My Husband Is Addicted To Ice

My husband has recently began to use ice again after quiting cold turkey over a year ago. He has lost forty pounds, has sores all over his face, and i can hardly get him to ever take a bath. About two weeks ago we went to the dr and the dr prescribed him an antidepressant . The dr gave him strict instructions not to use meth and antidepressant together. My husband did fantastic for a week but now he is back heavy on ice and still taking the prescription. We have a one year old child and I have left him. I want him to get better but I am not sure how to help him. Our home has become an unsafe environment for our child and me, but he says i am making things worse by leaving. He is giving me major guilt trips and i am not sure how to respond to him. Please aynone who can help please do so. I love my husband and i desperatly want him to get better.
Hi Kate! I totally understand what you are feeling right now because I am in the same shoes as you. I think that the only time your husband will learn is if and when you and your baby leaves him. I know that you love him and are probably thinking that you will make him worst if you leave him. I felt the same before. I talked to a counselor and the counselor told me that I shouldn't feel guilty because whether I am with him or not, he will use if he wants to. This being said, he's reason for using more is not going to be you. If you feel unsafe in your own house, I suggest that you stay away from him for now. Maybe then he will realize how important you and your baby are to him. If he doesn't, then he doesn't deserve your love and care for him too. I hope the best for you!
Sad Wife, thank you so much I think I am doing the right thing, but he still says I am makihg things worse by leaving and that I am the reason for his drug abuse. But I know its not true. We lost our house so he is living at his mother's house and he tells me that he wants to go to rehab, so we will see only time will tell.
I used heron on and off about 30 yrs,was on methadone for 5 years,been smoking pot for 35 yrs and i now have a doctors scrip for Pot.I used Meth a few times but am not into staying up for 3 days and not eating good.My friend has been smoking Meth and says it is more addicting than Herion,Crack,and Methadone if you can belive that.If you ( havent) been doning speed long you might have a chance still to quit.There is no drugs that i know of that will take away the craving for speed unlike herion. You have to hit rock bottom and really want to must stay away from things that remind you of the drug.Stay away from friends who use .It will rot your teeth and cause big time nervous system damage,Twitching grinding teeth ect--. There is no magic solution