Can anyone please tell me how long a 10mg morphine tablet will stay in your system? I ran out of med's, Dr. appt on Friday and I'm not perscribed morphine.It was also dated back to 1999. Thank's!
Are you asking because your doctor gives you a drug test at your appt.and it was not perscribed to you or are you asking because you're afraid that one pill won't last in your system until Friday and you might start going through withdrawals? Shantel
Also depends on if it was long acting or short....can you tell us more?
I was perscribed oxycodone.Bad back, nerve damage and a screw rubbing on my spinal cord....I ran out of my meds. I found an old bottle in the cabinet from 1999 , surgery and I took one last night. I know I shouldn't have but I'm so sick of this pain I come unglued. Friday I have a Dr. appt. They'll test me . I have one of mine put up for that , just wondered if the morphine hangs around for more than a few days? Thanks
Mon I took it around 4:30 p.m and my Dr. appt is Fri. early a.m.
Mon I took it around 4:30 p.m and my Dr. appt is Fri. early a.m.
I read a few of your post from Oct. about your pain and the meds you were on. Did you ever go on methadone? Shantel
No,it actually scared me ! I'm on the same meds, well except for what I took last night.I think 10mg is short acting and it ws from 1999. I just need to pass this test. I can't live with this pain!
Are you abusing your pills that you ran out of your script before your doctors appt.? Shantel
No, I went from four a day down to 3. Over the holidays and standing on my feet , along with the spasms and back I ended up at times taking 4 . I know I'm bad... How long do you think this morphine will stay in my system? 10mg oc
Thanks for your replies
Thanks for your replies
I'm sure the morphine will be out of your system by tomorrow. You'll test positive for opiates though because of the oxy,right? Why are they testing you? Are you suppose to be off the oxy as well?
I'm confused.
I'm confused.
I'm soppose to be oxy's , I ran very short and broke down and took that one stupid 10mg. Desperation. Today it's been spring water all the way. I talked to this woman and can you believ she told me to have someone pee for me and for me to add a crushed but slight amount of narcotic to the urine? I thought I had heard it all ! They test me each time I go at the DR.'s dip stick test... Thanks
again !!!!
again !!!!
My opinion is you need to be honest with your doctor and tell him you have been taking more Oxycodones than he perscribed for your pain and you ran out early. Then let him know you took a Morphine pill. It's as simple as that. If you aren't abusing your pain meds it shouldn't be a big issue. Shantel
The Morphine will be out of your system by Friday.
the morphine will out of your system...........
drink tons of water , so you are peeing alot everyday, all day ,start now.
i understand what your saying.......
you get the oxy at the clinic and your tested before getting the script, because your doc wants to make sure your not taking any other drugs ....right?
before he writs you another script......
especially for the oxy........
and i bet he's tracking you through the pharmacy to.......
usually when docs run a clinic like this, having patients do a urine test..
they usually are in the pharmacy tracking program...
they get consisitant reports to see if their patients are getting meds form other docs.
good luck.
sorry about the pain you have,
God Bless you.......
if you are having a hard time following the docs directions, be honest and tell him...
there may be something he can do to give you a bettter pain management program......
drink tons of water , so you are peeing alot everyday, all day ,start now.
i understand what your saying.......
you get the oxy at the clinic and your tested before getting the script, because your doc wants to make sure your not taking any other drugs ....right?
before he writs you another script......
especially for the oxy........
and i bet he's tracking you through the pharmacy to.......
usually when docs run a clinic like this, having patients do a urine test..
they usually are in the pharmacy tracking program...
they get consisitant reports to see if their patients are getting meds form other docs.
good luck.
sorry about the pain you have,
God Bless you.......
if you are having a hard time following the docs directions, be honest and tell him...
there may be something he can do to give you a bettter pain management program......
So, pee tests can determine what kind of narcotic you have ingested? Wow, didn't know that, thought it just showed up as an opiate.
Anyway, you've had Sharon tell you that it will be out of your system by Friday. You can count on it.
Are you going to tell your dr? Maybe he'll be able to help you so that you don't run out early? Are you abusing your meds? Honestly? Or just running out because of pain issues?
Take care
Anyway, you've had Sharon tell you that it will be out of your system by Friday. You can count on it.
Are you going to tell your dr? Maybe he'll be able to help you so that you don't run out early? Are you abusing your meds? Honestly? Or just running out because of pain issues?
Take care
Lisa, If she is using more for pain and running out early where she has to take a Morphine pill from 1999 don't you think if she told her doctor he might work with her to find something else to handle her pain? I know for me after being on Oxys for years my body became immune to them and they didn't help the pain well thats what I thought then but it really was that I wasn't getting that high anymore and always ran out early. It's funny how you mind plays tricks on you like that because now that I am off them I still have back pain but have found other ways to manage the pain. Shantel
That's why I asked her if she was going to tell him....
Any kind of pain management, you should be honest with your dr. Obviously. It's scary when you screw up and you don't want your dr to think badly of you, but trust me, they've heard it all and nothing you say is going to shock them. Let him help you RA.
I'm glad you found other ways Shantell. I can't imagine what it's like for people with chronic pain and I won't pretend too. I think there are a lot of options out there but for some, there are none.
Any kind of pain management, you should be honest with your dr. Obviously. It's scary when you screw up and you don't want your dr to think badly of you, but trust me, they've heard it all and nothing you say is going to shock them. Let him help you RA.
I'm glad you found other ways Shantell. I can't imagine what it's like for people with chronic pain and I won't pretend too. I think there are a lot of options out there but for some, there are none.
Lisa, When I told my doctor she wasn't shocked at all. In fact she already knew. I guess she was just waiting for me to get honest with her and myself.. Shantel
I ran out dur to being on my feet so much throught the holidays. I'm afraid to tell this dr. She's new.... I have been drinking alot of spring water and cranberry juice. I hope the 10 mg will be gone by fri. early a.m.... Then it will be 3+ days. I took it on Monday around 5:00. I hope it'll be gone with all of the fluids.
I'm not abusing them . I was getting 4 a day , now 3 through this new doc. I need to talk to her about the amount. I have serious health issues. I have one oxy put back for my appt. Hope this helps, thanks again,
I'm not abusing them . I was getting 4 a day , now 3 through this new doc. I need to talk to her about the amount. I have serious health issues. I have one oxy put back for my appt. Hope this helps, thanks again,
Tell your dr RA. This is the start of drug abuse when you hide things and don't tell the truth. If you want to stay accountable, tell her the truth. Tell her that you need to be accountable so that you don't get into a habit of lying to her.
Trust me. Otherwise, you'll be here a year from now asking how you can get off of this stuff because you're abusing the hell out of it.
This is how it starts.
Trust me. Otherwise, you'll be here a year from now asking how you can get off of this stuff because you're abusing the hell out of it.
This is how it starts.
Bump. Shantel