My Husband Got A Dui From Ambien Help

Ok, I know ambien is not a pain pill, but i'm the ones whose addicted to pain pills so i'm posting here anyway. My hubbies been hvaing trouble sleeping, so he went to the dr. and got some ambien.... he has only taken this maybe 2x and has not abused it.. anyway i'm noticing he's really late, I made a nice dinner which never ever happens.. I start to worry. Then the phone rings and it's an officer saying there is something wrong with my husband he's crashed his car and he's totally out of it, we don't know what he's on. Well I knew he had not been drinking so it had to be the ambien, turns out he took 3!!! Now he has a DUID, has to go to court, will most likely lose his license AND he crashed the brand new 1970 red convertable Ford Torino that I just bought him. Needless to say thank god he's not hurt and nobody else is for that matter but i'm STILL MAD.. why would he take these while driving.. he cannot answer that question. Anyway, now we have legal probs for the first time, does anyone have any advice.... i've never dealt with a DUI before. The weird thing is that I didn't have to bail him out of jail.. the cops literally drove him home to our door. I have zero experience with these legal prbs but I think we need a lawyer etc.. i'm in colorado.. any locals? any advise will be greatly appreciated.
Hi Rach, I am in Colorado as well, what area did he get the ticket in. I might know a couple of really good DUI laywers. It is going to end up costing you a bundle here. Colorado loves to fine the crap out of you (as you know I am sure). Just let me know, and if you would rather it be more private, email me with it.

Hang in there and God Bless,

Lady M
Hey there,

He got it in Broomfield.. any help is greatly appreciated.. my email is Where are you?
I just sent you an email..... I am out by DIA..... I can not believe this happened, but it is not a surprise with Broomfield. Adams County is a real treat to deal with too. Hang in there, and I will she who is recommended. I can check with a few people, sad huh? However, I have some people that I know who have been through this more than once. Has he ever had one before?

Lady M
i had a weird thing happen to me on ambien! as a child i would sleep walk and i mean get up go out side and walk 1/2 mile before i woke up. any how, i would take an ambien and go to sleep then wake up an hour later and the last time i got in my truck and drove 15 miles then blew a tire and flipped the truck. luckly i had on my seatbelt, crushed my left arm. i do not remember a minute of the whole moring. nedless to say no more ambien for me ever.
good luck bill kc