Moment Of Truth O/t

hey guys,

Have you seen 'moment of truth' on FOX yet? It's pretty good. Pretty intense... I've only seen in once, but it's coming on in a sec on Fox.

If you can, check it out. Let me know what ya think...

Geez, I was just thinking of posting an OT on this too!

I am watching it for the first time...heard a lot about it, was channel surfing and its on now..

Just saw the first round..
Watching the NFL Network l superbowl 42 again--Gotta love the NFL Network Made my night as my old man taped it but this is awesome asthey go right to the key playshgame is over in 90 minutes.

This is awesome

How are you doing Danny?

Dude they jsut killed these preeks--WOW I am in Awe of how good we played

So Danny how many more days till the mets are in first place??
Danny... I know you will never believe me. . but i heard you. lol

Gosh I so would of kept going...