I posted this in one of the other rooms but no responses: but did not get any replies so thought maybe some of you guys could help
My fifteen old nephew is using pot he admits to using it and says he thinks there is nothing wrong with using, from what we have found out he does not have to pay for it, he gets it from his friends, when his mother tells him she is going to drug test him he tells her that she will find the pot in his system. Last week she found a home made bong under his bed along with a very realistic toy gun, he said the gun was nothing and the bong well he was just trying to see if he could make one.. this afternoon his dad called after he came home from there and told his mom that they found a bong in a pouch with residue of pot. I am not sure how much he is using, and he is not a hostile child he is a very likeable child, he is not even that defiant, but I know that this could get worse, My sister is so upset about this she has tried grounding him and taking things away from him telling him that he will not get his driving licensce next month unless his drug test is clean, but he still says that he likes it his friends accept him more and that he sees nothing wrong with it.. we also found a switch balde knife in his pocket he stole from his dad today.. We have never found nothing but pot in his system but pot....We do not know what the next step is .. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaesssssssssse any advice will help
I would hold the drs liscence thing. I wouldn't let him get that unless he was clean. That usually would be enough to help; other than that, I would ground him...
And then maybe some counseling?
Sorry I am not much help, but I don't know the cirucumstances..
Good luck..
And then maybe some counseling?
Sorry I am not much help, but I don't know the cirucumstances..
Good luck..
I can tell you what I would do if it were one of my kids. Pot was my first drug too. I honestly believe just like cigarettes, it's a gateway drug. If you'll notice a very high percentage of the people here either smoke or used to. (I have to believe there's a connection there). Anyway, they'd get one warning once I found out. After that I'd get them into some kind of drug counseling sessions. Another mistake and I'd send them to rehab. We've talked about it already. I haven't told them they'd get a warning. I did tell them if I catch them playing with drugs of any sort they are heading straight to a rehab center. These are my babies and I'll do whatever it takes. I won't let them follow the path I went down,not if I can help it. At least while they're under age I can do something. Good luck about your nephew, he sounds like a sweet kid, hope his folks catch this early. Just my two cents, love, Kat
that is exactly what i have told my daughter. if i ever suspect i have the right to drug test her and she will go straight to rehab, 1st sign of any evidence i find she is using.
that is exactly what i have told my daughter. if i ever suspect i have the right to drug test her and she will go straight to rehab, 1st sign of any evidence i find she is using.
Thanks you guys, I read all your responses to my sisters I hope it helps her.. She talked to her son tonight, told him he was grounded and that she was going to do drug testing and that she was putting him into counseling.. She told me he was not happy about all this and then she told me somthing that suprised me. She told me that he told her that the only one that he felt comfortable talking to about this was me.. I told her that I would talk to him but still thought he needed in a teen group also.. maybe it would help to talk to him tell him some of what I have learned thru what I am going thru.. I dont want him to know thought about my addiction but maybe I can make him see how easy it is to get caught up in addiction and how it only gets worse not better.. and how hard it is to get away from it.. I dont know I want to help him I really do we have always got along and were close, I will try to help him ... I just hope I say the right things to him... Please I need advice... Thanks