My Words Were Erased From This Board

Hello everyone

My name is Dante. I am a physciatrist, who found myself like many of you, with a real problem controlling my intake of narcotics. The use started innocently enough. It soon escalated and I knew I was in trouble. I tried the 12 step program, which honestly was something I didnt really want to do.It didnt work for me.I respect and commend those whom found relief from their addictive substance by the use of 12 steps. I do not however approve of the tactics that some 12 steppers use to acquire new members to their group.

Perfect example is the recent removal of my opinion from this board. I had given permission to a poster whom i have known through chat. We talked in greatlengths on her problems and her fears in posting on the other site.I told her of my experience there and gave her permission to use my post. Even emailed it to her.

I was not welcomed there. My opinions threatened many. Fine. I stopped posting but read it daily, have for years on and off.I find it valuable inforamtion and makes me a better Dr. ( but obviously not typist) If my information is not wanted there. Why comeover here to an ALTERNATIVE board and remove it????

Personally I find this board much more tolerant of others and encouraging, neither pushing nor excluding a 12 step program.

I will post excerpts from my own post, strictly information on how i established sobriety and peace in my life.

I have warned the other board not to remove this time.

Yours in sobriety for a full and enjoyable life,

Welcome, and looking forward to hearing your experience!!!!

LOL Wendy
Oh Honey,

You haven't been reading on the right days. There has been regarding 12 steps and those who use it and those who don't. Apparently those who don't just don't get 'it'. But I bid you welcome to this board and hope you'll stick around. We could certainly use a Mental Health Professional! :)


Psychiatrist, housewife, real estate agent, professional athlete, high school student, convicted felon... We all know that this disease doesn't discriminate.

Welcome to the board.

Dante-I would like to personally welcome you and also encourage you to share whatever you wish.It sounds like to me you might have some real insight that I could certainly benefit from.We all can drive down different streets to reach the same avenue.My sobriety did start with the program and the twelve steps but I always am trying to keep an open mind to listen to how others stay clean.I hope you stick around.
Dante, Please forgive me for being glib earlier. It was inappropriate at any time, but an unkind and thoughtless way to welcome a new person. Please forgive me and allow me to start over.

Welcome Dante. I'm sure you have much to offer from a unique perspective. I'll watch for your posts. Beck

Welcome to the board Dante. I have often wondered about the disease theory myself. I know it is an ongoing debate. I know for me, when I ingest a drug , my mind becomes obsessed with getting more drugs. I have an obsession of the mind with drugs. All drugs. Other people can take them as directed. That is not my experience. Again, welcome.

Thankyou to all.

I thankyou for your warm welcome and am glad that this board has such insight and tolerance for others opinions. My new friend who posted has refrained from posting at another 12 step site due to the extreme intolerance of others and an inability to take what otherssays at face value.

She has now posted here and was happy just to finally have someoone to talk to.Again;She posted my comments with my full permission.

Whether it is those searching for alternative medicines that are a healthier choice, or those realizing they have an addiction..they are vulnerable when first coming to a board. Sharing what worked for you or Showing those people that you are secure and happy in your sobriety regardless of how you got there is key.

Intoo Deep...I do not offend easily and took no offence in your first reply. Thankyou for your thoughtfullness.Perfect example of kindness and tolerance that these boards need.

I look forward to a continuing friendship,

Dante, Welcome to the board. Your insight will be received by me graciously. Please forgive my LOL comment to Wendy in your thread. It is good to have you here. Stick around.
Thankyou all for your posts.

My wish is for everyone to find a life free of fear, shame and drugs used to hide, evoke or numb our hearts and minds.Regardless of the path you take
the destination is worth the journey.

I apologize in advance for any typos I may use while posting.I type with one finger and do not tend to use spellcheck as i would in letter writing.

Yours in Recovery


What are your thoughts about the obsession of the mind when drugs are ingested?
Hey Dante, welcome to the board.
I am glad you are here.
We may not all agree all of the time, but I think that we are pretty much (well most of us) open to any new Ideas or thoughts that you may offer.
Congratulations on your clean time, can you tell us your journey?
Take care.
Hey dante, I found your journey.
Just going to read it now.

Just wanted to welcome you to the board.

Love, Jean
Hello Dante,and welcome. Im very intrigued with your ideas.And my mind is open.Im looking forward to getting to know you.~KIM

Brit(Karen)May i ask where you found his journey? I too would love to read it,if Dante doesnt mind?~KIM
Hi Dante,
I am clean 5 months now and have had difficulty with the cravings. They seem to sneek up on me. I have a sponsor, go to meetings, work the steps. But the phsysical cravings can be huge at times for me.How did you handle cravings? I would love to hear your experiences or anyone elses.
I'm glad you are here Dante. I am new to this board too.
Thank you Dante and everyone,