I know what you must be going thru and i am sure it is exhausting.That is what made it so hard for me to keep going when i was going thru troubles with my danny.I would be so hurt and tired and feeling like i was never doing enough.
it turns out that i was doing enough and everything i knew how.I am thankful and feel blessed that he is now well.I swear i never could see the light until i was smack dab in it.
keep hanging on.
I am always here for you
Dear Susan, I hope you are getting some relief from worry and some rest too. With a mom like you, I just know that your son is going to come out on top with all of this. It might take some time, but he has a good foundation, loving parents, lots of support, and countless prayers. He's going to make it!!!! He's so blessed to have you. You're a special lady. Love, Kat
Oh, Kat, you don't know how much I needed to hear that today. I've been very weepy. It has a lot to do with anothersadmom's post and then reading Phil's son's story again. I don't want to lose my son. I get so scared sometimes. I feel like we're hanging on by a thread here. Thanks again for the post and please keep those prayers coming!
Dear Ladybug,
This is VERY emotionally draining. I am so scared of losing my son to this horrible drug! I have been very teary since I read anothersadmom's post and then reread the story of Phil's son. Please keep the prayers coming and thanks for your loving support.
This is VERY emotionally draining. I am so scared of losing my son to this horrible drug! I have been very teary since I read anothersadmom's post and then reread the story of Phil's son. Please keep the prayers coming and thanks for your loving support.
Dear Sharon,
I'm hanging in there but it feels like by a thread sometimes. I still can't believe he tried to steal again...knowing it would mean he'd be back in jail if he got caught. I hope and pray, since he has never been involved in anything violent that he will get mandatory rehab rather than jail. I hope and pray! Thanks for your support and please keep the prayers coming!
I'm hanging in there but it feels like by a thread sometimes. I still can't believe he tried to steal again...knowing it would mean he'd be back in jail if he got caught. I hope and pray, since he has never been involved in anything violent that he will get mandatory rehab rather than jail. I hope and pray! Thanks for your support and please keep the prayers coming!
Please don't let yourself go to this bad place.What i am trying to say is that there is hope.I am so involved with your thread here and what you are going thru and i am frustrated i can't seem to get my feelings out right to you.I am just going to pray that what i do get out will help you.
I mainly want you to know that altho it is a dark time right now and you feel like it will not get will.
The love we have for our children can move mountains.I felt as tho i was getting no where with my sons problems yet i was doing everything i was told to do and everything my heart told me to do.It still felt it wasn't enough because i wanted to FIX him.I felt it was my fault he was broken in the first place so it was up to me to fix him.of course that wasn't rational and it wasn't really my fault but it didn't matter because i didn't want him to hurt.I learned a lot about pain during this time.Mine and his.
Fast forward to now.My son is now on the honor roll at school and is just the most fascinating person i have ever met.He wears his heart on his sleeve still but he feels good about himself that he was able to get thru his troubles with good results.He now has confidence in himself to know that he truly can get thru hard times.
Drugs have not become an issue YET.I talk to him all the time about it.He rolls his eyes and goes "GAWD mom NO".Then i ask about his friends and if they do drugs and get the same teen answer.I can only do what is suggested with this situation too.I pray a lot.
It is really hard to not have fear when it comes to raising him but i go into each day hoping for the best and that my guidence will keep him on the right path.
I wouldn't trade the past for anything.It was the worst time in my life but from what has come from it i am truly blessed.hang in there and take care of yourself too.
Please don't let yourself go to this bad place.What i am trying to say is that there is hope.I am so involved with your thread here and what you are going thru and i am frustrated i can't seem to get my feelings out right to you.I am just going to pray that what i do get out will help you.
I mainly want you to know that altho it is a dark time right now and you feel like it will not get will.
The love we have for our children can move mountains.I felt as tho i was getting no where with my sons problems yet i was doing everything i was told to do and everything my heart told me to do.It still felt it wasn't enough because i wanted to FIX him.I felt it was my fault he was broken in the first place so it was up to me to fix him.of course that wasn't rational and it wasn't really my fault but it didn't matter because i didn't want him to hurt.I learned a lot about pain during this time.Mine and his.
Fast forward to now.My son is now on the honor roll at school and is just the most fascinating person i have ever met.He wears his heart on his sleeve still but he feels good about himself that he was able to get thru his troubles with good results.He now has confidence in himself to know that he truly can get thru hard times.
Drugs have not become an issue YET.I talk to him all the time about it.He rolls his eyes and goes "GAWD mom NO".Then i ask about his friends and if they do drugs and get the same teen answer.I can only do what is suggested with this situation too.I pray a lot.
It is really hard to not have fear when it comes to raising him but i go into each day hoping for the best and that my guidence will keep him on the right path.
I wouldn't trade the past for anything.It was the worst time in my life but from what has come from it i am truly blessed.hang in there and take care of yourself too.
Susan, I am sorry as a mom we all can understand your pain. How old is your son? I have 4 children myself, and I hope I don't ever go through this. My ex husband though was in and out of jail and each time his mother posted his bail and got him out, and he never ever learned any please as hard as it is he is where he needs to be to learn from this. Gob bless I will pray for you and stay strong, you won't do him any favors if you help him get out. He needs to learn from this and things will get better..Good luck, and a great big HUG to you..Love Kimberly
I got this in my email today and thought of you.
I got this in my email today and thought of you.
Dear Ladybug,
Your message yesterday did help and give me hope, I was just overcome with grief because of anothersadmom's post. Then when Phil answered, I again looked at his son's sweet face and again felt Phil's pain from his story. The message you sent today was PERFECT for what you were trying to get through my sometimes thick head. Thanks so much for sharing. I put it in my favorites to view when I need to be reminded. I don't know what I would do without the loving messages of hope from you and my other friends on here. They truly do help and I appreciate them much more than my words will ever be able to express. Thanks so much for your compassion, kindness, concern, love, and burst of hope!
Your message yesterday did help and give me hope, I was just overcome with grief because of anothersadmom's post. Then when Phil answered, I again looked at his son's sweet face and again felt Phil's pain from his story. The message you sent today was PERFECT for what you were trying to get through my sometimes thick head. Thanks so much for sharing. I put it in my favorites to view when I need to be reminded. I don't know what I would do without the loving messages of hope from you and my other friends on here. They truly do help and I appreciate them much more than my words will ever be able to express. Thanks so much for your compassion, kindness, concern, love, and burst of hope!
Dear mdgirl,
Thanks so much for the post. My son Harry just turned 29. He is a very hard working and caring young man when he's not on drugs. Your prayers help more than you know. I will pray for your 4 children that they stay strong against the temptation to ever do drugs. God bless you for your kindness and concern.
Thanks so much for the post. My son Harry just turned 29. He is a very hard working and caring young man when he's not on drugs. Your prayers help more than you know. I will pray for your 4 children that they stay strong against the temptation to ever do drugs. God bless you for your kindness and concern.
Hi, everyone
If any of you wants to see a pic of my son, just send me your email address and I will send it. Sometimes it helps to keep a picture of someone in your mind to keep them in prayer. It does for me anyway.
If any of you wants to see a pic of my son, just send me your email address and I will send it. Sometimes it helps to keep a picture of someone in your mind to keep them in prayer. It does for me anyway.