My Dad Passed Yesterday

at about 5:00, we were all in the hospital room when it happenend. I told my seven year old today, but I dont think he quite understands the finality of it. Does anyone have any suggestions on talking to kids about this?

I am sorry to hear about your dad. I don't have kids so can't help you there, just wanted to send my condolences to you.
I don't have any suggestions, but I am so sorry to hear about your father. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers during this time. Atlas
Awe Tom I am so SORRY to hear that. That is horrible news. I am really sorry for your loss. I guess you just explain it the best you can. If you believe in God then you talk about Heaven and Jesus. It's hard for kids to understand but I think they do ( a little). My 8 year old son's grandfather passed away this past June. I show him pictures of his papa and we talk about him. Try to keep his memory alive and explain it the best you can. Nobody knows your son better than you.

Again you have my deepest sympathy,

thanks guys, I found a few websites that discuss it, but wanted some more input.


I'm sorry for your loss. Was your son close to his grandfather? There may be some good picture books for children, aimed at coping with death. You might search on

Best wishes. You take care of yourself.



I'm so sorry about your dad, losing a parent is really hard.

Our boys are the same age and telling my son about my sister and his brother was really tough. I was as honest as I could be with him. I told him his aunty and his brother went to Heaven (there were a lot of questions on Heaven from him). I also told him that when people pass they still live in our hearts, we still have their memory.

There is a good book that Maria Shriver wrote about when people we love die and go to Heaven, it helped.

My best advice is to just be there with him and answer all of his questions as best you can. You're a great father, you'll know what to tell him. I think the worst part at least for my son, was now he wonders when other people will die. My sister and my son were so young so I could not categorize it with the circle of life.

Again Tom, I'm really sorry for your loss. If the apple fell close form the tree I'm sure he was a wonderful man.

I know it's hard. I lost my dad in 2003 and 3 people I loved and cared about died in 2006. It is very sad when the people we love so much leave us. It's hard for adults to understand let alone children.

My prayer's go out to you and your family Tom.

We are all here for you if you need us..


My sincerest condolences on the loss of your father...I was in the room with my Dad when he passed and I was so thankful I was...

God bless you and your family,

Dear tom
my DEEPEST sympathy to you and you family... had you father been sick???
children unfortunately have to learn about things in the world that are sad.... and i would present them with this news as truthful and as brave as possible, like rae said you can do it in a religious sense. that God in heaven was lonely and wanted grandpa to come visit him and some day real real far from now, you will be able to visit grandpa and i will be there too. make the picture of heaven as positive and beautiful to your child as heaven is!
try not to let your child hear any conversation about death that would frighten them.
i would let your child go the visitation and have the child say a prayer at the casket and even have your child draw a special picture or give a special small stuffed animal to let grandpa have during the visitation. always allow your child to grieve and cry if they feel like doing so, because you want your child to be able to handle grief in a healthy matter.
also i just thought of another thing you and your child might want to do, go thru photo albums, get some poster board and put pictures of your child and grandpa as well as other family members on the poster board, funeral parlors usually provide easels for you to display your childs work of art that will make your child proud and feel special.
above all i would include your child in the funeral, cemetary, luncheon etc as long as the child is comfortable doing so.
again my deepest sympathy sincerely julie/jewels

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I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know they have books available geared towards helping children understand death. I have seen them in most book stores like Borders. Once again, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for your loss, Tom.
I am so sorry for your loss...
Hugs to you,

I am so sorry for your loss.

I'm so very sorry Tom. My prayers are with you and your family.
All the best,
Beck, so sorry to hear about your dad. May God be with you and give you strength at this difficult time.....I will say a words are never enough....Love, Sharonn
Dear tom....please know my heart my prayers my blessing are with you & your family.Im so sad to hear of your lose.If I can be of any help please give a yell.
I wish I had advice on telling kids but see for me my girls seem to always just get death(maybe because of my being an EMT).Redds advice I thought hit it perfect.
Take care dear Tom & I hope the pain you are feeling passes soon.
With Love & respect
I am very sorry to hear about your loss.

Tom, Sending you and your family very heartfelt sympathy.
I am very sorry.
I am sure you will handle your son the best way.
Love, Carol

Tom, I'm sorry for your loss. There is a book called The Velveteen Rabbit that might help. Its about a little boy's favorite stuffed rabbit that gets thrown away and the little rabbit doesn't die, but goes on and becomes new again with other real rabbits. I'm not explaining it very well, but its very well written and explains loss without getting too complex.
Again, I'm sorry.
