Morning Cafe Part 3

shall we start another morning cafe as the other 2 are quite lengthy?
i am up early, i blew off the last two days and did absolutely nothing as i got 2 free spaces on my calendar! now its back to the races! it was nice doing what i wanted to do,
sunday is my first time to host our womens NA once a month get together, like i said we will sit by the pool in my flower garden.
the menu is:
chicken salad
fruit plate
choco mousse
how does that sound jewels
Morning Julie,

That menu sounds delightful. I wish I could join you and your group, poolside amongst your flowers.

Have a great day today. Don't work too hard.

Good morning Julie!

That menu sounds lovely, light and refreshing, perfect for an outside get together. I'm trying to plan our menu for the 4th of July this year. We always have a huge get together, and I like to have lots of great food for my guests and family. Lots of steamed Maryland crab! No one does crabs like us salties near the Chesapeke Bay! LOL

What is everyone doing today? I'm going to hang out with the kids at the pool today, and I'm taking them to play minature golf this evening.

Hey Gina, didn't see you there! Good morning! YGM!

crab, omg!! love it!
i would love it if you could join me at our NA get together.
i have been having fun "googling" ideas for this get together, they have alot of cool recipes for the 4th of july. i also like
i will do the tradtional menu, with fireworks being visible from my back yard this year. they have a new place to light them off this year, just right around the corner from our house, so nice to not have to battle traffic and just sit in my backyard in lawn chairs.
yesterday was the longest day of the year, 6 mos til Christmas! sorry had to throw that one in.

Good morning everyone.

Julie, that menu sounds perfect! My friend makes the best chicken salad. Instead of shredding the chicken, she puts it through a small meat grinder. (one of those with the little handles) It turns out so good.

Michelle, set a place for me on the 4th. LOL, I guess we'll do hamburgers, hotdogs and ribs with baked beans and potato salad.

Gina, three weeks from yesterday!

Have a great day folks.


Hey Gals,

Julie, I'm drooling over your menu. Chicken salad on croissant is a real fav, believe it or not. My SIL makes it and it's to die for! Have a lovely day.

Yes Michelle, set me a place too. Personally I'm there for the mortars.

Hey DeNae and Gina! Have a great day. I'm just loaded with chores. It seems others have hobbies. I have laundry, lol.

Love, BEck
It's afternoon now but Morning everyone!
I'm glad you started a new Cafe thread, Julie. The others really were getting long, lol.
All this talk about food is making me hungry. I'm impatient. I'd like to have it all right now. There is nothing on everyone's menu that I don't just love.
I guess for the time being I'll have to settle on tuna salad. It won't taste as good after what I've just read, but it will work..
Good morning folks!

Julie, how did you meeting go? Opps, its today, for some reason I was thinking it was yesterday. Have fun!

I hope everyone has a great day!

good morning michelle,
yes it is today! i have the chicken salad and the mousse to make yet but other than that i have everything in the fridge, the weather is overcast and cool so it doesnt look like we will swim as planned.
i am off to church and breakfast out with my son, my other son wont go to church with us anymore lately, this makes me sad, he stopped going with us when he got a job and claims he cant get out of bed to go, i will continue to pray for him that he will come back, he did agree to once a month, these guys have been in church their whole lives!
then i need to come home and get my butt in gear! i will tell you how it went. have a great day michelle, love jewels
Morning everyone, It is beautiful today here in Ct. Hope everyone has a great day. Shantel
Morning everyone!

I haven't been around much. The boys are leaving on Tuesday so I've been trying to spend time with them (and not cry). I know I'll be fine; I'm not looking for sympathy. Actually, there are parts of next month I'm really looking forward to. People are coming to visit, I've got yoga workshops lined up, and the webcam is up and running (hotcha! LOL).

I've been working on handstands in yoga. It's a metaphor for achieving balance based on core strength when the world is turned upside-down. Building confidence, accepting when I fall, enjoying the flight when I get up there, and cultivating the playful mind.

user posted image

I'm registered for a workshop devoted to arm balances next weekend. I plan on falling a lot, lol.

Julie, Have fun today. I'm sure your luncheon will be simply elegant. Would your group be willing to have a picture posted?

Beck, DeNae, Kat, Michelle, Shantel (in alphabetical order), Have a great day!

Good Morning All,

I know I'm running a little late today. I've been staying up late with my sons, watching movies. We don't rent to often, so when we do, the selection is huge.

Good luck with your luncheon Julie. It sounds lovely.

Gina, as always, you're heading in a healthy direction. Please lean on me if you need to. I want you to know girlfriend, that you are worth every penny!!

Good Morning Michelle!! As always you make me smile.

Off to the grocery store.

Love, Beck

edit to add: Good Morning Shantell! I missed you the first time around. Forgiveness please! HAve a great day.
Just popping in to say GOOS & thanks the menu sounds so so yummy...wonder if you could Fedex some to me????LOL
Love molly
Awww Beck, you make me smile too! Love you more each day!

Gina, this summer will go fast. Just keep yourself busy. Beck is absolutely right, your worth your weight in gold.

hello everyone...............

jewels..........yummy that sounds so nice jewels........
may i come?

love you
Jewels, How did your get together go? Hopefully the weather cleared up and you all had a great time. Shantel
I'd like to know too, how did it go, Julie?
>hi Shantell<
Gina, you can really do that?
The closest I could come to that is standing on my head. (against a wall)
I thought I'd take a break from writing a paper on what the four, most common executive positions DO. Arrg. Seventeen pages of notes will be lumped into a hundred word essay. Too much to say in too few words, imho.
I think it's very rude of Pizza Hut not to deliver in the woods. Why can't I write a paper about that? lol
Kat, I feel your pain Pizza Hut doesn't deliver to my house either and my family loves the Meat Lovers pizza. Guess thats what we get for living in the boondocks. Hope your Sunday was a good one. Shantel
Haven't we been punished enough? I think it would be an act of humanity to at least bring us supreme pizzas. I like the meat lover's too but I just love tons of everything. We should make a poll about this very serious subject, lol.
Hope your Sunday was great too.
Morning everyone, Well it's back to work today. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Looking forward to next weekend as we go to Newport, R.I. to my parents condo right on the water for a family picnic. It is so beautiful there. Bonus for me is my 2 teenagers will be staying for the whole week with my family, then my son is off camping in the mountains of N.Y. and my daughter is headed to Myrtle Beach. Hubby and I have pretty much the month of July to ourselves. Thats a good thing because once August 1st hits football and cheerleading start and we kinda just pass each other in the night. Hope everyone has a great week and all you moms stay sane with the children home for the summer. Shantel