I just wanted to see if you were back on the board yet. I had alot of friends once upon a time. But eaither they took advantage of me or they sold me pills. I lost alot of them when my boyfriend killed himself, they all thought that i pushed him to the point because i got out of the situation alive. The therapist that i went to told me that everyone goes through the grieving prosses differently and that maybe that was their way of getting throught he tough time of his death. All i could think of is that nobody was understanding about the greiving process of my son and i. We lost the man that we loved and our house, our belongings, our car, and most of all, our selfrespect. I thought that something was wrong with me because i wasnt crying about it anymore. I never had that HUGE breakdown that everyone says you have when someone you care about dies. I honestly thought that i was COLD HEARTED. !!!!! What a big mistake that was. I came to realize, through therapy, that i was glad to be out of the horrible situation i was in with him. I never would of left him and taken him out of my sons life, and he gave me the out for it.!!! He helped me in more ways than one. He gave me the chance to have a life. A full life with my son./
I am so glad that i am able to talk to you. I havent gotten into full depth of this story in so long and it feels like a weight has been slowly lifted off of me. THANK YOU for helping me. You may not think you did, but you did more than you know right now.
Your NEW friend, Christina
Dear Christina I am so sorry I wasn't here when you wanted to chat.I did post somewhere that from like 3pm until whenever I try very hard to be here for my S/O and my children.I like them to know I am all theirs.I am alone eveyday from 8am until 3pm and that is my time you know.I have been woundering about you alot and last night my thoughts kept drifting to you.As I have said it has been years since I allowed myself to open up enough to make friends.I value each friend I have made at this site.Isn't it funny how people we never have met can feel like family.MJ......mollyjean
Dear Christina I am just checking in on you to see how everything is and how your holding up.....mollyjean