
Jesus decided to intervene.

The crowd was angry.

This girl would get what she deserved.

She would be flogged, with stones.

Jesus stood between her and the angry crowd, stones sat waiting in everyones hand.....they were ready....they had already judged her. What was Jesus doing?

"Let you whom HAVE NO SIN...CAST THE FIRST STONE!!!!!" Jesus said.

Suddenly..........whack Jesus gets hit square in the nose with a big rock.

" AWWWWW MOM!!!!!!!!" Jesus moaned...

Hugs to all ,

Hey I see your talking about judging in this thread as well as in Jessie's thread under my post. If you have a problem with what I said to her just come out and address me please. I wasn't trying to judge Jessie in that thread like many of you made it look like. I was simply stating my opinion and several people judged me for it and were busy pointing fingers instead of posting to Jessie. I am very passionate when it comes to my children and I am sorry that I couldn't relate to what she said she did. I can't relate to many stories and I am sure you can't either. Were not all the same we aren't all going to have the same opinions. Also I saw where Jessie posted her thank you and she didn't seem to have a problem with what I said. I said a lot of nice things to her that were ignored. I hope the ones that had a problem with it can go back and re-read. So if you have a problem with me just come out and say it please we can work past it. I may be be able to help you see my side of this.
Respectfully, Rae
Hey Rae,

LOL Sorry this post had nothing to do with you....didnt even think of you.

Just thought it was appropriate for the situation of late.

Yes i did think you judged the newwcomer, when you said that even as an addict, you would never EVER do that....i thought that was a cheap shot and wrong....... did however go on afterwards and address that issue, I respect for you for reconsidering your words an or tone, in case they hurt her. that was thoughtful and I respect that.

I have no beefs with you.



its a joke..just trying to keep things light...addiction is serious but humor can help get us through the tough spots..

Thanks for responding Ali. I appreciate you being honest with me and just coming out and saying it. . I am sorry you thought I was trying to get a cheap shot in when I said " addict or not I wouldn't have done that". Well I admit it was kind of upseting to read what she did to her baby when he was in need of medical care. I have 3 children and no I can't imagine being in any situation like that. I was happy she shared it with the board though and I tried to welcome her and congratulate her for changing her life around. I respect any mother who can put their children 1st and make changed for them in a positve way. It is important for addicts to see that this happens a lot not just with her. I am thankful I never allowed my disease to progress and get out of hand but many people do-everyday! I know personally many people who have and it's sad.

It's a touchy subject for any mother to hear. Are you a mom? As mothers we have an obligation to protect our children and put their needs above ours. Yes where addiction is concerned as well. That is not reality though not everyone can do that. However, I was not judging her and damning her to hell because I disagreed. I sin and I am in no position to judge her for what she did years ago or just the other day for that matter ,ya know? I was just stating my feelings about it. There was no need for several people to get worked up about it and start pointing fingers and judging me but whatever. No sweat off my azz really. I just wanted to clear this up with you.

I would hope people would see that there are lessons in life we learn while raising our children and who knows maybe it's a wake up call for others to see that is not acceptable behavior. Her story needed to put on this board and I am happy she shared it. Again this is all my opinion. If people don't like it they don't have to read it. It wasn't written to offend anyway and it wasn't directed toward anyone but the person that started the thread. I think Jessie is probably a great mother now that she is clean and what she did is her cross to bear not mine. I hope she forgives herself and moves on it sounds like she has. Have a good day Ali. I am off. Rae

Ps. Pass the pipe:-0)

thanks for the post. i understand what you mean. i hear you. I cant imagine it either but.....i could never imagine that one day id be posting on an addiction site and scared of withdrawing from something i am!!!!!!!!!!!!

There by the grace of God go I.....

Thanks again,

Big hug,
