Hi y'all. Well I went to this meeting...and Kat, again karma...they asked me if I would go to the rehab I was in and do H & I work (Hospitals and Institutions). This is service work for anyone who does not know the program. It is when you go and share your story with addicts who have checked in rehab.
Amazing! I spoke for about 15 minutes and told my story, Experience, Strength and Hope. Talk about diving right back into the program. I truly believe that my higher power was working in wondrous ways tonight. I was nervous, my voice trembled, but I got my message across, this disease doesn't discriminate. The meeting had about 40 people there....I am NOT a public speaker! I spoke to a few people after the meeting and gave my number out to one of them to call me, she is getting out tomorrow.
Afterwards I spoke to some of my drug counselors. They were very pleased and proud of me, made me feel great! They also told me that I needed to continue to come to the H&I every other week (that is when it is held), there is also a candlelight meeting on Friday night and an alumnae meeting once a month on Saturday. They told me that they could hardly wait to tell my other counselors how well I was doing.
I told them about the board and how I am continuously on here and they told me that it was a very good thing, sharing, helping and venting.
I really enjoyed doing this service work, I hope that I have helped someone see that there is life after drugs...
A big congratulations to you! I am so happy things went well. You are a shining example of recovery.
BTW, I recently just noticed your recovery diary and started reading it. I have read quite a bit, but not all. You are an inspiration to everyone.
One question, I'm having a blond moment (even tho I'm not blond.) Did they offer you a job? Or is this a volunteer type thing.
Either way, it will be very good for your recovery.
BTW, I recently just noticed your recovery diary and started reading it. I have read quite a bit, but not all. You are an inspiration to everyone.
One question, I'm having a blond moment (even tho I'm not blond.) Did they offer you a job? Or is this a volunteer type thing.
Either way, it will be very good for your recovery.
Congratulations! You continue to inspire me. How awesome that you went back to the rehab center where you were once a patient, and gave a speech. You are helping people in all you do, here on the board and now in your community. I think it would be interesting to talk to others about my experiences. I was on methadone for 2 years, and sometimes I think it would be interesting to be a counselor. I think speaking to others about something you have personal experience with, is very influential. Maybe I'll go back to college, LOL! But it does interest me. Congrats on your success!
Congratulations! You continue to inspire me. How awesome that you went back to the rehab center where you were once a patient, and gave a speech. You are helping people in all you do, here on the board and now in your community. I think it would be interesting to talk to others about my experiences. I was on methadone for 2 years, and sometimes I think it would be interesting to be a counselor. I think speaking to others about something you have personal experience with, is very influential. Maybe I'll go back to college, LOL! But it does interest me. Congrats on your success!
No job offer, just volunteer work.
Atlas, I am going to research tomorrow and put another link up to more of my story, I wrote one time about my childhood experiences and once on my experiences when I re-started my addiction engine by drinking and partying. What I am planning to do is to create a word doc and then post it, and put the link on my signature.
I really am smiling inside...what a great way to go back...
Thanks Shelly, I kind of would like to do the same thing.
Atlas, I am going to research tomorrow and put another link up to more of my story, I wrote one time about my childhood experiences and once on my experiences when I re-started my addiction engine by drinking and partying. What I am planning to do is to create a word doc and then post it, and put the link on my signature.
I really am smiling inside...what a great way to go back...
Thanks Shelly, I kind of would like to do the same thing.
Was this an AA or NA or PA meeting?
Sorry i dont remeber but are you on sub? Just wondering how they would feel about that if you were...
Is someone on sub allowed to go to meetings, or talk openly about being on it or what>??? was just thinking about another posters experience with it...
Sounds like the meeting went well and you continue to inspire which is a great thing..
Was this an AA or NA or PA meeting?
Sorry i dont remeber but are you on sub? Just wondering how they would feel about that if you were...
Is someone on sub allowed to go to meetings, or talk openly about being on it or what>??? was just thinking about another posters experience with it...
Sounds like the meeting went well and you continue to inspire which is a great thing..
NA, no sub...DOC cocaine
I don't believe that this rehab offers sub or methadone...I remember a man I met in Outpatient and he had to make a 2 hr drive for methadone
NA, no sub...DOC cocaine
I don't believe that this rehab offers sub or methadone...I remember a man I met in Outpatient and he had to make a 2 hr drive for methadone
Thanks for clarifying....
Hope that you get less nervous the more you speak, Im sure that in time it wont make you all shaky, and what a great experience to have, sharing and inspiring others..
Thanks for clarifying....
Hope that you get less nervous the more you speak, Im sure that in time it wont make you all shaky, and what a great experience to have, sharing and inspiring others..
This will be very rewarding for you, and excellent for your recovery. It will look good on a resume also:)
Ali, I have GAD, so I'm not sure if public speaking will ever be easier, I know that even when I share for a few minutes at a meeting I am still very tensed up and shaky voice...but it doesn't stop me from opening my mouth...lol
When I have to pop things off of the top of my head I do get anxiety, not knowing what I'm going to say, where it is going, what I forgot etc. I think alot of it has to do with the drugs that I did, I know for certain that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer any more.
Well time for me to get some sleep, past my bedtime. Thank heavens I don't have to drive Dylan to school tomorrow, he's off suspension from the bus.
See you in the morning.
When I have to pop things off of the top of my head I do get anxiety, not knowing what I'm going to say, where it is going, what I forgot etc. I think alot of it has to do with the drugs that I did, I know for certain that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer any more.
Well time for me to get some sleep, past my bedtime. Thank heavens I don't have to drive Dylan to school tomorrow, he's off suspension from the bus.
See you in the morning.
You're so awesome Janet.
Good for you, Janet!! It's amazing how God does for us what we can't do for ourselves, huh? When do you have a year? We'll all celebrate.
Janet this is great news. Just remember volunteering is another means of networking that could possible lead to a paying lead hence job. You never know who you will meet.
As far as public speaking, GAD or not, it gets easier, it do it all the time. Wasn't easy at first. Beside death, public speaking is the number 2 fear amung people.
As far as public speaking, GAD or not, it gets easier, it do it all the time. Wasn't easy at first. Beside death, public speaking is the number 2 fear amung people.
So happy for you. The more involved you are about the topic you're speaking on, the less frightening. You might want to take 3X5 cards and refer to them to be sure you tell all of what you wanted to say....and they'll be a source of security to you. When I taught church school, I just mimiced the teachers I had in the past. It really wasn't hard that way. The more you do it, the easier it will get and the positive feedback will calm your fears also. You ARE making a difference in other's lives and that's what we're all here to do. That should make you feel GOOD. Congrats.
So happy for you. The more involved you are about the topic you're speaking on, the less frightening. You might want to take 3X5 cards and refer to them to be sure you tell all of what you wanted to say....and they'll be a source of security to you. When I taught church school, I just mimiced the teachers I had in the past. It really wasn't hard that way. The more you do it, the easier it will get and the positive feedback will calm your fears also. You ARE making a difference in other's lives and that's what we're all here to do. That should make you feel GOOD. Congrats.
Good morning, and thanks to those that replied.
I will have one year clean on July 2nd.
I will have one year clean on July 2nd.
Janet, Im not suprised. This is exactly what you should be doing. Helping others as well as yourself. You have so much to be proud of. Dont let the small stuff hang you up. Look at your big picture. Its a major work of art in progress - and all the good is just beginning.
I remember my first visit to the jail.... and also my first visit as a guest speaker at my rehab.. it was as much a humbling and healing experience for me as it was for the ones on the other side of the podium.... I do believe you regarding your statement about a HP.... and this is what I meant about the intangable difference between this board only being able to give a person sooo much... it is the face to face.. the being able to touch and see the other people feel there pain and joys in there eyes and in though their hands... there really is no substitute....
I am sooo happy for you and proud.. again you really have come a long way and those around you are very lucky too...... keep it up for yourself, your husband and for those recovering addicts in your community or those seeking to find what you have..... we all need you......
God blees you
I remember my first visit to the jail.... and also my first visit as a guest speaker at my rehab.. it was as much a humbling and healing experience for me as it was for the ones on the other side of the podium.... I do believe you regarding your statement about a HP.... and this is what I meant about the intangable difference between this board only being able to give a person sooo much... it is the face to face.. the being able to touch and see the other people feel there pain and joys in there eyes and in though their hands... there really is no substitute....
I am sooo happy for you and proud.. again you really have come a long way and those around you are very lucky too...... keep it up for yourself, your husband and for those recovering addicts in your community or those seeking to find what you have..... we all need you......
God blees you
Thanks Teresa, I was really looking forward to seeing my home group and I did see a few of them before I left for H & I, but I am going back to the meeting Saturday night. I really want to continue on with this H & I, though it did trigger a major using dream this morning, it also gave me a great sense of accomplishment.
I saw a guy there that was dating Jana's cousin. He is in for rehab and has a 5 y/o girl whom social services has taken away his visitation rights to, because of his addiction. He has since broken up with the cousin and I found out that she is also using needles now...how sad.
I really feel for the IV addict. I know how hard it is to get away from needles...and the despair that goes hand in hand using that way.
I saw a guy there that was dating Jana's cousin. He is in for rehab and has a 5 y/o girl whom social services has taken away his visitation rights to, because of his addiction. He has since broken up with the cousin and I found out that she is also using needles now...how sad.
I really feel for the IV addict. I know how hard it is to get away from needles...and the despair that goes hand in hand using that way.
That is why you are going to be great at this. You know how hard it is to get away from the needles and you are living proof that it can be done, and that a better life awaits them. You are perfect for this.
That is why you are going to be great at this. You know how hard it is to get away from the needles and you are living proof that it can be done, and that a better life awaits them. You are perfect for this.
Janet just another example of how far you have come & how positive inpact you can be on people...You are awesome my friend...mj
Not long ago on Dr.Phil. there was a woman who is an alcoholic. The first time on the show she was a mess and didnt think she wanted to or could get clean. Her second appearance, not long ago, not only was she cleaned up and stronger than ever, she was there to stand by and help another woman get clean. Not everyone is going to be the success story she was, but I do believe that those who work with others are the most likely to succeed. Of course life is always going to give each of us our share (and sometimes more than our share) of crap, but your story always stands out to me and I do sense that you are tough enough to turn your lemon into lemonade. Just remember not to beat yourself up when things go wrong. Remember what you have been able to accomplish so far. As I have mentioned, I do feel a personal connection to your problem because of a relative who was not as lucky as you. Just keep it up and know how many care for you. And I hope you are out of your funk. You have so much to be thankful for. Just grab a few family pics if you need a reminder :). My kids are my reason for a better life for myself.