My Son Is Coming Home Tomorrow!!!!

Hi, everyone!

My son is coming home tomorrow! I am so anxious to see him for longer than 2 hours in 35 days!!! Please keep him in your prayers as he makes this transition. I'm sure it will be hard on him losing all that support. He will have intensive outpatient here for a while which is good, and he has come to value the support he gets from meetings so hopefully he will be faithful to that, thank God!

I don't know the whole story about your son, but I know of your faith as I have seen it witnessed here on this board. I am glad for you that your son is coming home.
I want to make a suggestion if I may. You may already be doing this but I wanted to suggest alanon to you. It is a wonderful program and helps loved ones of addicts and alcoholics to better understand the problems associated with addiction.
I'm sure you are very aware of alanon, but I wanted to put it out there as something you can do for yourself.
My prayers and good wishes are with you.
Susan, I'm so happy for you! My son is putting in for a date to leave also but they want him to have a job first. I hope things go well for you-let me know how it is. I'm sure there will be an adjustment period....I'll keep you in my prayers-lil'momma
Susan, I am so pleased for you. At the same time I do understand how you must feel. Has your son got any family/friends (non users) who will support him too? I know our daughter hopes that her own age friends and family will be there for her in the future.
My only advice to you is to keep him busy! When our daughter was home for those six months and clean, it was only when she became bored and lacking in things and people for support that she relapsed. I would have "kept my eye on the ball" had I known.
I'm sure he will need lots of hugs and love which you have to give.
I'm joining you in prayers for strength for him.
keep in touch