My Moms Struggle.

my mother had a drug addiction for the last 20 years- im 23 she was 42. last year she was insitutionalized in a mental hospital with bipolar which may have been cause by the use of drugs for so many years. she was clean for about 6 months and released from the hospital. oct 18th 2003 she was found dead from acute accidental opiet. does any one know exactly what this means? y is it called accidental? how do they know it wasnt suidal? she leaves behind a 2 year old, 15 year old and me 23 year old daughters.
please someone help with me questions? and sharing simiar experience. i never thought i would have to bury a young mom.
It sounds like she took an accidental overdose of an opiate. I'm sorry for your loss.
Dear friend

firstly i am so so sorry for the loss of your mother - my heart goes out to you so much

I think you mum had been detoxed from whatever drug she was taking and when she got out felt the craving for the drug she was taking (this happens to many people) - what has happened is she may have taken too many not knowing her drug tolerance would have been lowered down after being detoxed - your mom i am most sure did not mean to leave you that way - that was surly an accident -

Has anyone given you any help to understand what happened - do you have help from relatives now to help you cope. Please come back and let us talk to your only if you want to and feel the need to.

lots of love pet - i will say a little prayer for you and your family

Hey friend my mom is an addict also so i know how yo feel. She has been since she was 18 now she is 43 she has five children including myselfshe was on drugs all of her pregnancies except my youngest brother who is 3 she was clean for 3 years but then all of a sudden she relapsed and now she is institutionalized. i hope and pray that what happened to yor mom happens to mine Hang in ther things will get better for you and your siblings God Bless you!!