More Anna Nicole Stuff

I read in the paper this morning,they have read her will and she left everything to her son(who is now deceased)she outright stated in the will that she had purposely left out spouses,future children,any other members of her family,becasue she wanted EVERYTHING to go to him and only him.

Now they courts have to figure out who to give the money to.Along with who the father is,where to bury her(the BF and mother are fighting over that)UNBELIEVABLE!~KIM
Its amazing that her will wasnt changed after his death. Especially since her "best friend" is a lawyer.
I also am amazed that noone has focused on the fact that he was with her 2 hours before she passed away in her hotel room. She had a 105 temp and yet noone got her to the hospital? I dont care how adamant a person might be, if a loved one was that sick there is NO way I would just leave them alone in a hotel room. NOONE was looking at for that girls best interests, they just kept her more and more medicated. Even during her pregnancy she was being prescribed methadone, just amazing. Howard really took care of his baby from the start huh! Cant wait for the dna tests to be done already!
The will is invalid. It was never recorded by the court.

See, this HHoward guy is smart..he fled the country..he's with the baby..and until he is charged with a crime (which he most likely will be) there is no getting him back here.
Its such a mess.Donna,i wondered too,being hes a lawyer,why wasnt it changed immediately after her sons go to the daughter,but...then again,i dont think hes the father so that wouldnt help him.

My wish is for the Baby to get the money,and that Larry,the blonde guy,her real life actual BF,who seemed to be truly in love with her,tried to help her,turns out to be the father.Thats what i think will happen.

Yes Danny,they said it will be treated as if no will were done,and in that case they will most likely give the whole thing to the minor daughter,and of course,the father will be in control,i dont see this down the door to prove hes the daddy...why is that?~KIM
Now I heard on "E" this morning that beings the baby is REALLY only the only child left that she can????Contest(sue)& will most likely get it.Gosh I hope so.I get sicker &* sicker as I hear more & more on this.This woman has had enough!!! I truley feel she should be buried,& hopefully left to rest in peace.Goodness what is it?Why is it most people dont give a fig dig about someone until they are gone?
It hurts to hear all this BS everyday on her ya know?
Just goes to show all the $$$ in the world doesnt bring happiness.The one thing she ONLY truley wanted was for someone to love her(Vicky)not Anna Nicole.I feel that since her son died she most likely felt as if no one would ever love her like he did ever again.
I only hope this WHOLE matter...wills paternity etc settles quickly,though with our fasination on stars I see nothing but along drawn out ordeal.
Heck they even said it on the most paternity cases they are settled with in 7-10 days.In this case because everyone is NOW comming out saying"Oh Im the daddy"I get the feeling this will drag on & on & on...How very sad
Kim- It's simple. Because he is not the father.
kim - something i found interesting as to why they wanted to preserve her body and obtaining samples of her dna for this paternity, originated from dr. michael welner, forensic psychiatrist and chairman of the forensic panel, a national science board of pathologists, toxicologists and psychiatrists:

"Mr. Birkhead is claiming that the baby could be switched for testing in order to demonstrate that Mr. Birkhead was not the father. Remember that DNA testing is all about the match. No match does not rule out the possibility of a switched subject.

It is simple enough to do such testing. The court's ruling about preserving ANS' body has as much to do with the suspicions of others regarding her death, not so much the paternity testing and the DNA."

there's so much more that i'm sure the tabloids and we are not privvy to where the law is concerned regarding ans' death and the paternity of her child.

hugs ~


Did anyone see this video? It's Anna Nicole pregnant..Howard made a video..she is clearly wrecked out of her mind..if that guy get's the kids, it's truly crimminal..

Anna Nicole

Be prepared. It's extremely sad.
Hey Bullwinkle:

First, let me say - you're a funny guy. A lot of your postings crack me up. Re: the Anna Nicole video, I saw that last night. It is so, so sad. She's so out of it, and so sad, I don't know what is with the clown make-up. It is tragic though. I don't know about Howard. I don't trust him, and the story gets more and more bizarre.
Lol, the problem is that video clearly shows a woman who is not functioning. It's extremely sad..I can't imagine a judge giving that guy her body or her baby after he see's that.


I heard that stated on the tube as well..but that is wrong...the will is not doesnt even get recorded in court until it is probated...not that it really matters cus no doubt it will be contested..

That is AWFUL. He even said "this is worth money."

Did the lawyer make that? that shows his motives right there.

I think it was on one of the talk shows, but Judge Judy was questioned about the possibility of a 20 year old and a 39 year old just dropping dead.

The fact that BOTH ANNA AND HER SON JUST "DROPPED DEAD" should raise some serious suspicions. And wasn't the lawyer with her? I think he is way more guilty than anyone.

What a shame.

Re: The clown video...She was babysitting for a little girl named Riley and they did "face painting" together...Lord, if he would film Anna like this...makes me wonder or afraid to wonder what the heck went on in that house when cameras weren't around...unbelievable...Yes she seemed messed up in the video but also very hurt at Howard's "joke" about mushrooms...He is a leech...Makes me sick to my stomach and it scares the hell out of me that he is possesion of that little baby...just boggles my mind!

Ali- One of the lawyers on the tube said it can't be self-proven but who knows.

It cant be self proven??

Im not sure what he even means by you? lol..gotta love the lawyer babble...

I just know that when someone has a will, they usually keep one in safe keeping with their lawyer or in their deposit or somewhere they know it will be found, and it doesnt actually get noted or recorded in court until it goes to probate...

In probate is the time that they would hold onto the property, monies etc..until anyone that feels that they are entitled to monies owed etc..can file for it...once the probate period is over, then the estate can finally be released to the beneficiaries...which should be her daughter but she was-as a future child purposely excluded...

Is that what he means by self proven? Or maybe it wasn't notarized or witnessed?? I have no a legal aspect, its very sure it will all come out eventually...they will be using the court recordings of this case as examples for law students for a long time to

If I remember right, it has to be signed by like three witnesses, of which none can benefit from the will itself (meaning if Howard signed it, it's invalid) otherwise, it has to be notorized..who knows..something like that...

It's all strange.
I just wanted to say that I was an EMT at one point & worked for an ambulance for 4 years.Even if someone called an ambulance or got her to the hospital there is something called...RMA Which is a document a patient will sign stating they have refused medical assistance & I believe it really doesnt matter as long as that patient is responsive THAT is a legal document.
So even if whoever was with her called the Dr or ambulance unless she was already unresposive she has the right to refuse treatment & something tells me she would of...JMO

You must be kidding me?Thats a helluva law...maybe i didnt understand this right..

So if someone is totally out of it on drugs and or booze but are responsive, they can deny treatment even if they dying??? Even though anyone could see they arent thinking clearly??

thats an awful law if thats the case..


Ali- MJ is right. If you can sign, you can refuse.

Holy cow..thats a scary law..wonder how many people have died because they werent in the right mind to make a decision,., and whom woud have chosen better had they known the consequences and been in the right mind?

Thats awful...i wonder if its the same for Canada...i dont think so...but not sure..
