I miss the Morning Cafe thread.
You know the one that lets me know Michelle is supermother of the world, and Lisa pops in late at night to bump the thread with news of her day.
Julie posts antics about her older clients that make me smile, and anyone else who feels like saying "Good Morning" or "hello" posts a line or two.
Where is Lucky123? Where is Rhonda? What happened with Cheyenne?
Where is Tim? Tim, do not hide my friend, pop on in and say hello to me, and make fun of yourself. Your self-depricating humor is such a mirror to myself...don't stop doing that.
Where is Kat?, Rachel?, heeeellllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?
I hope everyone has a lovely day. I am meeting with my landscaper, going to work. Cooking scallops (which is my new addiction) tonight, with fingerling potato's and steamed broccoli. The sun is bright here, birds are chirping in my yard, baby sweet little gold finches and tiny bright green vireo's are eating their food. Time to get the sugar water going for the Hummers. I missed the bird count out here, wish I could have gone. Another year.
Love to all.
I miss it too Sarah and missed you while you were gone. This board has been a little lonely lately, it's sad to see it like this.
I think most of these people are still around, just busy with thier very busy lives. Rhonda is ok, just having computer problems but says to tell everyone hello. Not sure about everyone else.
I'm being lazy today..have to clean house and I'm finding every excuse not to get started. I need to pack too.
Love you Sarah girl....
I think most of these people are still around, just busy with thier very busy lives. Rhonda is ok, just having computer problems but says to tell everyone hello. Not sure about everyone else.
I'm being lazy today..have to clean house and I'm finding every excuse not to get started. I need to pack too.
Love you Sarah girl....
Hi there, Sarah!
I'm sneaking a few minutes online. I've got Brieana and Baker all week so there isn't much time to sit in front of a screen. They're miraculously both napping at the same time. This is my DIL's first week of her new job so I'm filling in until she gets some type of daycare worked out. I live too far away for her to come back and forth so they're just staying. Omg, lol, an eleven month old, a hyper four year old, a son in the fifth grade, a daugher homeschooling and some very disgruntled chihuahua's about the whole thing leaves me with about fifteen roles.
Let me throw in some packing and sorting through years of clutter. I've made an oath to never keep anything I don't absolutely need again, lol.
You sound really happy! Who couldn't be where you live!
Spring has kicked in around here and it's nice to see things green again. Mornings are still nippy but we're getting the kind of days where you can open up all the windows.
How about sharing a picture? I'd love to see what you see when you look outside.
I'm sneaking a few minutes online. I've got Brieana and Baker all week so there isn't much time to sit in front of a screen. They're miraculously both napping at the same time. This is my DIL's first week of her new job so I'm filling in until she gets some type of daycare worked out. I live too far away for her to come back and forth so they're just staying. Omg, lol, an eleven month old, a hyper four year old, a son in the fifth grade, a daugher homeschooling and some very disgruntled chihuahua's about the whole thing leaves me with about fifteen roles.
Let me throw in some packing and sorting through years of clutter. I've made an oath to never keep anything I don't absolutely need again, lol.
You sound really happy! Who couldn't be where you live!
Spring has kicked in around here and it's nice to see things green again. Mornings are still nippy but we're getting the kind of days where you can open up all the windows.
How about sharing a picture? I'd love to see what you see when you look outside.
Kat darlin, if you're still online, will you let me know? Need to talk to you..
It sounds so awesome where you live. Lots of you ladies having Spring -like weather and it's still in the forties here and windy. I'ts getting here but sure is taking it's time. I am sick of paying over $500 for 150gal of oil. Not once this winter did I get a "fill" in the oil tank. That would be over my mortgage payment!
Now our local dingbat Mayor wants to add a one percent local sales tax for our town cuz he knows if he raises property taxes again heads will roll lol....
I forced myself to walk thru the grocery store today. I am determined to do it no matter how much pain I am in when I'm done. OMG the pain in my wallet is hurting a lot more than my back and feet right now!!! How are people surviving?
Nice to see you all, Sarah you are sounding well. So, it's to the couch and heating pad for a while til Lily gets here. I promised her a kickity kick ball if she was good in school today. A big purple one awaits her highness in the van. She's 5yrs old and called her Papa looking for me when I was shopping. Where's Nana? I got a green ticket today in school!!! Did she get me a kickity kick ball? LOL She is a pistol. Papa will have to do the running around with her though. Take care everyone, and does anyone know what I do with all the lily and tulip bulbs once the flowers have died? Do I just stash them in the garage and wait until the fall to plant them? They are so pretty, I'd love to see them come back next Spring. Well, talked your ears off enough and the couch is calling me.
Peace and Hugs,
Edit: Lisa where are you going? To see the grandbabies?
It sounds so awesome where you live. Lots of you ladies having Spring -like weather and it's still in the forties here and windy. I'ts getting here but sure is taking it's time. I am sick of paying over $500 for 150gal of oil. Not once this winter did I get a "fill" in the oil tank. That would be over my mortgage payment!
Now our local dingbat Mayor wants to add a one percent local sales tax for our town cuz he knows if he raises property taxes again heads will roll lol....
I forced myself to walk thru the grocery store today. I am determined to do it no matter how much pain I am in when I'm done. OMG the pain in my wallet is hurting a lot more than my back and feet right now!!! How are people surviving?
Nice to see you all, Sarah you are sounding well. So, it's to the couch and heating pad for a while til Lily gets here. I promised her a kickity kick ball if she was good in school today. A big purple one awaits her highness in the van. She's 5yrs old and called her Papa looking for me when I was shopping. Where's Nana? I got a green ticket today in school!!! Did she get me a kickity kick ball? LOL She is a pistol. Papa will have to do the running around with her though. Take care everyone, and does anyone know what I do with all the lily and tulip bulbs once the flowers have died? Do I just stash them in the garage and wait until the fall to plant them? They are so pretty, I'd love to see them come back next Spring. Well, talked your ears off enough and the couch is calling me.
Peace and Hugs,
Edit: Lisa where are you going? To see the grandbabies?
I am Jan...we leave on Friday. It's just a short trip, 4 days. But I'm so excited. That baby has grown so much since Christmas.
It's spring here too but not very warm..only 40's like where Jan is. Too cold to do anything just yet.
It's spring here too but not very warm..only 40's like where Jan is. Too cold to do anything just yet.
Good afternoon my fine friends!!!!
Sarah, I've been busy lately. I usually get on the computer when I get home from work, but now that I have a pup to take out to potty, and walks, it seems like my me time has dwindled. That's okay though, I love my little Bo. I simply love scallops. I wish I could take you out for some fine Maryland seafood. I swear its the best in the world, and you can't find anyone who knows how to steam blue crabs like the old salts here in Maryland. I'm hungry just thinking about it. LOL
I owe a bunch of emails, and I will try to get to them as soon as I can. I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you.
Jan, its still cold here too. Today it's in the 50's but that's still cold to me. I saw a few forsythia bushes blooming on my way home, so I know it can't be much longer before we have nothing but warm sunny days. I'm on a hunt for a gaint red umbrella and new red chair cushions for my deck. I've got spring fever bad. LOL
Take care everyone.
Sarah, I've been busy lately. I usually get on the computer when I get home from work, but now that I have a pup to take out to potty, and walks, it seems like my me time has dwindled. That's okay though, I love my little Bo. I simply love scallops. I wish I could take you out for some fine Maryland seafood. I swear its the best in the world, and you can't find anyone who knows how to steam blue crabs like the old salts here in Maryland. I'm hungry just thinking about it. LOL
I owe a bunch of emails, and I will try to get to them as soon as I can. I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you.
Jan, its still cold here too. Today it's in the 50's but that's still cold to me. I saw a few forsythia bushes blooming on my way home, so I know it can't be much longer before we have nothing but warm sunny days. I'm on a hunt for a gaint red umbrella and new red chair cushions for my deck. I've got spring fever bad. LOL
Take care everyone.
Weather here is still terrible.
Lisa: Have FUN, FUN, FUN on your trip. Love your baby up!
As some of you may know, my niece had a baby last year. He is 14 months old and was born profoundly blind. He is an ABSOLUTE ANGEL! I had 9 days with him while I was in Louisiana. His name is Jordan, and I had him taking steps, banging on his little bitty piano I bought him for Christmas....you know the kind that look like real piano's, only tiny, but with regular size keys??? Shoenhut, I think...it's RED too! hahaha. Anyway, I had him moving to a little story I made up about us fishing, and swimming and riding ponies...and he learned his little body parts as the story went...bumpy roads, kicking while he swims, etc. It was fantastic. Blind babies learn so differently...and he was premie too...so he has big challenges ahead but my niece and her husband are absolutely devoted to him. He is precious, he is an angel, and I am sure that this sightless baby will teach everyone in my family how to truly see. He is a blessing and I adored my time with him.
Kat: You are an awesome grandmother, and you are going to owe those chihuahua's BIG TIME! hahaha. They are never going to let you forget it either! I think it is aweful special that you can help your daughter in law this way. Not only for her, but for you and your grandchildren. I adored all my time with my grandmother (every early morning and after school during the school year, and every day during summer). She was an old school country woman. 1st through 3rd grade we would ride around my little town in a horse drawn hack, cause she never drove a car. She could make me new clothes (play sets as they were called back then, shorts and a crop top) without a pattern, on a dime...grew an incredible garden and made me jello (which I called lello) every day of my life. Her name was Vestula! hahaha, what a name. My middle is Vesta after her. (Thank God my mother had the presence of mind to shorten it!)
Michelle: My husband is originally from DC, and when he cousins married we always went to MD for the weddings. I have had Maryland blue crabs. The ones that are stuck in my mind were at O'Bricky's in Baltimore. Woooo hoooo!
I thought Louisiana crabs were the be all, end all, but nope. Not since I had Maryland ones! Now, I will stick with my gulf shrimp and oysters anyday, but...I have to say, those were the best crabs I have ever eaten in my life! The scallops we never had in Louisiana, but since being here, many restaurants serve them...so I tried them. I always think I can make it (whatever it is) better than restaurants, so I try. I did pretty good on the first ones (Valentine's Dinner), this is my third time to make them. I cook them in a cast iron skillet real hot for a little searing on the stove top, then through them in the oven to finish them off. I have kind of developed a citrus/sesame/ginger thingie (otherwise known as a marinade ROFLMAO) that is very good on them. What are they in real life, before they get into my skillet? I have no freakin' clue! LOL...but they taste good. Another thing that is served a lot out here is mussels. Not too sure about those??? Maybe I should come to Maryland to try them there, as out here....not so great in my opinion!
Jan: Ooooooooohhhhhh....big purple ball! Fantastic! I am so proud of you for going to the grocery store Jan. Don't give up your independence without a damn hard fight, but knowing you, you won't! Do I owe you an email? I think you asked me a question about my experience with a treatment and I forgot to answer you...I am so sorry, things got scattered after my nephew passed, including my mind. Death and Menopause will make a mess of one! hahaha. I am missing my nephew, but so proud to have met his friends and talked with them. He was very smart, and witty and I loved hearing their stories of Nick. I have forgiven him, and I am able to just love him. I hope it counts! I think loving someone always counts, don't you?
With my bulbs...well, let me say, with lily's, I always left them in the ground and they came back the next year...but you cannot cut the blooms, they have to dry out then you can pull the stems. Their foliage stays green all summer, so it is still nice even after the blooms fade. The tulips, you must dig up, once the stem dries, I always hung mine in panty hose...LOL, what a site, all these knotty looking legs hanging under my carport. Anyway, they want to be dark and dry...then ready to plant next fall. Sometimes, if you think about the cost of the bulbs, it is worth it just to buy new ones each year, but it depends on the type of tulip, as some get quite expensive. I gave 150 "parrot" tulips away last fall...when I left Louisiana, they are fragrant tulips, and they were just budding in my friends yard when I was home to visit. They are pale pink and green, gorgeous! My lily's were greening up and starting to show a little...the ones I grew were called Monte Blanc and Rubrum (Stargazer). Both fragrant...I am heavily into smelling things I grow! They come back every year, but you have to watch to not let the soil get too deep over them or they play out.
Well, did I miss anyone????
Thanks for shouting out on this thread. I like sharing the day to day with you girls! I will take some pics and get one of you to help me post them! I still don't get it! hahaha.
Please send my caring thoughts to RKT. I read of her troubles with the husband, and have her on my mind.
Love to all.
As some of you may know, my niece had a baby last year. He is 14 months old and was born profoundly blind. He is an ABSOLUTE ANGEL! I had 9 days with him while I was in Louisiana. His name is Jordan, and I had him taking steps, banging on his little bitty piano I bought him for Christmas....you know the kind that look like real piano's, only tiny, but with regular size keys??? Shoenhut, I think...it's RED too! hahaha. Anyway, I had him moving to a little story I made up about us fishing, and swimming and riding ponies...and he learned his little body parts as the story went...bumpy roads, kicking while he swims, etc. It was fantastic. Blind babies learn so differently...and he was premie too...so he has big challenges ahead but my niece and her husband are absolutely devoted to him. He is precious, he is an angel, and I am sure that this sightless baby will teach everyone in my family how to truly see. He is a blessing and I adored my time with him.
Kat: You are an awesome grandmother, and you are going to owe those chihuahua's BIG TIME! hahaha. They are never going to let you forget it either! I think it is aweful special that you can help your daughter in law this way. Not only for her, but for you and your grandchildren. I adored all my time with my grandmother (every early morning and after school during the school year, and every day during summer). She was an old school country woman. 1st through 3rd grade we would ride around my little town in a horse drawn hack, cause she never drove a car. She could make me new clothes (play sets as they were called back then, shorts and a crop top) without a pattern, on a dime...grew an incredible garden and made me jello (which I called lello) every day of my life. Her name was Vestula! hahaha, what a name. My middle is Vesta after her. (Thank God my mother had the presence of mind to shorten it!)
Michelle: My husband is originally from DC, and when he cousins married we always went to MD for the weddings. I have had Maryland blue crabs. The ones that are stuck in my mind were at O'Bricky's in Baltimore. Woooo hoooo!
I thought Louisiana crabs were the be all, end all, but nope. Not since I had Maryland ones! Now, I will stick with my gulf shrimp and oysters anyday, but...I have to say, those were the best crabs I have ever eaten in my life! The scallops we never had in Louisiana, but since being here, many restaurants serve them...so I tried them. I always think I can make it (whatever it is) better than restaurants, so I try. I did pretty good on the first ones (Valentine's Dinner), this is my third time to make them. I cook them in a cast iron skillet real hot for a little searing on the stove top, then through them in the oven to finish them off. I have kind of developed a citrus/sesame/ginger thingie (otherwise known as a marinade ROFLMAO) that is very good on them. What are they in real life, before they get into my skillet? I have no freakin' clue! LOL...but they taste good. Another thing that is served a lot out here is mussels. Not too sure about those??? Maybe I should come to Maryland to try them there, as out here....not so great in my opinion!
Jan: Ooooooooohhhhhh....big purple ball! Fantastic! I am so proud of you for going to the grocery store Jan. Don't give up your independence without a damn hard fight, but knowing you, you won't! Do I owe you an email? I think you asked me a question about my experience with a treatment and I forgot to answer you...I am so sorry, things got scattered after my nephew passed, including my mind. Death and Menopause will make a mess of one! hahaha. I am missing my nephew, but so proud to have met his friends and talked with them. He was very smart, and witty and I loved hearing their stories of Nick. I have forgiven him, and I am able to just love him. I hope it counts! I think loving someone always counts, don't you?
With my bulbs...well, let me say, with lily's, I always left them in the ground and they came back the next year...but you cannot cut the blooms, they have to dry out then you can pull the stems. Their foliage stays green all summer, so it is still nice even after the blooms fade. The tulips, you must dig up, once the stem dries, I always hung mine in panty hose...LOL, what a site, all these knotty looking legs hanging under my carport. Anyway, they want to be dark and dry...then ready to plant next fall. Sometimes, if you think about the cost of the bulbs, it is worth it just to buy new ones each year, but it depends on the type of tulip, as some get quite expensive. I gave 150 "parrot" tulips away last fall...when I left Louisiana, they are fragrant tulips, and they were just budding in my friends yard when I was home to visit. They are pale pink and green, gorgeous! My lily's were greening up and starting to show a little...the ones I grew were called Monte Blanc and Rubrum (Stargazer). Both fragrant...I am heavily into smelling things I grow! They come back every year, but you have to watch to not let the soil get too deep over them or they play out.
Well, did I miss anyone????
Thanks for shouting out on this thread. I like sharing the day to day with you girls! I will take some pics and get one of you to help me post them! I still don't get it! hahaha.
Please send my caring thoughts to RKT. I read of her troubles with the husband, and have her on my mind.
Love to all.
I don't tear up easily but reading what you wrote about Jordon teaching your family to see choked me up. You amaze me. Instead of being upset at the injustice of his disability you only spoke of the joy he is. You're such a loving and positive person.
My Grandmother was legally blind. It never slowed her down at all. She was one of the most incredible people I ever knew. She's in the record books for being the oldest recipiant of a cornea transplant. (I think she was 90) I remember we talked for over an hour about how beautiful the color blue was when she was finally able to see it for the first time. Or at least the first time she could remember. When she was four she looked over into a tub of lye soap her Father was boiling outside. He grabbed her and rinsed out her eyes but the damage from the fumes was already done.
She described her vision as what you might see if you were looking through an old, glass, milk jar. It never slowed my Grandma down, though.
If I'm half the Grandparent she was, I'll be lucky.
I don't tear up easily but reading what you wrote about Jordon teaching your family to see choked me up. You amaze me. Instead of being upset at the injustice of his disability you only spoke of the joy he is. You're such a loving and positive person.
My Grandmother was legally blind. It never slowed her down at all. She was one of the most incredible people I ever knew. She's in the record books for being the oldest recipiant of a cornea transplant. (I think she was 90) I remember we talked for over an hour about how beautiful the color blue was when she was finally able to see it for the first time. Or at least the first time she could remember. When she was four she looked over into a tub of lye soap her Father was boiling outside. He grabbed her and rinsed out her eyes but the damage from the fumes was already done.
She described her vision as what you might see if you were looking through an old, glass, milk jar. It never slowed my Grandma down, though.
If I'm half the Grandparent she was, I'll be lucky.
yeah!!!! glad to see this thread going again, i too miss hearing about e'one.
i bumped it up a few times but it just kept getting further down in the threads.
i miss kee kee and gina, does anyone know where they are?
gina and tim were hilarious!!
michelle just gave birth!!! she is a puppy mom!! it is exactly like having a new infant! congrats on the arrival of bo, post pics of him if you can, i'll bet he is so cute!! i love puppies little butt waddles
i agree kat, with how sara described little jordan, God bless you for that, you are indeed a VERY SPECIAL woman, i dont have good luck with tulips or hyacinths, i dont take up the bulbs, am i supposed to? they come back as this very weak greem stem and thats about it, the squirrels do rob them from my beds too. i have planted millions of tulip bulbs, where dd they all go? in illinois we are presently at 47 degrees but it is sunny!! i just observed a female cardinal bathing on my pool cover!! had robins last week doing the same thing, where is mr and mrs mallard? they are late this year, i LOVE when they return and they love that yucky water on my pool cover!
yes spring is right around the corner, all of nature is out there twitter-pating as is mentined in the movie bambi. lots of noises with the birds right now, i bought some sunflower seeds to attract cardinals,my favorite bird, also got some niger seed for my goldfinches!! they love the thistle sock and any seed left on the ground from them is enjoyed by mr and mrs mourning dove! i love them too and was so fortunate one year to have a picture perfect view of their nest and babies from my kitchen window!!!!
went to a meeting and it was speaker night, this guys lead was so interesting, heroin just about destroyed him and it is so interesting to hear how he and others have overcome it just for today.
that motivated me to work some more on step 4. putting pen to paper on all my resentments that i have a real hard time of letting go of..
i am so overwhelmed and exhausted lately and my ankles are starting to talk back again.
today is my german shephard heidi's 9th birthday!! i will make a cake for my sons and i and we will have a dog birthday party!! trixie turned 16 on mar 2!!!! ginger is 13 and kitty is 3 and bunny is 5!
i bought her some pedigree breath buster dog treats and her and her sisters will have them as we eat cake!!! i sons loved all the dog parties we had when they were small, they never forgot them. i used to sit all the dogs in chairs and put party hats on them!! like i have said before, they are my daughters and kitty is my son and bunny is my baby too! she has receiving blankets in her little bedroom of her hutch! i love receiving blankets!!! love them!! i buy them at the thrift store for bunny girl. she loves them too as she puts them in her mouth and moves the blanket to different parts of her hutch.
we lost anna at the nursing home, 95 yrs old, she lived a full life, i have many "mothers" up there, dads too, i cant get what i need from my real parents so God blesses me with them.
i also need to make a trip to another nursing home today as i just became a eucharistic minister able to now give holy communion to the shut ins of our church. the Easter vigil of Holy Week was truly a blessing for us, i played bells and lectored and my oldest son carrried and lifted up the cross of Jesus and was deacon on Easter morning! i was up at 2:45 am Easter morning, had to be at church at 5:15 am to rehearse our bell piece for sunrise service and the 9 am service. my youngest had to work Easter morning but he made it to Good Fridays service.
still feeling the loss of jenna at meetings, may she rest in peace, 22yrs old, went out there for just one more before going in to rehab and heroin got her. its usually the "just one more" that gets some people. so sad to see her parents at the wake and see this young pretty woman in her casket, her hair looked so pretty, long and flowing with curls...
so please think twice before you do "just one more...."
lisa you have really brought to my awareness my ADD problems, i cant focus, i procrastinate, i am disorganized, i am always late, cant finish or start projects either, ritalin was like a placebo for me. dont know how to treat this problem,.
i bumped it up a few times but it just kept getting further down in the threads.
i miss kee kee and gina, does anyone know where they are?
gina and tim were hilarious!!
michelle just gave birth!!! she is a puppy mom!! it is exactly like having a new infant! congrats on the arrival of bo, post pics of him if you can, i'll bet he is so cute!! i love puppies little butt waddles
i agree kat, with how sara described little jordan, God bless you for that, you are indeed a VERY SPECIAL woman, i dont have good luck with tulips or hyacinths, i dont take up the bulbs, am i supposed to? they come back as this very weak greem stem and thats about it, the squirrels do rob them from my beds too. i have planted millions of tulip bulbs, where dd they all go? in illinois we are presently at 47 degrees but it is sunny!! i just observed a female cardinal bathing on my pool cover!! had robins last week doing the same thing, where is mr and mrs mallard? they are late this year, i LOVE when they return and they love that yucky water on my pool cover!
yes spring is right around the corner, all of nature is out there twitter-pating as is mentined in the movie bambi. lots of noises with the birds right now, i bought some sunflower seeds to attract cardinals,my favorite bird, also got some niger seed for my goldfinches!! they love the thistle sock and any seed left on the ground from them is enjoyed by mr and mrs mourning dove! i love them too and was so fortunate one year to have a picture perfect view of their nest and babies from my kitchen window!!!!
went to a meeting and it was speaker night, this guys lead was so interesting, heroin just about destroyed him and it is so interesting to hear how he and others have overcome it just for today.
that motivated me to work some more on step 4. putting pen to paper on all my resentments that i have a real hard time of letting go of..
i am so overwhelmed and exhausted lately and my ankles are starting to talk back again.
today is my german shephard heidi's 9th birthday!! i will make a cake for my sons and i and we will have a dog birthday party!! trixie turned 16 on mar 2!!!! ginger is 13 and kitty is 3 and bunny is 5!
i bought her some pedigree breath buster dog treats and her and her sisters will have them as we eat cake!!! i sons loved all the dog parties we had when they were small, they never forgot them. i used to sit all the dogs in chairs and put party hats on them!! like i have said before, they are my daughters and kitty is my son and bunny is my baby too! she has receiving blankets in her little bedroom of her hutch! i love receiving blankets!!! love them!! i buy them at the thrift store for bunny girl. she loves them too as she puts them in her mouth and moves the blanket to different parts of her hutch.
we lost anna at the nursing home, 95 yrs old, she lived a full life, i have many "mothers" up there, dads too, i cant get what i need from my real parents so God blesses me with them.
i also need to make a trip to another nursing home today as i just became a eucharistic minister able to now give holy communion to the shut ins of our church. the Easter vigil of Holy Week was truly a blessing for us, i played bells and lectored and my oldest son carrried and lifted up the cross of Jesus and was deacon on Easter morning! i was up at 2:45 am Easter morning, had to be at church at 5:15 am to rehearse our bell piece for sunrise service and the 9 am service. my youngest had to work Easter morning but he made it to Good Fridays service.
still feeling the loss of jenna at meetings, may she rest in peace, 22yrs old, went out there for just one more before going in to rehab and heroin got her. its usually the "just one more" that gets some people. so sad to see her parents at the wake and see this young pretty woman in her casket, her hair looked so pretty, long and flowing with curls...
so please think twice before you do "just one more...."
lisa you have really brought to my awareness my ADD problems, i cant focus, i procrastinate, i am disorganized, i am always late, cant finish or start projects either, ritalin was like a placebo for me. dont know how to treat this problem,.
Now that I have a diagnosis (or an excuse) for my ADD, it's funny how often I think about it Julie. I see myself in it every day, but I laugh about it now. I think it's just who I am and I'm ok with that.
Where the heck is everyone?
Michelle..would love to see pictures of that new puppy! Bet he's adorable. They do take an awful lot of time though.
Where the heck is everyone?
Michelle..would love to see pictures of that new puppy! Bet he's adorable. They do take an awful lot of time though.
That baby is ABSOLUTELY adorable. OMG, I want to snuggle her right now! Is that your daughter in law holding her?
Kat and Jules: Thank you for those very kind words. I love my niece so dearly, and she has struggled mightily in her short little life, and now has this baby, which could send some into depression, I suppose...but honey, she is just the sweetest little mother in the world. She is crazy about her son, so is his father, and they refuse to think about limitations, only setting goals and attaining them.
Whatever I feel is purely a reflection of what they do. It is so awesome. I have a very deep, kinda gruff voice...and Jordan knows my voice, and when I would start talking to him...he would just smile and giggle. It makes me higher than any pill in the world ever did. I am the eternal Aunt, you know? Poor nieces and nephews always had to introduce me to their friends as "crazy Aunt Sarah", explaining, "she's just different". hahahaha. Probably embarrassed the crap out of them! he he he.
Anyway, Jordan feels your face with his little hands. They are his eyes...it amazes me, how important texture is, you know? Shape felt, not seen. It is kind of a powerful way to think about things.
Kat...that is an amazing story about your grandmother. Wow. I think my Granny used to boil clothes in lye soap to clean them, not when I was alive of course, but I remember her talking about it. I had no idea it was so toxic. Your story gives me hope that I can pass on to my niece. I was all excited about the new Governor of New York while I was in La., and my niece and I shared about that, how remarkable for him to have such accomplishment in his life.
I don't think it is the same world for challenged children or adults anymore. Society is way beyond them being merely "impaired". There is integration in schools, work, etc. You would not believe what all is available for the baby in the way of occupational therapy, sign language, music arts, physical therapy, etc. There is just so much help available to them, and they are taking deep advantage of it. I am so grateful for that.
Michelle, post pics of Bo. We are dying to see him!
That baby is ABSOLUTELY adorable. OMG, I want to snuggle her right now! Is that your daughter in law holding her?
Kat and Jules: Thank you for those very kind words. I love my niece so dearly, and she has struggled mightily in her short little life, and now has this baby, which could send some into depression, I suppose...but honey, she is just the sweetest little mother in the world. She is crazy about her son, so is his father, and they refuse to think about limitations, only setting goals and attaining them.
Whatever I feel is purely a reflection of what they do. It is so awesome. I have a very deep, kinda gruff voice...and Jordan knows my voice, and when I would start talking to him...he would just smile and giggle. It makes me higher than any pill in the world ever did. I am the eternal Aunt, you know? Poor nieces and nephews always had to introduce me to their friends as "crazy Aunt Sarah", explaining, "she's just different". hahahaha. Probably embarrassed the crap out of them! he he he.
Anyway, Jordan feels your face with his little hands. They are his eyes...it amazes me, how important texture is, you know? Shape felt, not seen. It is kind of a powerful way to think about things.
Kat...that is an amazing story about your grandmother. Wow. I think my Granny used to boil clothes in lye soap to clean them, not when I was alive of course, but I remember her talking about it. I had no idea it was so toxic. Your story gives me hope that I can pass on to my niece. I was all excited about the new Governor of New York while I was in La., and my niece and I shared about that, how remarkable for him to have such accomplishment in his life.
I don't think it is the same world for challenged children or adults anymore. Society is way beyond them being merely "impaired". There is integration in schools, work, etc. You would not believe what all is available for the baby in the way of occupational therapy, sign language, music arts, physical therapy, etc. There is just so much help available to them, and they are taking deep advantage of it. I am so grateful for that.
Michelle, post pics of Bo. We are dying to see him!
Yes, that's Cara...it's a new picture that they sent me from thier ski vacation. You can tell that the baby just came in from being outside in the snow! Those cheeks!!! My son's were like that when he was a baby too..very chubby. Just want to kiss them all the time.
Hi girls+ guys.
I am alive and well, did anyone wonder besides Miss Sarah?, lol, really kidding, I have been gone from here, just started f/t job.
Loved it Mon , Tues, today, got my a** reamed today, by one weird lady,for calling her a term of endearment, only asking, "sweetie, are these yours,?"
I haven't felt that low since k-garten when I couldn't skip, lol. I loved my IT job, but, needed a more steady job and this came up.
It bites being the new girl, big time, you know they are all talking about you. But, good thing is my direct s/visor is awesome. Just met her today, and she told me to s***** them, shes been there 4-ever, they had all warned me (b4 my supervisor came) she was rough, but, couldn't believe it, she was great, loved her. She's like Lisa+ Kat and others, tells it the way it is, but, like a long shoreman, lol, which I love, tell me, Ill do it, thats what I am paid for...
She made me feel at ease after being told I was not allowed to use the "term" honey, or sweetie, with this girl who I just replaced, (she was promoted, God knows why,lol). She is in a diff. dept. but, got me good today, "I'd prefer you call me ******** instead of one of those names."
I responded "Oh, I am soo sorry, It is a term of endearment, when I like someone, Ill be sure to never express it with you again, *******" .
UUUUUUGGGHHHH! Why am I so sensitive, I want to be tough, hid my head under my huuuuge desk and cried.
So much responsibility so fast, 30 phone lines, A/P, reception, etc. Am I nuts??? Made in one night doing IT installs than what I make here in a week....but, there is huge potential to move up the ranks, I see the road, and some of them see me looking~is that wrong? Should I just do my tasks, or try to impress? I am a workaholic, can't sit still....and I am not trying to kiss a**, trying to make my job easier by re-coordinating things...
Meantime, kids pulled the "we are sick today" and one stayed home the other got dismissed by family(who then gave me the guilt trip, "dont make this a regular thing, I am no b-sitter) She has double ear infects. and a vicious cough, what should I have done, send her that way? Then the sibling sees her staying home and goes to the new nurse @ school, who proceeds to send him home.........
I never knew how hard it was to work days, and I am not around here to keep me grounded, need a meeting soon, or f2f.
I can't post there, at work,they'll see my sites and get p/o'd for using company time, as its all monitored, big $ place, so I will try to as much as possible here when I get home and hubby isn't lurking...I am sooooo proud that I got it though, passing the drug and backround checks was huuuge for me, I couldn't have done that b-4 , right?
Miss you all, good news is, I feel great, rarely think of using (too busy) and can't even take a break to smoke, too busy. I don't know if it will last, but, the money is ok and the hours work, but, the $ at the IT was soooooo great and the overnight hours perfect.
We shall see, I am glad to see y'all...Lisa, that baby is sooooo big and CUTE as a big button, wanna squeeze her!! And your DIL is gorgeous, bright smile, curly hair, what a prize, seeing the two of them look so happy, after the crap week I have had. I really am doing great though, even if I need some of you to break legs in the future, lol, women are so petty, besides us!!!! :)
Ill post soon, Sarah,and anyone who has missed my daily novels, thanks for looking out for me,;) it means a lot, really.
((((((((((((((((((hugs all around))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Take Care,
I am going to try to post to Lance, the 2 mg sub jump is kinda high, he should go slower like the others said...anything else I have missed? Talk to y'all soon.
<3,Lucky~ you all are missed in my daily life, trust me.....
I am alive and well, did anyone wonder besides Miss Sarah?, lol, really kidding, I have been gone from here, just started f/t job.
Loved it Mon , Tues, today, got my a** reamed today, by one weird lady,for calling her a term of endearment, only asking, "sweetie, are these yours,?"
I haven't felt that low since k-garten when I couldn't skip, lol. I loved my IT job, but, needed a more steady job and this came up.
It bites being the new girl, big time, you know they are all talking about you. But, good thing is my direct s/visor is awesome. Just met her today, and she told me to s***** them, shes been there 4-ever, they had all warned me (b4 my supervisor came) she was rough, but, couldn't believe it, she was great, loved her. She's like Lisa+ Kat and others, tells it the way it is, but, like a long shoreman, lol, which I love, tell me, Ill do it, thats what I am paid for...
She made me feel at ease after being told I was not allowed to use the "term" honey, or sweetie, with this girl who I just replaced, (she was promoted, God knows why,lol). She is in a diff. dept. but, got me good today, "I'd prefer you call me ******** instead of one of those names."
I responded "Oh, I am soo sorry, It is a term of endearment, when I like someone, Ill be sure to never express it with you again, *******" .
UUUUUUGGGHHHH! Why am I so sensitive, I want to be tough, hid my head under my huuuuge desk and cried.
So much responsibility so fast, 30 phone lines, A/P, reception, etc. Am I nuts??? Made in one night doing IT installs than what I make here in a week....but, there is huge potential to move up the ranks, I see the road, and some of them see me looking~is that wrong? Should I just do my tasks, or try to impress? I am a workaholic, can't sit still....and I am not trying to kiss a**, trying to make my job easier by re-coordinating things...
Meantime, kids pulled the "we are sick today" and one stayed home the other got dismissed by family(who then gave me the guilt trip, "dont make this a regular thing, I am no b-sitter) She has double ear infects. and a vicious cough, what should I have done, send her that way? Then the sibling sees her staying home and goes to the new nurse @ school, who proceeds to send him home.........
I never knew how hard it was to work days, and I am not around here to keep me grounded, need a meeting soon, or f2f.
I can't post there, at work,they'll see my sites and get p/o'd for using company time, as its all monitored, big $ place, so I will try to as much as possible here when I get home and hubby isn't lurking...I am sooooo proud that I got it though, passing the drug and backround checks was huuuge for me, I couldn't have done that b-4 , right?
Miss you all, good news is, I feel great, rarely think of using (too busy) and can't even take a break to smoke, too busy. I don't know if it will last, but, the money is ok and the hours work, but, the $ at the IT was soooooo great and the overnight hours perfect.
We shall see, I am glad to see y'all...Lisa, that baby is sooooo big and CUTE as a big button, wanna squeeze her!! And your DIL is gorgeous, bright smile, curly hair, what a prize, seeing the two of them look so happy, after the crap week I have had. I really am doing great though, even if I need some of you to break legs in the future, lol, women are so petty, besides us!!!! :)
Ill post soon, Sarah,and anyone who has missed my daily novels, thanks for looking out for me,;) it means a lot, really.
((((((((((((((((((hugs all around))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Take Care,
I am going to try to post to Lance, the 2 mg sub jump is kinda high, he should go slower like the others said...anything else I have missed? Talk to y'all soon.
<3,Lucky~ you all are missed in my daily life, trust me.....
No, Sarah wasn't the only one wondering where you were Lucky! In fact, did you get my last email? I never heard back from you?
I remember my Grandmother saying how much she hated younger people calling her "honey" or Sweety...she thought it was so unprofessional and in appropriate. I had a little gal that worked for me who used to call my client "honey" or "dear". She was 18. I asked her to stop because it bothered some of my clients. So, I can understand, sorta, where that woman was coming from, I just don't understand her being rude about it. I'm sorry you were put in that position. I know you were just being nice.
I remember my Grandmother saying how much she hated younger people calling her "honey" or Sweety...she thought it was so unprofessional and in appropriate. I had a little gal that worked for me who used to call my client "honey" or "dear". She was 18. I asked her to stop because it bothered some of my clients. So, I can understand, sorta, where that woman was coming from, I just don't understand her being rude about it. I'm sorry you were put in that position. I know you were just being nice.
lisa honey huggles and s***.
Call me "big boy" any time..
Just not "Bob's Big Boy"
Just not "Bob's Big Boy"
I have been known to call some, "my little sweet potato pie". hahahaha.
I don't like to be called "hon". Drives me nuts!
I don't like to be called "hon". Drives me nuts!
Good Morning All:
Today is "house cleaning" day for me, but I have to run to work this morning and finish some panels I started building yesterday. I left early to meet the landscaper here, he was a no show! Oh well, things move kinda slow out here sometimes!
Yesterday on my way to work, I stopped at a Circle K near where the shop is to buy cigs. I didn't have any cash, but as I was leaving the store, a young boy came up and asked if I had any spare change...his family in the car was out of gas.
I work in kind of a dodgy part of town, and not having any cash, I said no. I got into my car with my 15.00 worth of cigarettes, and made sure I didn't knock over my 4.00 cup of Starbucks...pulled away, looked over, and there is a mother crying in that car, two young boys...one who had just approached me. So, I made a circle, went inside the Circle K, and bought them some gas on my card. I have no idea what it feels like to not have gas money, or rent money, or food money. I have never been hungry one night, not had a place to lay my head, or gas to drive me where I needed to go.
I think it is interesting how God is continually giving us chances to do the right thing, which for me is helping (loving) one another, teaching one another, or healing one another. That is it in a nutshell, no???? We are here to love, teach and heal...Any or all...THAT is the point to life.
So, I gotta get going. Oatmeal and yogurt and then hit the road! I am grilling salmon for supper tonight. Tomorrow I am driving to a part of New Mexico I have never been, so I am looking forward to that!
Hope everyone is having a great day already, and will check in later.
Today is "house cleaning" day for me, but I have to run to work this morning and finish some panels I started building yesterday. I left early to meet the landscaper here, he was a no show! Oh well, things move kinda slow out here sometimes!
Yesterday on my way to work, I stopped at a Circle K near where the shop is to buy cigs. I didn't have any cash, but as I was leaving the store, a young boy came up and asked if I had any spare change...his family in the car was out of gas.
I work in kind of a dodgy part of town, and not having any cash, I said no. I got into my car with my 15.00 worth of cigarettes, and made sure I didn't knock over my 4.00 cup of Starbucks...pulled away, looked over, and there is a mother crying in that car, two young boys...one who had just approached me. So, I made a circle, went inside the Circle K, and bought them some gas on my card. I have no idea what it feels like to not have gas money, or rent money, or food money. I have never been hungry one night, not had a place to lay my head, or gas to drive me where I needed to go.
I think it is interesting how God is continually giving us chances to do the right thing, which for me is helping (loving) one another, teaching one another, or healing one another. That is it in a nutshell, no???? We are here to love, teach and heal...Any or all...THAT is the point to life.
So, I gotta get going. Oatmeal and yogurt and then hit the road! I am grilling salmon for supper tonight. Tomorrow I am driving to a part of New Mexico I have never been, so I am looking forward to that!
Hope everyone is having a great day already, and will check in later.