll get there.
I don't mean to limit the responses - if anyone else has advice for the neck pain or has any other comment, please chime in!
I've been doing ice, heat, and also using a home traction device I got from my physical therapist for my herniated disk. Still hurts like a bee-atch.
I've been doing ice, heat, and also using a home traction device I got from my physical therapist for my herniated disk. Still hurts like a bee-atch.
Hey mom...yup yhe ultram/tramadol was as hard as anything i tried to get off of.The only other thing I can suggest (& Im sorry its not much)is to either lay in the hottest bath you can stand,or a shower with extra hot water.You can try tylonal pm it may help with sleep & pain.
I feel so bad that my advice isnt much.
however I want to commend you,you are working really hard & I know that doesnt help right now,but hopefully soon youll be real proud of yourself.
As far as the online pharmacys....good for you.I myself have in the past (when I relapsed)messed up every credit card I had.I was ordering 90 Fiorcet a week.Plus getting 120 from my DR.So I will probaly be in the "hole' for at least 5 years.But its up to me to fix it.
Ill be online for a bit if you think talking may help.I wish there was more I could tell you to help your pain.But hopefully the hot water will help
love mj
I feel so bad that my advice isnt much.
however I want to commend you,you are working really hard & I know that doesnt help right now,but hopefully soon youll be real proud of yourself.
As far as the online pharmacys....good for you.I myself have in the past (when I relapsed)messed up every credit card I had.I was ordering 90 Fiorcet a week.Plus getting 120 from my DR.So I will probaly be in the "hole' for at least 5 years.But its up to me to fix it.
Ill be online for a bit if you think talking may help.I wish there was more I could tell you to help your pain.But hopefully the hot water will help
love mj
I did hot showers which only worked as long as I was in the shower. Stay away from caffiene and power drinks. I think a lot of it is tension. My body was stiff as a board when I was detoxing. The only thing that helped was time. Try putting warm towels or a heating pad on your neck. Good luck. It will go away soon.
Thanks for the replies - I've been off line for 3 days - finally the guy showed up today to fix my internet.
I had a massage which helped, although I think it triggered a migraine - I can't tell what is real pain or detox pain at this point. I feel really good about being off the fioricet and ultram.
The temptation to order is there, but I'm holding strong.
I had a massage which helped, although I think it triggered a migraine - I can't tell what is real pain or detox pain at this point. I feel really good about being off the fioricet and ultram.
The temptation to order is there, but I'm holding strong.
Don't give in to temptation or you'll have to go thru this again. Hang in there.
How cool you off them.Im so glad for you.I really am.Those 2 drugs have kicked my butt in the past.
I really hope you hold onto being sober.Its not all sunshine & roses,but in the long I truley NEED to believe its wonderful being sober,& embracing life good times & bad
I really hope you hold onto being sober.Its not all sunshine & roses,but in the long I truley NEED to believe its wonderful being sober,& embracing life good times & bad
Hey there! I havent talked to you in awhile. Shoot me an email.
Hey there! I havent talked to you in awhile. Shoot me an email.
Woo Hoo!!!! Betsy, keep holding strong! You gotta start somewhere, and this could be your last w/d!
Even if you are tempted, don't do it! If you feel yourself starting to cave, call me instead of the OP. I can talk to you about cooking or politics, and get your mind off of the pills. LOL ....or whatever you would like to talk about! I am here, 24/7, at your service.
Hold on, Girlfriend!!!
I too am addicted to ultram and have been for 2 yrs i cant get off them the withdrawals are to much then when i run out bc i abuse them i go for the harder drugs im a mother as well of a 3yr old son and without my med i cant shower cook or clean it takes all my energy i did rehab 4 or 6 times my husband says hed rather have me on them bc im not such a b**** when i dont have any im a miserable lazy a** i cant even care for my baby the withdrawals last me more than 2 weeks i cant believe im not the only one addicted to this post a message on the ultram tramadol thread
here is my email i would really like to talk to those who have struggled with ultram or benzos abbiesy12000@yahoo
Hey Betsy...I agree with MJ, ultram was the absolute worse drug to cold turkey off of. Not sure why, I took some powerful drugs during my career but ultram was the most brutal while trying to come off of them. Take everyone's advice here. But above all honey, you have to get some help. Some support so that you don't do this alone. Nothing says that we have to suffer mentally during this process. I can't remember, but do you go to meetings? Maybe it's time? xxoo
Hi Betsy. Sorry I haven't emailed you back yet. As far as the ultram. I took that a long time ago and I don't remember it being any different than anything else I've withdrawn from. But I didn't know any better then. That's about the time (1996...and he would prescribe 100 at a time and it was very expensive...being a NEW drug and all) when it was relatively new and my doctor told me "this new pain medicine is supposedly non-addictive." Then I read an article in the paper a few weeks AFTER I quit taking it that basically said, "Oops...we made a's addictive after all." In other words, the FDA made a big mistake.
Yeah, tell me about it. I remember I ran out the morning of my wedding. That's no joke. I couldn't sleep on my wedding night and had the restless leg s*** and had no clue I was going through withdrawals. I didn't know it would do that to me. I think I educated my doctor after that. After all, they only know what the FDA tells them about drugs.
Just new husband snoring after the best night of our lives and I'm going through withdraws. God, I am an addict. I just didn't know it so much at the time.
Yeah, tell me about it. I remember I ran out the morning of my wedding. That's no joke. I couldn't sleep on my wedding night and had the restless leg s*** and had no clue I was going through withdrawals. I didn't know it would do that to me. I think I educated my doctor after that. After all, they only know what the FDA tells them about drugs.
Just new husband snoring after the best night of our lives and I'm going through withdraws. God, I am an addict. I just didn't know it so much at the time.
Didn't have any WD's getting off either the Ultram or Fioricet because I tapered, thank God. Yesterday I left work to run home and place an online order - but stopped because "a thousand is never enough" popped into my head.
I still have vikes left, and I'm finding they aren't so great without the added kick of the other meds. I'm getting so tired of the game again. My plan is to get off the vicodin (vicoprofen really) and be totally clean.
I haven't gone back to NA yet. I'll get there. It's the only thing that works for me.
I still have vikes left, and I'm finding they aren't so great without the added kick of the other meds. I'm getting so tired of the game again. My plan is to get off the vicodin (vicoprofen really) and be totally clean.
I haven't gone back to NA yet. I'll get there. It's the only thing that works for me.
when i take the ultram i dont take anything else bc for me the ultram cancels out the other drugs you didnt find it to be that way for you mom said that meetings were the only thing that worked for you? Me too. So get your butt back in there. What are you waiting for? No time like NOW.
. Yesterday I left work to run home and place an online order - but stopped because "a thousand is never enough" popped into my head. are supposed to call me instead of the OPS! Please, the next time you get the urge to place an order, I'll take that order, OK? are supposed to call me instead of the OPS! Please, the next time you get the urge to place an order, I'll take that order, OK?
Try acupuncture for your neck.
My best friends girl does it and it has worked wonders for me, even with my cravings.
Some insurances don't cover it, but I'm lucky, I get it for free from her.
I'd highly recommend it.
My best friends girl does it and it has worked wonders for me, even with my cravings.
Some insurances don't cover it, but I'm lucky, I get it for free from her.
I'd highly recommend it.
Did you make that meeting Betsy?
Thingithinkithink...what in the world is that avatar?
Thingithinkithink...what in the world is that avatar?
Good job AddictMom.You're doing better than I did.
AM quotes When I open my e-mail I do not need the daily temptation. I also answered the phone when the OP lady called, and told her to PLEASE take me off their call list. So far no more calls. I didn't shop around alot, so maybe the one OP I used has the decency to respect my wishes.
Think again.
If you have ever ordered drugs off an OP,your telephone number can be sold to other OP's who are dying for your money.It's a competitive business and in this economy,they're like rats going for fresh cheese.
Here's a little helful hint because most of their numbers are blocked.
#1* be as courteous and act like you are just dying to buy anything.
Example: Say they are running a special on 120 1mg.Xanax for 240.00.You say that sounds great and ask if you could call them back because your wallet is in the car and you need to get a credit card.Most of the sellers are on commison from India or Canada.Ask for a telephone number and name so you can call back.Some will hang up because they get the gig.A lot won't so get the number.Remember,be as sweet as a georgia peach.Don't let them get a sense of any indignation.Get as much information as you can.
#2 Give them all the informaton with slight changes.Instead of July Price,say Julez Pricey.Leave an incorrect billing number and anything else with a slight change.Give a phony credit card number
#3 They will run the card and of course,turn you down.
#4 Call the DEA,give them all the information.Here is the website with their telephone numbers.My Webpage
Ask the DEA what actions you can take to stop them.You don't have to tell them this, but the guy I talked too was really nice.I told him I was a recovering addict and it made it harder for me to be constantly harrased by these jerks.He was very supportive and made sure the information would be documented.I don't really know how much good it did but in April they are closing these guys down on line so who knows that maybe my one call did help.
BTW....and I don't recommend this but I told the a****** who was trying to sell the Xanax that he was engaged in an illegal act,selling narcotics and you will be calling the DEA as soon as you hang up.I got really pissy and told him he better find another day job because his career as a pusher was over.That really pissed him off.
AM quotes When I open my e-mail I do not need the daily temptation. I also answered the phone when the OP lady called, and told her to PLEASE take me off their call list. So far no more calls. I didn't shop around alot, so maybe the one OP I used has the decency to respect my wishes.
Think again.
If you have ever ordered drugs off an OP,your telephone number can be sold to other OP's who are dying for your money.It's a competitive business and in this economy,they're like rats going for fresh cheese.
Here's a little helful hint because most of their numbers are blocked.
#1* be as courteous and act like you are just dying to buy anything.
Example: Say they are running a special on 120 1mg.Xanax for 240.00.You say that sounds great and ask if you could call them back because your wallet is in the car and you need to get a credit card.Most of the sellers are on commison from India or Canada.Ask for a telephone number and name so you can call back.Some will hang up because they get the gig.A lot won't so get the number.Remember,be as sweet as a georgia peach.Don't let them get a sense of any indignation.Get as much information as you can.
#2 Give them all the informaton with slight changes.Instead of July Price,say Julez Pricey.Leave an incorrect billing number and anything else with a slight change.Give a phony credit card number
#3 They will run the card and of course,turn you down.
#4 Call the DEA,give them all the information.Here is the website with their telephone numbers.My Webpage
Ask the DEA what actions you can take to stop them.You don't have to tell them this, but the guy I talked too was really nice.I told him I was a recovering addict and it made it harder for me to be constantly harrased by these jerks.He was very supportive and made sure the information would be documented.I don't really know how much good it did but in April they are closing these guys down on line so who knows that maybe my one call did help.
BTW....and I don't recommend this but I told the a****** who was trying to sell the Xanax that he was engaged in an illegal act,selling narcotics and you will be calling the DEA as soon as you hang up.I got really pissy and told him he better find another day job because his career as a pusher was over.That really pissed him off.