Na Meetings

We desperately need NA meetings on our on line Rooms on Pal Talk. So please if your interested in doing some service this is a great medium for doing so. This can be accomplished by downloading Pal Talk its free Read the directions (yea right) to open a room of your own untill youo get a group taking on the responsibilities of the room with you. We usually meet in health related / parenting. There are many AA meetings but to respect their singleness of purpose we need to start our own rooms. I believe it needs to be consistant to so be there when your suposed to be there or get someone to fill in for you. This is just like the regular meetings because there are many of us out there in cyber land that could use a good meeting or two a day. This is the perfect forum for doing it because you get to use your microphone. The meeting are held exactly as face to face meetings are. So someone start a meeting develop a group conscious and a schedule and help others. If you build it they will come.
Why don't you build it and we will come....