Naltrexone Implants

My son had a naltrexone implant at the lifebackclinic in the UK I am interested in contacting anyone else who has had experiences of the implants and I would like to offer support and experiences to any parent who is considering this as an option.
My son had a problem with rejection of the pellets but the doctor prescribed some steroid cream which soon sorted this out.
We have been pleased with the results but my friends daughter had a 6 week implant and started using when her implant ran out. My son had a 1 year implant and is thankfully still clean after 9 months.
We are considering having another one when this one runs out.
I have managed to get funding for him so the next one will be a lot cheaper!
pogsmum, i have many friends on naltrexone.

The rate of relapse is high once the imlant runs out, so your son should be using other methods to stay clean (counselling, rehab, NA, etc) and must have plans to either get reimplanted or use some other methods once the implant runs out.

Also, if your son uses after the implant runs out he is at considerable risk of overdose since his tolerance for opiates will be very low.

Used as designed as part of a broader strategy Naltrexone is an effective tool and as you know certainly removes the obsessive thinking and cravings while the implant is active.
Hi mum!