i am needing some advise b/c my boyfriend has become addicted to ibuprofens and i am worried for him. he wont get help and if his parents find out they will be mean to him...very mean.. i need advice on what i can do to help! PLEASE PLEASE EMAIL ME AT: remedialfairy3@yahoo.com we really need ur help, he could die b/c he's taking so much...
girl need ur help
Ibuprofen is not a physically addicted medicatin. Are you sure that' s what he's using? And if it is what is he using them for.
yeah i am sure, this one site said it can become addicting after so long...
I just want to say that I don't know alot about your situation but i'm a teenager at high school and pretty much everyone here takes alot of ibuprofen. I don't think that you can become physically dependant on it and if you can it's probobly only a minor addiction. Lot's of people take alot of ibuprofen thinking it will help them when they really need a stronger painkiller. This is just my personal opinion but I don't really think you need to worry.
you have nothing to worry about, take it from someone who has been on Methadone,Vicdion, you name it i was on it i have been thru the withdrawl symptoms{not prettey @ all} wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy. why does he take it ? pain thats what it is there for. becareful cause acedemadphin is in tyleol and to much of that will kill you also w/ the ibuprofen it is a blood thinner becareful to much can be fatal as well. i am a medicial assistant i know alot. he needs to see a doctor and figure out what is making him need so much meds.if not the consequences can be FATAL!! IVE SEEN IT. .keep in touch take care and god bless.