My Very 1st Goos !

Well its snowing here in Philly, I am stuck waiting around for the roads to get cleared off so I can leave for work. So I thought I would start the o/t morning thread to see what everyone is up to today.
My step mom is up from Tennessee, she got me Romance body gel (Ralph L.) At a Macys down there last week when they had the free give away. I can't believe the size they gave her. I love it, it smells sooo good! Anyone else get products last week? Anyone else get the free mineral make up Misty posted? I am ordering that today.
I hope everyone has a great day.
Hey Angela, I got my free makeup in the mail, but haven't used it yet. By the time I went to Dillards, they were all out of the free items.
Enjoy the snow, or be careful in it, which ever applies.
As for the question in your email, I would absolutely think it is fine to do it. I have and it's no problem. <wink> I will email you back later.
I have to run and take care of my list for today. Have a good one!

PS.......I deleted your pic from my Photobucket album, and usually that makes it go away on ARG, but it didn't this time. Anyone know how we remove a pic from a thread here? Looks like I have forgotten that, too. lol
Nasty weather here today in Philly. Freezing rain. The kids has a snow day and hubby is home. Woo hoo. We're all in each others way. Angela - I have that package all ready to go. Need the piece of info requested in my email.

I am going to a meeting tonight and meeting with my sponser to go over some stuff in the first step. Should be interesting. I feel my defensiveness getting ready to take over. Got to get over that and get honest with myself. Yesterday I was aching all over and my daughter was busting them for me. Got 4 D's on her report card and was blaming me. The therapist told me to back off and let her do things on her own. She went down in every subject. Lots of tears from her and disagreements over how to handle this with Joe. I am the dragon lady who insists on punishing over the 4 d's. She talks him out of it every time. Need to get on the same page with him about this stuff. Kids really can tear things apart. They know how to manipulate the situation. She has he and I at odds so now the focus is off of her. I never thought being a parent would make me feel so powerless. Anyway I kept thinking of downing a bottle of pain pills to escape all these feelings yesterday. In work I thought the night would never end. My body and mind are so used to escaping my troubles. On the way home I kept telling myself over and over one word - withdrawal. That's the word that snaps me back. Remembering the skin crawling. Funny how I havent' been to a meeting since Friday night. Maybe thats why people go everyday. I'll be glad to get there tonight. I guess it builds up your resolve. Some people go to church to get their weekly "food" for the spirit. I guess I need a meeting to feed me for a few days.

Anyway hope you all have a good day. It stinks being stuck inside. I could turn it around if I was here by myself. However I don't see it being a fun afternoon here.
Goos afternoon ladies,

its almost noon here &n we have about 6 inches of snow on the ground.I think its getting to turn to freezing rain & Im hoping to get out & get what I need to before it turns.Ive been sitting here watching it come down,while my poor bf is fighting a loosing battle trying to shovel.But God bless his heart.Hes shoveling for are elderly neighbors who Ive known all my life.
In case some dont know...I still live in the same apt my mother n father lived in when they were married.So all the neighbors around me are the ones Ive known most of my life.

Gotta admit I havent checked the "makeup post"heading there next.

How is everyone & what are your plans today?
Carol, have a good day. I will look for your e-mail tonight.

Alice, is this going to be the first time you have met with your sponsor since you found her? I hope everything goes the way you want it to with her!! I could have sworn I sent you that info last week? I thought I even sent it twice? Am I completely loosing my mind or what? LOL

Have a good day ladies!
Hey MJ, we posted at the same time so I missed ya. Its about time you showed up...your the goos queen!
You better move your a$s and get your bread, milk and eggs before there isn't any left LOL!! Everything to bake a cake....that's what you need in the event of inclimate (sp?)weather!! Aren't people nuts? Us included! I think I am going to make a cake today, that sounds yummy, plus it will make the house smell good-better then the ash tray scent I have going on right now! it will go well with the fat a$s I got for x-mass! I didn't ask for that, it was a bonus from santa! I am going to get my mineral make up today (did I already post that?) Are you gonna get it? Its only $5 for the shipping for 6 items! Carol already got it in the mail! Very exciting stuff! How ya doing today girlfriend?
no snow here in halifax england but smelling good with k.c. man hope your day is as good as you feel god bless keep smiling !!!!!!!!!!!!x
I need to check that makeup post out....if i can find it.I just got back from getting my "staples"at the store.Its just starting to turn to freezing rain,so we timed it good.

ok this is sort of an ot subject sort of.

I have not been sleeping well.ok i havent been sleeping much at all...Id say probaly a total of 4-5 in the last 3 days.Im positive I know why.But I cant figure out how to fix it.I wouldnt even want to try sleeping pills,because thats just a temp fix.I know im going to end up getting real sick,between not eating n not sleeping.So if anyone has a thought or healthy idea im all ears.
I will post when I wrap up my mineral make up order and let you know the best link. Carol posted it to me on Alices thread about the free department store cosmetics. Its at the bottom of the first page if you want to look for it. Come on MJ, your home all day, you have to get it! I expect a full report from you at the conclusion of the day!
LOL I want a full report from you MRS !!! LOL.When I was working last year,the one thing i did do to treat myself (besides the stupid relapse which wasn't a treat)anyhoo i did order some of that Bare Minerals makeup.OMGOODNESS there was/is such a difference betwen that & the (reg)stores with the mineral makeup.I loved how it went on,the way it stayed on,the color that matched my messed up skin tones.But alas,when I stopped working I had to cancel it because it did run alittle high for me.

Angela,beings its just a cold blucky dsy & Im kinda sleepy so ill just be puttsen online
Bare Minerals is the s#it! Hands down the best! Ok, fine...I'll leave you alone!! I'm bored, can you tell? LOL! off to make my cake since I'm boring you Miss Molly.. I see how you are! (I hope you know I'm totally kidding) I think you know my sense of humor. Alright, enough joking, back to serious recovery stuff, stuff that would make Tim proud to be a member of our little cosmetic,,, I mean recovery board! (I don't think he'll see that, don't tell on me!)
OMGOODNESS You ...I hope you realize by now Im a big silly dork myself.You really werent boring me.I was actually just looking at silly things online & listening to music.
It seems nobody wants to give beauty tips today huh?
Sure just when I found another wrinkle.

What kind cake? Freakin Anne made devils food cupcakes..,.well I ate 5 of the darn things.And I took a can of whipped cream stuck it inside the cupcake n filled it with cream......omgoodness i must of paked on 15lbs
I'm making devils (how the hell do you spell that!?)food cake too! With cream cheese icing....YUMMY!! Ok, I'm attempting to order my mineral makeup right now.
Hey Lynn,
Just a goos backactha lol.
Hope this finds you well and good today hun.
Have a nice day Lynn