My Dad Is Dieing

My dad is an alcoholic, he has been in & out of the hospital for the last couple of years. The last time he was in the hospital, he was there for a month. They were going to give custody to the state so they could put him in a home. He has been divorced twice, he has threatened to kill himself several times. Childhood memories consist of him fighting with my mother, him passing out on the couch with Pink Floyd blaring @ all hours of the night. Beating one of his girlfriends in front of me. He has told my oldest brother that he wasn't his son. He hasn't had a job in the last two months, he drinks vodka straight & claims it's water & that he isn't drunk.. He got kicked out of his apartment...he is so weak now he can barely walk or speak. My dad is only 51 & I don't expect him to be around to walk me down the isle in two years.
Hey Beth,
I did not have my father around when I grew up, but I know that he was a drinker. He would vistit us on special occasions or call us on the phone. When we got older and could drive we would visit him. He and my mother would argue constantly. The reason I am responding is because when I was about 25 years of age one christmas we went to visit my father and I remember him drinking vodka straight from the bottle. I know what it is like. I could not help my father but maybe you could help yours. I called my father one day and he told me that he had decided to stop drinking, I was excited. Well the sad thing was he could not drink any longer he had throat cancer. I am sorry for the sad note but keep praying and see about getting him some help.
He doesn't want help, he is so far gone now that he thinks he doesn't have a problem.
honey i know i don't know you but i will be praying for your dad. when i was growing up my dad was an alcoholic so i know how ya feel, also my sister died in '96 with scerosis (sp) and she was only 39 yrs. and she didn't ever think she had a problem well my dad died in 2002 but he had quit drinking for years due to diabetes so that killed him, but no doubt the drinking brought on the latter. i know these words aren't encouaging except for this, you will be o.k. it is hard to watch someone you love take their own life in such a way, and then to think i was doing the same with pain pills. doesn't make much sense, i know. hold on to whatever faith you have and know you will be o.k. if he doesn't want help not much you can do except pray and we will pray with you. by the way i am in recovery from the pills. i refuse to take my own life. talk to him and tell him you love him too much to see him like this see if that will help. maybe something will click the light on, other than that all i can do is encouage you to keep praying and let God do the rest.
thank you!
it really means a lot

Hey hon, I completely understand what you're going through. My parents split when I was about 3 & my dad never really has stopped smoking...and I don't just mean ciggarettes. He called me once when I was in 8th grade & threatened to commit suicide. It freaked me out. I had once tried to get him help for lung cancer & he said "If I'm going to die of anything it'll be skin cancer". I'm 16 now & he's just informed me (3months after the fact) that he has a mild case of skin cancer. He says it's completely treatable...but then he mentions that the place he went to says they can't help him :-(. Since I hardly see him 5 times a year & his "disc golf" (frisbee) tournaments are supposedly more important to him than me. My childhood memories consist of him always promising he'd see me more, but never doing so. He now lives 2 hours away, & rents a room from his step-dad. He always thought he would die at the same age as his he's been waiting to die for 20 years(his dad died at 30)Yet, I still can't help but love him & give him the pity party he always needs. I seem to share with you some things about my dad & think it's kinda eerie that my nickname is Beth too (i'm really Elizabeth)...freaky huh? Well, I just wanted to let you know that I understand & that I hope that things get better. Merry Christmas & God Bless you & your family. Pray, never forget to pray..."God always answers your just might not always be what you want to hear"...or at least that's what my dad says.

Chin up
