for this Mother's Day weekend, it is a good thing to reflect on Mary, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, who completley turned her will and her entire being over to God, who in response to the visit by the angel Gabriel, said, "yes, thy will be done" and "be it done unto me." and with that "yes" to God's will, she literally, physically delivered into the world the Word. she delivered into the world the Word that God the Father chose to speak to the world (not a Word of condemnation, but of love and redemption -- a saving word). it's a historical fact.
as a woman, she completed Step 3 of the 12 Steps in a perfect way.
she made a decision to turn her will and her life over to the care of God as she understood him based on the appearance of an angel and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. and as announced by the angel, as a result of turning her will over to God, she conceived a child by the power of the Holy Spirit, without a human male.
god didn't force this upon her, and she didn't accept this "after the fact." she made a decision to turn her will over to god, she consented and accepted before conception, and she bore a child. the child has changed the world.
and, so she deserves the reference to being the Mother of God, a title given to her by the early christians, who paid her honor and gave her respect -- as the mother of the Christ.
and so, as we quote and recite scripture and use scripture in our prayer, it is fitting to use in our prayers the words of scripture that were addressed to Mary. and as we would ask our departed friends in Heaven to pray for us, it is fitting to ask Mary, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, to pray for us.
and so, on this Mother's Day weekend, using the words addressed to Mary in scripture, we are able to say:
Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.
May God bless all the mothers who read this post, for you are truly special.
Thank you Bob. We feel pretty special just from the precious gifts (children) bestowed upon us!!! I've been smiling about it all day! Beck
yes, beck, they are precious. and they are gifts, i have come to understand.
and like all gifts, they need to be accepted, and treasured.
happy mother's day, my friend.
Bobb ineed somehelp i'am on sup i take 4mm aday but iam lightheaded do you think i need to up my dose