My Heart Is Broken

I do not know how I made it to the vet yesterday...I kept repeating my mantra "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and Booty sat on my lap the entire time. When I saw the vet I felt calmer and signed all the papers. He gave her a sedative and I sang her song(yes, she had her own song) and she was pretty knocked out. I held her like a baby and her long body was stretched out and her tongue was sticking out(silly) I rubbed her soft belly fur and put her over my shoulder telling her it was ok and to go to God. The vet asked me if I wanted to be present for the next step and I said no. He took her and I thought my heart was ripped from my chest. I went in the car and cried until my head hurt. It was worse when I walked in the door. How can I sleep without her? She was my comfort through the deaths of my Mom and sister and so much more. For all you pet get it. The bonds we make with our precious pets are unlike any other. And I am so humbled by this grief. I wish no one pain and have really soul searched as to my own behaviors and selfishness, pride, etc. Love is a gift and must be held above all...I know that now. Thank you for all your concern and support. You are a special bunch here and I know we addicts are no strangers to suffering. God bless you all. Love, Sharonn
Sharon, I feel so badly for you. I have no words to make you feel better. Only time will do that. Just know I'm thinking about you and hope you find a safe way to cope with your grief.
Sharonn I am so sorry for your loss I know how much my pet means to me, he has been my comfort and given me unconditional love thru so much.. I feel for you..
So sorry for your loss. Our pets bring us so much and joy; they can make a really bad day more bearable, and comfort us when we are down. And what do they ask of us? Not so much - a kind word, a loving touch, a warm place beside us. I was almost embarrassed about how I grieved for my last dog. It took me 8 years before I allowed my husband to replace him because I couldn't stand the thought of going through that again.

Wish I had something that would ease your heartache. So very sorry for your tears =(


I will keep you in my prayers...
Don't forget that your kitty is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.
Hang in there...
Each day gets easier, but it will take some time.
oo my sweet sweet angel ,im sitting here with a ache in my heart for you ,I had 2 dogs pass in the last year ,tears are running down my face reading this post ,,shraron .im so sorry ,please let me hug you ,your post is so sad ,I will say a prayer to help you ,ok poopie
Sorry sharron, I understand how you feel. I am very close to my pets too. All heals with time, feel better knowing your cat is no lonfer suffering. I hope you feel a little better today. all the best , angela
((((((((((((sharonn)))))))))) a big hug and kiss go out to you right now, you did it, its over, i thought about you many times yesterday, i will need you guys when my time comes, my dogs are 16, 13 and 9 and my kitty is 3 and bunny is 5. it must be a relief to know that you got the hardest part over, and now time and God will heal the rest,
try to take time this week end for you, time to grieve, hold all those special memories of your kitty in your heart and try to reflect on that. here i am trying to tell you how to get thru the death of a pet and i dont have a clue on how i will get thru when that sad day arrives for me 5 times, omg! i have 5 pets. i dont know if i will be able to endure it if i someday decide to get more animals. but then people tell me look at what you will lose if you dont decide to get another pet one day, unconditional love! nothing more precious than an animals love for you. God bless and peace sharonn.
You've got me in tears...yes, I know how you feel. We are so attached to these animals. I'm so sorry Sharonn but take heart honey, you did the right thing. Take care of yourself.
Sharonn,im so sorry.I remember when i had to put my little s***zu down,it was the hardest thing i had to do.They are our babies.I hope the sorrow eases each and every day,you'll never forget though,and thats a good thing.Take care~KIM
Thank you. I cannot believe how much I've cried. Other people's happiness is mocking me. Even Tony doesn't really understand...she was more mine than his...I think he is more bonded to the dog. I am not feeling well at all so I am taking 2 days of quiet time to mourn her. Thank you all. Love. S
OH MY GODDNESS...........sharon..............i have been brought to tears....
i am so so very sorry........

i so get you.

my heart was jumped with deep emotion as i read ur post and glanced over to see my own dog playin with her bone and i love her first dog on my own....i had her now for 7 years...will be 8 in june..........

i am crying that your heart is broken and i am so sorry,

i will keep u in my heart and prayers...

big hugs..............

Hi Sharon
Im very sorry about your pet. But you can feel good about yourself because Im sure you gave your pet the most love and best life that cat couldve wished for-- its nice to know we give the most love for the amount of time our pets are here with us... take care
Thank you all so is some comfort to know that you understand. I should not feel the need to validate the right and emotional need to mourn(other people...arrgh!!!!) I know it is a necessary step in healing. God bless you all and stay safe.S