My Boyfriend Is A Crack Addict


My boyfriend is a crack addict he is trying to get clean but it is very help ! can you help me.

He lies and steals and goes out on benders without this rubbish he is a wonderful man..... please help me it is destroying us.

he doesnt touch it for weeks then it calls him and he goes out on a mad one he sells his jewellery and his mobile phones...;.

any6thing to get that rubbish.

he has been in clouds but he didnt complete the whole treatment#

help me
It is sad to have to sit back and watch some one try to kill themselves on a daily basis, however the truth of the matter is that is what you have to do. He needs to make a plan for his recovery, stick to it, and carry through, unfortunately though, the road into recovery is a personal journay and the road out is the same. As he is powerless over his addiction, so to are you.Pray and keep your self safe and please don't do anything to enable him to die, don't cover for him, hold his hand when he is sick, don't give him money, lie for him or pity him.If anything he asks from you either emotional, or physical will enable him to use one more time DONT DO IT.
Chatter Box,
Hey, I have been through your situation too. It is so hard to stand by and watch someone you love kill themselves slowly. But all you can do is pray for him and for yourself. Because there is nothing you can do to make him see what he is doing and I know thats a very helpless feeling. Have you heard of Al-Anon? Its a great program for family and friends of addicts. It has helped me alot. You can go and listen to other people's stories and how they have handled it and maybe that will help you to know what to do. Something I learned in Al-Anon is detachment. Its very hard to do because you have to seperate yourself from the addict. I don't mean leave him or break up with him. But you have to just set boundaries for yourself to protect yourself. You can still be involved with trying to help him but don't compromise yourself for him. I gave so much to my bf, I would just drop and run after him when he needed me, I went against everyone who cared about me, I lost my job and car. And most of all my sanity and my health. And I am ony 21 and all that has happened. But I'm not trying to get pity or anything I'm just tring to keep your from having to go through all of that. Because I eventually learned that he is the only one that can say when he has had enough and the only one who can ask for help. And you can be there for him and to help him when he is ready. Just don't enable him. Its so hard and complicated to explain everything I have learned. Just try to take care of yourself and don't lose yourself. Take Care I hope this helped.