My Bro Is An Addict

I am very new to this but I am desperate. My 26yr old bro is a heroine user for many years now- he has finally hit rock bottom and came back home after 3 yrs of living in LA, he called in desperation and was on the next flight. he has a few days worth of methadone to hold him over, so we have been told by a friend of his- then what?? do i take him to the ER? should he be in a hospital ? what happens? can someone please give me some facts and some advice?
Sad how drugs can run a person's life.Also ruin it. My nephew tryed to go cold turkey off heroin. after using oxy's plus other drugs for about 5 years. He took an overdose of tylenol to help with the pain a few hours later he shot himself in the head he could not stand the pain.He almost died from the tylenol. I sat by his side for 2 weeks before we knew if he would live or die. that was 3/31/04 I now have him home going though lots of rehab for drugs and brain injury.Sat we get to celabrate his 21st birthday. Don't do it alone please get yourself some help. take him to the er ask about suboxson clinics
What does your brother have to say? Does he want to go on methadone maint. or detox? First thing is to talk it over with him as soon as possible. Is there a meth clinic nearby?What other, if any treatment facilities are available. Doctors can now write a script for subutex after they take an 8 hour class.Which is a very good way to detox. The drawbacks being doctor can only have 30 patients and may charge you around $500.00 for initial visit.

Your brother is very lucky to have a sister who cares so much.

I will try to answer any questions you have, I hope this helps a little.