Morning Cafe Is Open! Part 10...

Morning Everyone!

We lost a thread, it was getting long anyway!..

I am officially on countdown! Last weekend of the Christmas vacation. I know that K is so ready to get back as well. Way to long of a break. I am putting her in a new that isn't an hour drive away.

When school ended her teacher literally cried. K was crying and then of course so was I. She is once again this year the teachers pet. She is a goody goody toe shoes! Teachers lap that stuff up. I was the polar opposite....hee hee.

I hope that this transition is easy for her. She is in the French Immersion program and has excelled so I think I will keep her in it. But switching schools in mid term? That's harsh....isn't it? She doesn't seem to be to concerned only that she gets a girl teacher and not a boy!

Ironically....this is the same school that her Mother went spooky.

I woke this morning and was in shock....this is a groundhog day for me. For some reason I thought that today was SATURDAY! does this happen??? These days are just melding into each other. So it is Friday all over again....LOL...maybe today will be better than yesterday.

My son came over last night to hang out and watch TV...of course being the wild and crazy mom that I am....I fell asleep! When I awoke he was snoring log too. So I covered him up and let him sleep. He is still sawing logs!!

What is everyone up to today? Are the kids all going back to school on Monday? Seems like these vacations are getting longer and longer!!

I am on my first cup of coffee with plans to gulp back the entire pot.

Gina...I saw that things are in full swing for terrific. Are you loving it?

Sarah....did I read that you are starting on Chantix? I thought you were on it before...maybe not, maybe it was someone else. I would like to know how it works and the side effects. I have the patch and I plan on quitting Monday morning. I promised. NO one has forgotten and the clock is ticking rather loudly! Yikes!

Where are all the peeps???

Have a good one! Wakey,'s 8:00 o'clock here and still pitch black. UUUHHHHGGGGG!

Good Morning Kerri.Waiting around for an appointment.Have a good one.
Hey Tim!!! Mood Gorning to you too!

I haven't seen you around in a while...I hope 2008 is going good. I detest waiting around for appointments. Let me guess.....the cable dude? Those guys are unreal with there all day...half day appointment!

Have a good one! The weather here is really mild right now so I have been thinking about heading out to the slopes this weekend! Lake is world class's been a few years though...I hope I don't break anything!

Have a good one!
I've skiied Banff before. I was working for a caterer here in Houston who flew about 10 of us up to Calagary to work an AX event.It was the Winter Olympic event in 88.I remember waiting on Dorthy Hamill and that hot dog skiier Wild Bill.AX rented out this rich dudes house in Calgary and we cooked and waited on all these people from the Olympics.Good Times
Yes, Tim...those were great times for Calgary. Put us on the map for sure. I also rented out my own apartment. I was a five minute walk from downtown and close to the Stampede grounds where so many events were being held.

I think we stayed with my brother...I can't even remember how much money we made for 10 days....but it was alot! OMG.....that was 20 fricken years ago!! Unreal.

At times....seems like time just drags on.....remembering this though brings things back into focus....20 years have passed. Where did the time go??

I learned to ski at "Canada Olympic Park"...back then it was called "Paskapoo". That is where they held the ski jumping comp. I haven't skied on that hill in years and years...I may get Kearra lessons there...great hill to learn on. Then it's off to Banff!!! You would be amazed how that town has used to be so quaint and it is far to commercial for me. I actually got married in Banff...on Tunnel Mountain....literally! That is where we had the ceremony. We hiked up there with a few friends and a minister and did the deed! It was so lovely!
Good morning everyone,

I'm home with three sick youngins. Not pleasant. I just got over a cold and now this. I'll be sick within days, guaranteed.

Have a great day! I'm off to make the kids some chicken soup and lysol their bodies.


Hiya Darlin.....what?? sick??? Doesn't that just piss you off! A day off and sick...with 3 sick kids. Awe that is just not fair. Yes....lot's of chicken soup and tons of orange juice and water. I hope you don't get it. I usually don't get what everyone else gets...I am lucky that way. I haven't really been that sick...but we do all suffer from the continuous stuffy nose and head. It's the air dry! I am suffocating most of the time and my skin is shriveling! Nice huh? hee hee

Are the kids going back to school Monday? Well maybe not...if they are feeling yucky.

Well at least it's the weekend. Just hunker in and get those take out menus close. No cooking or cleaning...other than the soup of course. Oh to hell with a tin of Campbell's.

I have been cleaning up doll poop of all the fricken things. Kearra got a baby alive doll for Christmas and that thing is pissing me off....of course she tried to clean up after it...but I am finding doll poop all over the place!!! Help!
LMAO doll poop. I'm curious, what does it poop out?

My kids went back to school on Wednesday. They don't get much of break anymore, little more then a week. Its kind of sad, but I was more then ready for them to go back. No fevers, just hacking, sneezing and the snot is flying. I catch everything, they bring home. Oh well, nothing I can do about it.


Kee Kee:

Morning sunshine! Yes, it is me that started the Chantix...made it 9 days, then conveniently started forgetting to take it! hee hee...too much company over the holidays to try and quit. I waited on people on and off all month! Anyway, yes, I am restarting it on Sunday. You start it, then smoke for a week, then at the beginning of Day more cigarettes.

Kat is doing it with me...why don't you join in???

We have a thread on the nic board!

I am busy working on this packet for my resume. It is a box actually. I think getting this thing done is going to contribute to me feeling a lot more secure. I sure hope so.

Morning Michelle!

Sorry about the sick babies. dangit! My parent's used to dip us in creosote once a year to prevent that...hee hee hee...just kidding! But, my mother did always insist on physoderm soap this time of year...but back then it was called physohex and I think it was a lot stronger!

Take good care of yourself!

I'm curious about the doll poop, too, lol...
How did I miss the doll poop??? LMAO

Please, details!

OMG! A doll that poops? That is just disgusting and has no redeeming value. I can't imagine any child needing that much reality, LMAO. I think I saw a male doll that is anatomically correct on a commercial. It just peed, thank God. Wouldn't want to streak up the doll clothes.

Sorry Michelle, that your kids are sick. Snuggle in and watch movies or something. Take out, like Kerri said.

Hiya, the rest of you gals. Laundry, laundry, for me. At least my mom's is done and delivered.

RFLMAO....I know, it's disgusting!

You should see this thing! So real it's almost creepy! It's mouth makes these sucking movements...smiles...laughs....pouts....snores!

It has these little packets of food...peas, carrots and potatoes.....lord knows what is in there. You add water and says....."mommy I am hungry" and she sucks it up! It has bottles that you add water or this juice concoction. She even has sippy cups! Then...........she say's "oh oh"....she poops and burps...I swear I heard her fart! She has her own little diapers that are filled with the concoction she was fed!!

Yeah....lots of fun! Doll poop all over my house! She is enjoying it. It's the first doll she has ever really had. She is more into horse's and my little pony's and polly pockets! I thought I would give this a own curiosity got the best of me.

I am officially a great grandma! Geeeezzzz...what did I get myself into now...LOL

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I forgot to say that I am with you ladies that are quitting smoking. I am going to do the patch thing. I have a script for Chantix but it is in Hawaii....I don't think that it is available here yet. I am going to check. is a real pain is @ss to get my prescriptions sent here from there so I think I will do the patch. I have had success with it before. The only problem is that I like to run....I have to take the patch on and off....this is problematic. You can't have it on while working out...nicotine OD. Like I need that. way or another...I am with you....may God be with us! This is hard as hell. I just can't pay all the money I am shelling out for this horrible addiction!

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I just had to pop in and say my grdaughter got that doll for Xmas too! Too spooky. But Lil is too little to realize that you can feed her for real and then the REAL results happen. I don't like that doll. Makalya I think it's name is. Too much like Chuckie when she talks and moves her head toward your voice and says "I can hear you Mommie" Too strange for me LOL....Hi everyone else...I just saw the picture of the doll and realized Lil had the same one. Her batteries are running low...Thank God...

I agree Jan, that doll is pretty creepy looking. Not even cute, just creepy. LOL

My daughter has this giant barbie head that has movable hands. Now that thing scares the hell out me. I stuck it up in the linen closet one night after being told by my husband that its just a "doll". The next morning when he went to grab a towel, that thing was waiting for him. I think the whole neighborhood heard him scream when it fell out into his face. She's taking up space at the landfill now. LOL
OMG Jan! I know that doll is so so so creepy! It's eyes are huge and the open and close....when the batteries are running low...the eyes flutter! eeewwwwwww

I just hope that dolls 'head doesn't start spinning...that is when she will go for a nice long ride to the dumpster! LOL

Michelle...Kearra has a bratz doll head with hands growing out of it's neck with these horrid fingernails. It also comes with sparklie glue on nails! I am so happy that she has no interest in that ugly disgusting thing. Your poor funny.
Afternoon everyone,
Kerri, that doll is pretty creepy. My Granddaughter has a toy box here and there's some kind of automated buggish looking thing in it. I swear walking past it causes it to speak. It will go the way of finger paints, playdo and that wretched sand that found it's way all over my home. What idiot decided that sand would make a good indoor toy?
So you're quitting cigarettes? I better get an email off to you today. I was planning to have a box ready for you by Monday. Sorry it took me so long, btw.
Sorry to hear about the sick kids, Michelle. Brieana and Baker are sick too. I was supposed to take them to the doctor but got a reprieve. Their other Grandmother is taking them.
Oh! and Tim, cash or a check, either will be fine. >grin<
Hey Jan! described that so well. Gives me the creeps. "I can hear you Mommie". Next it's "I'll cut your throat, Mommy", LMAO. Then crap on your rug. No thanks.
xxoo, Beck
Kat!! Where have you been? I have been thinking about you honey. I know that you have so much going on and I hope the worst of it has passed!! I have been contemplating the big quit! However, I could have one last hooray with a box of my Capri's....I know that you have had other more pressing things on your mind than my ridiculous addiction. Yes, please email, I would be happy to get some real smokes!

I am terrified to know what sits in the bottom of her toy box...I refuse to clean it....that is HER responsibility!! LOL...the toys that are available for these kids these days seriously make my head spin.

Seems to me I have some memory of the Baby Alive doll from my own youth...I think maybe someone I knew had one. I don't remember it being that creepy!!

Yep looks like that bet is won hands down!! LMAO

Big hugs