Morning Cafe Part 5!

Good morning glories!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back!! LOL

How is everyone? I'm beat. My kids managed to run me ragged this past week. They are too young to understand the whole concept of relaxation while on vacation.

DeNae & Beck, I'm looking for you, sooooo, get up, get up!

Lisa, I owe you an email. Let me know when your back, and I'll give you a call.

Come on everyone wake up and tell me how lifes been treating you this past week!


PS: No men in kilts to be had.

Good Morning Sunshine!!!

You sound peppy this morning - so you must have had a really good time.
I hope so.
You're right - relaxation, children and vacation just does not go together but they are all fun.

Tell us about your week - and we won't have you picturing men in skirts - haha
Not a pretty sight for me either - mostly since I go for the more manly man - I don't care for the pretty boys - like Brad and Tommy Cruise.
I know they want me, I just don't care for them.

Okay, Mom's silly today - I've been up since 5 - walked the neighborhood with my puppies (very fast - have gained at least 10 # since stopping pills) but I went to grocery store yesterday and bought lots of fruits, veggies and chicken.
Drinking only water and lots of it - At 5'2 - I just can't do this weight thing at 50 years old - it's so much harder to get off.
I won't tell on the # on the board, I would in an email but I'm probably 15-20 # over my weight limit.

I'm rambling.

I have takem up bowling for exercise - going at least twice a week - it's harder work than it looks - I'm just afraid I'm going to have a gigantic muscular right arm and still a regular left arm.

I'm getting into my usual book (and I want to hear about you) also doing water aerobics twice a week - all of this is making me think I'm doing s'thing about my weight but I hope it's helping with the cravings I've been having. Two days this past week were awful - I was in no pain and wanted LOTS of pills. Looking back I was not as active those 2 days. Thank God I can't get them. Well, it would be a lot of work of finding another DR and then maybe? getting them and hopefully by then - I wouldn't be craving them.

This is all about me - tell me about your vacation - I'm still mad but I'll get over it, since when does the grandmother not get to go? hehe I would have been a great sitter. I want them to call me Mimi. They will think I'm a crazy lady.

You - I think are the organized one - start planning us a get together in the next year - if you want - I would love to meet - as some one else said - "most of you" haha - no - I'd love to see e'one.

"Mom" Becky Jean
Hey Michelle
good to see you back, I always miss you when your gone!!
so now you need a vacation from your vacation, yeah kids will do that huh??
I went to raymond james stadium last night to see the Tampa Bay Buccaneers & The New England Patriots..........The Bucs won 13-10
My son took me, It was so cool........he is finally talking to me again & is proud of me....the 16th is 60 days clean & sober I feel great It is a miracle!!
talk to you soon
Love Dottie
What's all this about men in skirts? lol Us Scots wear our kilts with pride!! Have you not seen braveheart?
Welcome Home Michelle! Morning all you lovelies!!

Sounds like you had an exhausting yet fun holiday! Terrific! That is the way it should be.

I am about to do a big ole nothing for today...I may go for a bike ride to magic sands beach and hang out for a while....try to finish a novel I started almost 2 months ago! Anyone else do that? Start a book and are enjoying it somewhat but just can't seem to finish? I think its my ADD I will start reading and the slightest thing distracts me and off I am into wonderland...LOL.

I hope you all have a terrific day planned...where the hell is everyone????

Enjoy the day!
Hey guys!

Dottie, I sure have missed you too! Your right, I need a vacation from my vacation! 60 days is awesome! I'm proud of you!

KeeKee, congrats on the new job! Have fun with your book on the beach, that sounds so relaxing.

Becky Jean, sounds like bowling is your thing! Good luck. I always sucked at it. LOL

Dee4life, I have nothing against men in kilts. In fact I was looking for a good representative so that I could judge the manliness of it. Mel is not a good representative, he looks great with half a face, so.....LOL

I need to fiqure out dinner. A week of not having to cook is going to have lasting effects on me!
good morning glories!
michelle, how is the wrist?
is gina still studying? how are you doing girlie?
i saw my therapist yesterday and she said something that really made me feel good. she said that in one years time of counseling me she has seen progress!!! yeah! she said that i used to think that it was my fault that my marriage went sour, and she is so correct as i spent many years of my marriage thinking, how can i change? what can i do to improve things? boom! my co-dependancy was rampant! i will lose more weight, i will clean the house better, i will cook better meals, i will offer more sex, anything to try to make my marriage work.
she said today i am no longer saying it is my fault and she sees me as understanding now that my husband has an illness, he has a duo addiction and there is no need for me to try and change me, i am learning detachment, to walk away from any arguments that could snowball into full blown fights like i used to do in the past, i am not jealous of the new girlfriend because i look at the situation as this: if she wants a low life trailer trash life, she has picked the right partner, if she wants love, compassion and romance like i wanted, she can forget it, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN! i have finally come to the realization that he has had two beautiful wives, me being the best! (not being predjudiced here) but its true, he doesnt have a clue on how to satisfy a woman and as long as he stays in his illness, he will never have a successful relationship.
great growth on my part that i wanted to share, it felt so good to hear her say that yesterday.
i have set my boundaries with family members, i have stepped out of my sick dysfunctional family circle, wow! i have made progress, i hope these good feelings stick with me, there are days i get in pity party mode and i need to be grateful and to remind myself of my accomplishments.
never in my wildest dreams did i think recovery had to do with all these issues i am finally addressing, i thought it was all about stopping the practice of swallowing pills! jewels
Good Morning!!!

Glad you're back safe and sound Chelle. I'm back too. Left last Thursday, home Monday. Call me when you can!

KeeKee!!!! I owe you an email too..
Good afternoon folks!

Julie, I'm proud of you too. The hardest work anyone can do is work on themselves. You have made huge steps this past year, and it shows. The one thing I tell myself often is that I can't change anyone, but I can change myself. I'm sure, somewhere there is a man that will make you happy, and most of all be happy with you. Your husband is part of the old you, the old life that your moving away from. Its going to be hard, but you will make it. The good always wins out over the bad.

Lisa, glad your back! I will try to give you a call sometime this week, just as soon as I get a breather. LOL

Gina should be back soon. She went on vacation and doesn't have access to the internet. I miss her too! I took my cast off last week at the beach. I went back on Monday for a follow up xray, and the doc said everything looked good. Its still kind of stiff, but he said that should go away with time. I'm free to roller skate at will. LOL

You took it off yourself??? LOL Only you....

How was the beach? Did you have great weather the whole time? We were in Alaska and it was cold as hell. Fishing at 4:15 in the morning just isn't my idea of vacation.

You really aren't going roller blading...

Call when you can, have LOTS to tell. lol

I miss Gina too. Haven't heard from Beck either, where are you girl?
Hey Lisa

It was nasty hot at the beach, but at least there was a pretty strong breeze blowing and the water was cool. I kept telling myself that it sure beats the hell out of shoveling three feet of snow. LOL
One day I'm going to take a trip to Alaska. I really want to go to Antartica. I looked up tours and its almost 10,000 bucks a person to go, and that doesn't include the cost of getting yourself to the southern most port of Africa. I need to win the lottery. LOL

I'll try to call later tonight, after I get the kids settled. If not I'm off work tomorrow and I'll call you then.

Tomorrow would be better...I have a few things to do tonight but will be around most of the day tomorrow. If you don't get me at home, call my cell.

Alaska is beautiful, no place like it but they can keep their weather. I need to be warm.

Talk to you later gator....I'm off.

So glad that you're back! The hotel isn't the same without you. I'm glad to hear you had a good time. So just how tan are you now?
It sure will be nice when Gina gets back too. And where the heck is Beck?
I can't wait to see your hair, Lisa! Hurry and share.
Sigh, well it's almost time to go to the bus stop. I enjoyed the quiet while I had it, lol.
Good morning girlies!

Hey Kat, your alive!!!! LOL I was wondering when you would get some free time and come visit. I'm very tan, its that whole Cherokee skin thing. I was lucky that I took after my moms side of the family. All my sisters have very pale and dry skin, which they got from Dad. Of course they all got the curly hair, and I got my moms strait "spock" hair. Funny how genes work. LOL Both my husband and I have green eyes, my daughter has brown, and both boys have sky blue eyes. OMG, I'm not at work and genetics won't get off my brain. LOL

Its cool this morning, and looks like rain. Fall is my favorite time of year, and I can't wait for it to hurry up and get here. I love to make big pots of soup and then sit on the deck in the cool air, working on my quilts. For some reason I just can't get into quilting when its hot.

Well, I'm rambling. Hope everyone has a great Thursday. Got any fun weekend plans? I'm school supply shopping. Life in the fast lane.

i am in no hurry for fall to get here, i love summer, in a few weeks i have to close the pool :~{
i will be able to play in the garden for a while yet. my flowers are gorgeous.
wed i will be getting a brand new niece!!! my sil's c-section is scheduled for that day. her name will be emily marie. we thought our family was done concerning my brothers and sister, and lo and behold, invitro fertilization worked after many failed attempts.
i am learning to let it go, the babies father, my brother and i had a horrible fight a couple of years back.
he told me i was smearing his perfect perception that he has of our parents, he suffered nothing growing up, daddys first biological son and the baby of the family were his armor of protection. so i have learned not to share any of my abuse issues with him, i am hoping our relationship will mend and that i have a good relationship with emily!
how come school has started so early for everyone? too hot to start this early. have a wonderful and blessed grateful day. love jewels
I'm with you Jewels. I hate that summer is almost over. Where the heck did it go by the way???? It's already the middle of August. Wasn't it just June? Just goes to show you the older we get, the faster time goes.

It's so crappy here today. Cold and ready to rain. Guess it's a good day to clean house. How fun is that?

I'll send you a picture Kat as soon as Jon takes one. My hair feels so good short...course, I need to see one of your new cut too!

You lucky dog, you! I have to work very hard to get a tan since I'm naturally fair. (hmph) I love being tan though so I put myself through the microwave as often as possible. I'd be laying out but it's so God awful hot that it's unbearable unless I'm near water.
I love the summer but after these past few miserable weeks I'm ready for a little Fall. I love that season too but it never seems to last long. You blink and it's winter and winter I do not like at all. I've never gotten used to the cold here even though I've been here fifteen years or so. The Bay Area is in my blood, lol.
Can't wait to see your hair, Lisa and if Kes will give up the camera for five minutes I'll show you mine. I know we've went through fifty batteries since she got the thing. Nothing vain about this family...>rolling eyes<
LMAO...I can visualize you rolling your eyes, something very funny about that picture in my head.

I love to tan too, but it's taken it's toll on my face so I don't tan that anymore. The injections help though...<eg>
did you get your hair cut short? can you post a picture? the older we get the faster time flies is so true!
i love summer evenings spent visiting my flower garden, i love tending to my pool, also summer evenings sitting on the porch, i will miss all that!
the weather is crappy here too! only so many days left to swim and get tan and now its overcast and gloomy, it seems that every minute is precious time and i have to use it wisely.
last night as i was sitting on the porch, there was some commotion, my neighbor was going door to door to tell everyone that is mother finally gave up her spirit and passed at 8 pm.
i walked a few houses down to offer my condolences, all the neighbors went into her room to see her shortly after her passing. i must say she didnt look very peaceful.
she had fallen on july 5th and broke her hip, from there it was all downhill, for the last week she had been back and forth to the hospital many times, i saw the ambulance come 3 times, and she would be sent home with a 2 day prognosis.
the hospice ladies were from poland, they were very upset, they say it is hard with every person they care for.
so many deaths this summer, 2 of my girlfiends lost their mother, a girl i used to work with passed away, now my neighbor leona and my other neighbors mom is critical, and then there is your mom, and others on the forum as well..
how is your mother as of today?
my neighbor just rang the doorbell, she is taking up a collection for flowers and had me sign the card.
this is where i really need to focus on gratitude!
i am grateful for a reprieve in my schedule today, only thing pending is a chiropractor monthly visit. but there is tons of house work to do!
oh well, just get thru today julie, that is all i need to be concerned with.JFT! JUST FOR TODAY! those NA sayings, really stick to my head! ~jewels~
lisa. you mentioned injections, do you mean botox?
i want to do that so bad but insurance wont cover it! :~{
got my eyeliner tatooed and now i am doing my eyebrows next week, they are so fair, i have to pencil half of them in!
at the salon i work at, there is a permanent make up artist, she gives us a discount, i LOVE my eyeliner, she did a great job, it is wonderful to have eye liner on 24/7!!! jewels