
I was just wondering if you are still on Sub?How long have you been on it? I thought I remembered you posting that you were doing the maint. thing and I am too.What is or was your dose if you dont mind sharing ?Cristina
Hi I just popped in quick my daughter wants some mom time.Ive been on it since Jan/05 And my dose is 24 mg a day.For me it was/is my last hope so for me it works very well.How long are you going to be on it?My Dr told me that Ill probaly be on it for the rest of my life.How is it working for you????Ill be here for a couple mins....mj
Right now I take 16mgs aday I dont think I could afford mch more I have no insurance,as I said that it gave me Medusa flashback..anyway I dont mind spending the money I have trie dmany times over the last 10 years to no avail also 3 weeks ago when I saw my dr.he said he was not going to bother tapering me becaus emy life has turned a 360'.I am just glad he is not money hungry trying to rotate patients since they can only have 30 ya know?My dr. is also the director of the meth clinic in my area so he is pretty informed.Maybe we can chat later thanks for answering .I understand the mommy time my 10 yr. old daughter follows me around if she is not on the computer.Cristina
Christina honest it feels good to be able to talk to someone on maint,Most people here are usen it as a tool to get off pills,& I think that is so great.Anyways Im so sorry that I cant talk longer.I usually am on during the day when Im here alone,I look for you maybe tomarrow ok.Take Care....mj
I know exactly what yopu are saying but my life is getting better evryday id rather do sub maint than meth all day long!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good one.Thanks again well talk!!!
dear MJ,Cristina,
I was on Sub for 2 months tapers down and got off sub. I am doing good. I was wondering why you need such a high dose of sub? You would be suprised at how good 4mg 2xs a day works. do you eventually want to get off the sub or do you think you will be on it long term? Whatever is good for you is the right decision....for me 24mg a day or even 12mg was alot and made me very tired, I wanted my energy back......All the Best..shel
mj - 24 mgs per day is a very high dose!!
Many do not realize how powerful Sub really is and that for most "Less is More" with Sub
It is a very odd medication the way it works
You can easily taper from 24 mgs down to 10 or 12 mgs without feeling bad and even feeling better on the lower dosage
Unfortunately, most Sub Dr's do not know as much as you would think or hope about this med and tend to prescribe dosages that are way too high

Sub maintenance does work well for many
(Only recomended for those that continue to relapse after trying other things including shorter term Sub detox)
I am also on Sub maintenance myself (I take Subutex, not Suboxone)

Unlike m'done, it is now being discovered that Sub can NOT be used for life. After a period of time, it starts to work the opposite
I know several people that were on it long term and thought they'd be lifers. Each one of them had to end up tapering and getting off it - they were becoming very miserable - everyone is different and some were ok on it for 5 or 6 years and others said after 2 or 3 years it began to make them sick, depressed, lethargic, etc

Currently I am very involved in NA - - working the steps with an AWESOME sponsor, attending meetings often, utilizing a great support system, reading daily from several different recovery books, etc
I am gaining an arsenal of tools in order to maintain a clean & sober life !!
I'm finally getting the confidence I need for the rest of my life - finding happiness without having to ever use any mind-altering substance again!! I have hopes to be off the Sub in less than a year


Molly can answer that better, but I wanted to let you know that she takes it for pain control as well. That's probably why the dose is so high. She doesn't plan on coming off of it.

Have a great day.

dear swizzle as CG said I also have major pain issues I am dealing with.I was alittle concerned myself about being on such a high dose as everyone I see on here is taking alot lower.I have discussed it with my Dr & he assures me that what Im taking & how I am feeling is just how I should be.Thank you for your concern but in this case Im leaving it in my Dr hands.Hes been my Dr since I was 17 & has my total trust.Thanks...mj
Gotta put my 2 cents in here.....
Sub well is an intersting drug as most of you know. A miracle drug, for many yes.....and then for some it is a horror. And that is usually how most drugs are.
Sub uses can range from just detox, to pain management, to maintenance......Designed specifically for heroin addicts, it has crossed over to help so many. The doctors here in the US, well they are a bit behind at times. And it was always written that less is more.....but that is not always the truth with pain management. Do I think 24 mgs is high, no not really. If that is what it takes then it is what it is. Do I think starting off at 32 mgs is strange, no not really either anymore.....
But with this drug doctors follow a protocol....For an example taking what a user, uses daily and matching that to a compared amount of sub. Better to take it in small amounts until you feel ok, then risk taking to much and feeling s***ty, and not understanding why...They don't always tell you that it can max out in you at a lower dose, they tend anymore not to say to much of anything. Everyone is different, and no one reacts the same to any drug.
And the most important thing this drug can kill you if you use on top......Please if you are on it watch everything you take. Make sure you tell any other doctor you see that you are on it, if they need to prescribe you something. It can react badly with anything from alcohol, to benzo's to other antibiotics, antiviral meds and anethesia.....And if you have been there done that already, you got lucky....the next time you may not.......
Everyone have a great day....

Tina Thank you For along time now I wasnt confortable saying how much sub Im on only because as I said I see so many on here who are on much less.Also I am very much in touch with my DR so he knows everything I take,how I feel etc.For me the 24mg is perfect.As you know you dont get high from sub but I can say I finally feel like.....myself I guess?I know a part of me will always miss that buzzed feeling that I use to get from usen,but for me Id rather feel as I do now & know Ill be around for my girls.
For anyone who is usen the sub to get off of the pain pills I say its not perfect & you have to put the work into it but for many it is the best way.....mj