
I wanted to post a "I'm sorry to all you guys included.I lost my head with the danny thing,But I do hope you can see how harmful these post are getting.I was abused along with my daughters for 12 freakin years I got out of it after my throat was slit.I understand that danny needs compassion and understanding but hearing the same thing over & over is NOT helping me,him his kids and everybody else that gets sucked into caring.I don't even know this man but hearing this horrable story over & over its wrong.We have all tried the work is his now.I would love to keep being his & everybodies friend but my feelings for this whole situation are taken away from my recovery.I do feel bad for FINALLY losen it but its just not fair & I hope you see how it is effecting all of us not just the people who say stuff.Thanks for your time.....mj
MJ please try not to read his postings hun i understand totally how you feel.
jackie xxxxxxxxx
Thank you jackee My heart did go out to him now I find my heart going out to all of us who love our kids Hell I took more than 1 punch to protect mine & he can't pick up the phone....Oh forget it are you today?Hows the UK.NY is very cold today.They are saying alot of snow for the weekend so I better stock up incase we get stuck.But than again a day or 2 of just watchin movies & playing board games sounds pretty nice at that huh?????mj
Thats the spirit MJ well its windy here hun but alas no snow aaaaaaaahhhhhhh would love some. what are your plans for the weekend then skiing ? lol jackie xx
Oh yeah just what I need to be in I could picture me trying to slide down a frozen mountain.I'd be like....CATCH MEEEEEE.Now I'll probaly do one of my favorite things & hang out with the brood.Hearing about 12 yr old crushes can be fun & scarey at the same time.I'll probaly go get a bunch of stuff Friday & bake play scrabble just enjoy my time with them.OF COURSE IM SURE MY BROOD WOULD LOVE TO SEE ME FLY FALL DOWN A MOUNTAIN.......mj
LMAO jxxxxxx
MJ, I think you should not get upset or apologize for getting angry. From what I have read in your postings you have a great big heart and genuinly want to help people. I respect the fact that you would still want to help this guy, I personally would not. I am not sure the children arent a figure of his imagination, which is to say do they even exist but I would not say that in his thread.
TCCME I thank you for your post but I'm just letting it all go.So how are you feeling today....mj
Hey Mj,

Like you I try to stay out of things. Please try not to read what he posts. I am very angry at his situation also. You are a very sweet real person. Please, just dont read what he posts.

Feeling really really good actually, thanks for asking. Day 23 no percs, I have found out something I used to know before using pills. IF I SIT ON MY BUT AND DO NOTHING I AM GOING TO GET DEPRESSED!! IF I GET OFF MY BUT AND WORK, OR DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE, I WILL NOT GET DEPRESSED. Very simple, you know the old saying "keep it simple stupid".

Best regards,

MJ.............That's right, you don't have to apologize for anything. I can certainly see how upsetting Danny's posts could be to you with your history and I'm sorry. He came to this board with an addiction problem. He has developed close realtionships with some here and feels the need to now share his personal problems. Don't we all that to some degree?

If I were you, I would just not ever read his posts. You never know what you'll find in them, so avoid being upset and don't read any of them. I know you, too, are a very sensitive and caring person and in your current recovery state, should not allow yourself to become unnecesarily upset about this or anything else on this board.

But how does anyone know FOR SURE that he is lying? If someone has that proof, they should present it or stop attacking Danny. Otherwise, their personal judgements are uncalled for and mean.!
Hey MK I have desided not to let it drag me down I can't.I've worked too hard to get here.I was thinking that maybe just maybe if we all stopped answering any post of his that doesn't deal with addiction issues if he would just keep that part of his life for private email.Anyways thats my plan if he wants to talk addiction & recovery I will be right there to try to help.I'm just upset with myself now but I'll get over that.I didn't mean to get mad & its not likely to happen again
How are you on this cold(BURRRRRNY)day?Are you feeling better???mj
Mom I hope you know that I like you & enjoy talking with you.I think your idea about him emailing problems like this would be better for all.If he can do that than this than I think we all can get back to our recovery issues.Take Care mom I think your sweet.....mj
Your right mom, I sometimes have trouble opening my mouth about what I think. What I said really was not meant to be mean, But I am sure it sounded it. It did no one any good. I will keep my opinions to myself from now on.

Best regards,
hey mom..
nobody likes me...... everybody hates me..... why dont i just go eat some worms....

Have a great day..... by the way that number is 1-800-4-a child......


T what flavours do they come in would love some lol jackie xx
Teresa You forgoy about going into the garden to eat worms my grandpa use to say the way I don't have ANY problems with you Take Care mj
Hey MJ, wachta, been doing? We are suppose to be getting a big snow storm, heading this way, can't wait!! I'am suppose to start my sub tuesday but i'am stuck, i think, i'am more scared then ever because i still have severe pain, where they left my ovaries,when they done my hystercomy, i've got cysts on both of them, then i got pain from my gallbadder and my panceras.Hope ot god, on the 4th of feb. their find out where the pain is coming from. Everytime, i've had blood work my panceras levels are always out of wack! Well, tell me about your day!

Tcc........i don't know what you're apologizing for saying. It's OK, though! Everybody gets upset when this crap starts flying! Forget about it!! :o)

Teresa....just as I expected. A smart-a** reply.
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