My Best Friend Is Gone...

I don't know where else to turn. My best friend of 11 years passed away this past Wednesday. His roommate found him dead in his bed, as if he was sleeping.
My friend was a crack addict for close to 20 years and was clean for the last year & 1/2. I think that's what makes me so sad, he was finally getting his life together again and he has been taken away from me.
Why did he have to die after all he had been through?
There will be an autopsy but I believe his heart and lungs must have just given up. Since he stopped crack he seemed to get sick more often then when he was using. He had a cough that really frightened me, I guess it was too late to repair the damage he had done to his lungs.
I was one of the reasons he stopped crack, it took me 9 years and now he is gone. He told me that he had asked God to send him an Angel to love him and that the first time we met 11 years ago, the moment he looked in my eyes he knew his prayers had been answered.
Although I may have helped him, it was he who helped me over the years, his friendship even while he was using is something I will never forget.

I cry & cry but I think deep inside I knew this day would come but I just can't believe he is gone...someone please help me to deal with this, I have noone to talk to about this.

My friend, as I told you many times over the years.....I love you, always and forever, no matter what.
The death of a loved one always hurts, no matter how they died or how old they were. But it is a fact of life. It just hurts a little more when we all think it is before their time ( TOO YOUNG ! ) Be thankful he died with dignity and not from a drug overdose. Hang in there and say a prayer for him.
I am so sorry to hear about your lose. Things always happen for a reason. Often though, we don't know why or can't understand why. Try and remember the good times you had with him and thank God you had the opportunity to know him and be with him and that he had the opportunity to have a friend like you.

God bless you, hand in there and be strong.