Aren't they fantastic! Red patent leather...Nine West....and on sale! I couldn't resist!
I know that I maybe pushing things a teeny bit but I never thought I would long for the days when I could slip my feet into a fantastic pair of slingbacks!
My ankle is on the mend and this is a lofty goal....I put them on for about 30 seconds and my gosh my ankle hurt so much...LOL.
I did wobble around on them in my house for a bit and then decided skydiving would be safer!!
This is my new goal...how long it will take I am unsure but I am now focused! I hope everyone has an Aloha Friday...as we say here....I am off for a couple of appointments...in my flip flops )-:
Have a great one everyone!
Very pretty. Can i borrow them till you can wear them? <EG>
LOL...Kat...well okay! I am not selfish as long as you love them like I do!!
If you face this goal with the sme determination as you do your addiction?
Pfffffffttttt You'll be wearing these little numbers in no time! I like em!
Have you worked on therapy with that ankle? How's walking in the sand. Tough I bet. You'll do KeeKee, be careful though.
I would have to go buy a new outfit to go with them. And a new bag of course. When are you going to get yours?
Un huh, and a touch of jewelery to set it all off. hm hmmm, Go KeeKee,,,:-)
Oh wow! I didn't even think of jewelry. Thanks.
you go girl!!!!
i love the way you have the heel so sexily posed in that one picture! kee kee i am so jealous! my days of wearing those kind of shoes are over! i am imelda marcos by the way, another addiction of mine plus earrings! i envision you wearing those shoes in a red halter mini dress...with some nice cleavage too! your tan long and did i say long legs...? the men will be tongue waggin for sure! but kee kee i dont feel your ankle is ready yet. take it easy and baby steps.
here in cold illinois 60 degrees yesterday low of 40 degrees, i am so excited about sandals and shorts! BUT there is a new problem this year...
i have to wear othotics in my shoes which have helped immensely with pain from a heel spur, you should see that sucker on x ray!
next problem, my ankles were swollen twice their size, it took a year of investigating this problem and it has been resolved! COMPRESSION STOCKINGS! OMG! i feel so old, now in winter no problem, but its beach wear time now and here in illinois you have to grab it while its here, i cannot come up with a solution. how can i wear sandals, shorts or capri's with these 2 devices??? oh what a dilema.
lets see, i have ordered a pair of compression PANTY HOSE! LOVELY! if there is anything i hate is to see someone wear pantyhose with shorts, i ordered them in a suntan shade, they do offer them in open toed styles but the price is horrendous for those. one pair of knee hi's are $15.00! maybe i am going to have to give up all my beautiful sandals and just resort to some type of open toed shoe that will allow an orthotic! what about toe rings and french manicured toenails???
of course i suppose i could cheat on days i am not on my feet all day at the salon and wear my beloved sandals, but if you guys can come up with any suggestions....
i had 3 bunion surgeries, for which i paid the price of getting addicted to vicodin, i have to tell you what the medical profession does say.....
be careful ladies, those pointed toes shoes which i love but wont buy are begging for a bunion to happen. i finally have nice smooth feet with those bunions gone! so i have to beware.
i know i know you dont want to hear this and neither do i BUT our feet our rectangular somewhat and the toebox of shoes need to be too. i am paying the price for all those years standing in the salon and waitressing long hours on my feet and legs. i have lovely varicose and spider veins now. but i love ankle bracelets too and of course gotta show the ankle tattoo! what a dilema, i am fighting getting old and i refuse to give in to grandma shoes and stockings, my vanity is really being tested here. i have pink/jet black hair and i am supposed to wear sas shoes???? help! jewels
Great shoes, Kerri, and great incentive to stick with the PT.
BTW, I hope you have mail. Hotmail has been messing me up all week. I got your forward, but not the original email.
Love them. Unfortunately I can only look at shoes like that. Too many years of cowboy boots and flip flops have ruined my arch. What are you going to wear them with?
Gosh KeeKee,
Congratulations on being able to wear a pair of shoes now! They are so pretty. If i put them on i would look pathetic. "A jock in heels" is what i have been called in the past................ not a pretty picture.
They look just like mine.
Danny! I will NOT ask any questions....what ever floats your boat! LOL
Ladies, ladies ladies, ladies.....of course I had to have accessories....LOL...new handbag of course because I have nothing at all to match...smart little clutch...patent leather of course.
Long beads in a "rock candy" look! and of course the earrings and bracelet to match.
A birthday present for me because of course HUSBUTT forgot yet once again. However, he would never forget a basket ball game! Oh I was mad so I did seek revenge and trust me he is paying!!!
Jules...no red halter dress...however that is a nice thought. I bought a red tank top and a pair of skinny white Levi Capri's. I had to much fun!!
About those orthopedic hose....jeeze jules that sucks but you have to think of your health. I would buy the ones with the feet and alter them yourself....LOL
I am in physical therapy for my ankle, once a week sometimes twice because the women is so kind and gentle...she rubs and rubs it...it is such a relief. I am using moist heat and doing exercises. I am perhaps a month away from wearing these shoes but I can't wait.
When I put my foot in them.....literally my leg was shaking....LOL.
I have also abused my tootsies from shoes like this but I believe living here has balanced things somewhat because you really can get away with just about anything for foot wear. The usual beating my feet take is way less!
Hope your day was a good one....and thanks for playing with me today!!!
Gina, going to check my mail now!
Now Kee kee anybody can buy some pumps. dear Kee kee what are the accessories to go with them hot little shoes.
Man My Ex was a shoe freak never could understand at first. But thank god most woman need 19 handbags for each shoe they wear.
You know I sold a lot of fashion products Kee Kee just about everything EXCEPT SHOES.
LOL--man that has to hurt.
Hope your on the mend.
Take care --Jeff
Jeff....read my post above...of course the accessories are a must! LOL...now we must talk about those bags of yours :-)