Hi everyone,
My son called tonight and said things are going well. He said that he actually likes it there. The only problem is that he got approval for medical assistance before he left, and I think they're only going to approve 2 weeks at the most. I asked if they would allow us to pay for him to stay on longer if they feel he needs it, and his counselor said he thinks that would create a problem with legalities. He said that if we can pay to extend his stay, why did he need medical assistance. I told him that we'd have to get a loan for it because he has exhausted our savings (which he will start to repay after he gets a job), but we want him to have the best opportunity possible to make this rehab successful. He's going to check into it.
He is talking more positively about changing his lifestyle. He's made some friends within 30 minutes of here that he plans to stay in touch with and possibly meet halfway to attend meetings (something he resisted before). He's talking about going fishing with one of them. They told him that they feel the reason he had trouble with relapses is because of the depression. He asked me to arrange a psych. eval. for when he gets home. It's looking promising but I realize he has to fight this all his life. Please keep the prayers coming! Thanks so much for everything! I'll keep you posted.
Dear Susan, I will keep your son in my thoughts, and prayers. There can be so much red tape in terms of treatment, and where you are living... You've been on this board for a while, and I can appreciate the love you have for your son. When I hear of Bobs' sons' recovery (route towards) I wish that for others who struggle with that addiction to finally make that /those steps.... Never lose hope! Hang in there! LOL, Dora
Hi Susan, Hope you remember me, my daughter has drug problems. I am so happy that your son is making good progress. I have posted today about my daughter and when you read it you will see that we will be "biting our nails" and "holding our breath" and hoping for a happy outcome for our children.
Dear Rozzie,
There are barely any nails left! Church and meetings help. God bless!
There are barely any nails left! Church and meetings help. God bless!
I got a call from my son on Sunday....he got a special pass to call because he said his counselor wanted to know what rehab Dena was in to check to see how she's doing. He didn't sound very good. He said he is really down. He had asked me to check on Dena to see if she was sticking to the program as they had agreed to do. Her father called me back and told me that she is working the program very well this time. He said that she asked for more time there than what his benefits allowed so they were requesting an extension. He also said that he had suggested and she has pretty much decided to stay in a recovery house (halfway house) in Maryland which usually lasts about 3 to 6 months. I see it as a good thing for her to be away because if she was close they would be tempted to see each other and all rehabs will say NO RELATIONSHIPS for one year so you can concentrate on recovery. Harry, being in a depressed state, said that it doesn't sound like Dena to want to stay away so he thinks she has met someone else already.....part of his low self esteem moving in on him. I told him her dad didn't infer that at all. She is just working the program as you need to do, and she knows she can't see him anyway if she was in this area, so she's ok with staying there. He was even more down after we talked because I couldn't convince him otherwise. Please pray for him that he is able to get his mind off of her so he can concentrate on his own recovery FOR HIMSELF and not for their relationship. They might have a realationship in the future but for now it is impossible. It scares me when he gets this down and doesn't seem to feel he has much to look forward to in his future. Thanks so much!