My Husband Passed Away

For those of you that know me and what has been going on with my husband I just wanted to let you know he passed away Feb. 11, 2009, around 5pm.. The doctor said there was nothing he could do and since my husband was a dnr we had to make a choice whether to take the by pap off and let him go peacefully they applied comfort care so he would not feel pain etc.. after taking the bypap off he lived about and hour and a half longer and passes peacfully in his sleep. I do not understand in a way what happened he was doing better we had put him in a nursing home to get rehab so he could get strong enoung to walk again since he was in the hosp. before for 3 weeks and his legs were so weak he could not walk. we were going to bring him home soon since he was walking so well and was able to get to the bathroom with a walker and then one night it he started getting worse.. I think they let him run out of his oxegen since he told me they had to use the oxygen of the guys in the bed next to him, but whatever it caused a flare up in his pneumonia and a heart attack he was still so weak his body just could not take it. It was time and as hard as it was to make that decision I know in my heart it was the right one.. I am in shock and I am lost and i feel so empty I really dont know what to think right now... I miss him, I love him and I want him home with me again... I dont know what to say anymore so for now bye.
(((((((((hugs to you paula))))))))))))

my prayers are with you

My condolences for your loss, Paula.

Prayers going up for you and your loved ones....

Take care,
I'm so sorry, Paula.
I'm also really sorry for your loss. You are right though, for whatever reason it was his time. I know that's hard to understand or be okay with right now but just know that he's in a place where there is no pain or sadness and one day you'll be with him again forever. I'll be praying for you.

I'm sorry Paula. His suffering is over.

So sorry for your loss.

HI SWEETY....I just wanted to send my prayers for you & your family.Im so sad for his suffering & FOR YOUR LOSS....
If I can help at all let me know please
With love
Thank you for your kind thoughts, I really dont know what to say, my mind just does not function right yet.. I miss him that is all I can say we had a memorial service Sat. for him and are having another one this sat. I wish it was over this seems to make it even harder having to go to two.. But I understand that his brothers want to do something alittle special up there where he was raised... I miss him
Hi Paula - There are no words that can make you feel better. My sympathies again. When Jodi logs on I'm sure she will be a source of comfort for you. She knows what you're feeling as only someone in your situation can know.

You took good care of him Paula.
paula....huny,,,,time helps
this will pass
his memory wont
but it wont hurt as bad

Oh, Paula, Honey, I am so very sorry. God bless you. I know you've been through the wringer lately. My heart goes out to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers, and if you can send me your ###, I will call you if you're up to talking.
I know there are no words to ease the pain, but I am here for you if you need me. Same #, you have it.


I am so sorry Paula...
Paula, My prayers are with you during this difficult time. Shantel
Dear Gemtz; there are no words...may God help you find peace and strength...

Paula, I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's passing. He is with God and the Angels now and no longer feels pain, that should give you some comfort. God bless you and be with you during this difficult time.

I am so sorry. I know what a struggle you've been through over the last several months. I can only imagine that you have many mixed emotions right now. If there is one thing I've learned, Paula, it's that it really helps to have one or two good friends who are willing to listen to you tell your story over and over again. I have one friend who will just sit and listen to me for hours if need be. She doesn't try to minimize my pain or compare it to a divorce or tell me how I can "move on". She just listens.

I know that there are no words I can say to you to ease your pain. So I won't even try. But I can listen, Paula. If you need to talk, email me at I will give you my phone number if you want it. I also have another resource that might be a big help to you if you'd like to know about it.

You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers in the weeks and months to come. Please know that I am here if you need me.

My prayers are with you.
You know I cant believe this, a very close friend of mine came to stay from Fri. till Sund. I have know her 20 years after she left we started noticing things missing, My son had some xanax and he was missing about 30 out of his pill bottle and my daughter was missing 45 dollars out of her billfold and then this morning when she went to take a Shower this morning she was missing some soap, lotion and a new box of fish food she had bought also I am missing a candle that she wanted but I told her I wanted to keep it.. I cannot believe that she would do this to me, I want to believe she would not but the only people in my house was my son his wife and my daughter and me and her.. She use to do things like this along time ago but I did not think she did that anymore and I would never thought she would do it to me and she was suppose to be here to support me her and me and my husband were really close.. This makes me feel so sad and depressed I mean my God how could someone do this not to mention when she was here for a funeral... Right now I am so upset... I was having a really bad morning anyway and now this makes it worse.. I cannot not handle anymore I cannot handle this.. I feel so so sad so bad so heartbroken I miss my husband I and i dont even want to get out of bed... God, I cant stand it anymore please God give me more strength.. every one keeps telling me how strong I have been thru this well I dont feel strong at all I feel bad really bad..
I am very sorry for your loss.